Vastu Architecture

This book about the science of Vastu was written as a simple and clear, yet detailed exposition on the knowledge and basic technical applications for the design of secular Vastu buildings - such as homes and offices. ‘Vastu Architecture’ provides the reader with a nuts and bolts explanation of how to create a solid structure that is in resonance with Earth, Cosmic and Divine energies. Being a fully illustrated book, with around 100 simple, clear and easy to interpret drawings; the book is very accessible to a general audience and does not require any background knowledge in architectural design. Also included are two complete floor plans that can be tailored for specific individuals in accordance with their birth stars. Many other books about Vastu do not include an explanation of the technical knowledge of Vastu science, and if they do, they often present only a partial, or an altogether incorrect account thereof. This is not the case with ‘Vastu Architecture’, as its technically rich, yet layman-accessible knowledge base provides the reader with all of the basic requirements to create a Vastu structure, including a very clear chapter on how to use the Ayadi Calculations to get the Sacred Dimensions of a building. This is not however a coffee table book, it is rather a manual for the construction of special havens for the soul.
Sanskrit is Fun!

It is quite magical how in many ways Vedic wisdom has been absorbed and taken deep within the heart outside of India which indeed makes perfect sense as the wisdom was given as a universal wisdom based on eternal truth and a fundamental understanding of the eternal quest of all mankind. So thus it makes sense that such beautiful guidebooks for learning Sanskrit the most ancient, most beautiful and most wonderful of all languages would come from the United Kingdom. These books were prepared as textbooks for the Sanskrit studies for the St. James Schools in the UK. The schools were setup based on the wisdom and inspiration of Swami Shantananda Saraswati.
Sanskrit is Fun is a 3 part series of the basics of reading and writing and then the Stories of Krishna and Stories of Raama are most magnificent introduction to the grammar of the language taking students deeper. We highly recommend ordering the entire set, it is a magnificent platform for teaching Sanskrit and beautifully crafted and put together.
Dr. Sthapathi's Books on Vaastu

On the 5th of September Dr. Sthapathi has left this mortal world but behind he has left the efforts of his tireless work to promote a correct understanding of Vaastu Sastra. For a long while his books were not available online but we are happy to inform that they are back and we are able to send them worldwide again. Nothing gives us more joy then making available these seeds of consciousness that can awaken wisdom for those who seek it. In the field of architecture and sacred geometry, Dr. Sthapathi was in this generation the foremost expert and his legacy should be continued for all to benefit which was his salient wish, that "all may be happy".
Rishi Krishi - Zero Budget Farming

Long before "organic" became a buzzword, even before permaculture or Biodynamic or even natural farming (Fukuoka method), India was handing from father to son the tradition of its own farming science which was developed by the Rishis and detailed in texts such as Krishi-Parashara and subsequently in the domination of foreign rule came to very much a halt with just a tiny kindling flame keeping this wisdom in existence. The beauty though of knowledge in India (Vedic knowledge) is that it is based on the realization of consciousness which any one can reach theoretically if one's intent and awareness is tuned accordingly. Secondly and more importantly the Rishis left beautifully encoded sutras and shastras which form clear instructions for how understand the subject they were teaching. In this case it is farming, and as Ayurveda is the one's health and enlightenment, this is to the land and sustenance. Indeed in ancient India farmers were seen equal to priests for without their existence there would be no substance, and they were greatly revered. In contrast the the modern farmer suicides (which has been shown as a result of the introduction of GM seeds in India and the politics and economics that came with it).
So we are happy to present a series of books that cover the subject of Rishi Krishi and India's most ancient wisdom of nurturing the land, so it would nurture us. Enjoy the feast!
Sanskrit Grammars

For those who have taken more than the first steps in Sanskrit, we are featuring a compilation of Sanskrit Grammars that have been done. The wonderful thing of these books is they are a concise overview of pretty much all the grammar one would need to know to be perfectly fluent in Sanskrit and also explain who and how to some degree each word or the form of the word has been realized. Generally these books are familiar with university students of Sanskrit, especially in the West as they have been used as references for stepping stones in Sanskrit, but we would like to share them to the greater Sanskrit community as we feel they are a very able achievement. Indeed they were often compiled by teams of the leading scholars at the time under the supervision of the “named” author on the title. Many of the authors of the renowned grammars have been the Boden Professors of Sanskrit at Oxford at some time or the other. We are also pleased to announce that our mother organization has prepared some online version of Sanskrit Grammars which can be referred to as a reference for all students:

Macdonnel’s Sanskrit Grammer (Full Text)
Whitney’s Sanskrit Grammer (Chapter 1-2)
We appreciate your feedback on this online work.

We are offering a prize of a full set of "Sanskrit is Fun" all you have to do is let us know three words in Sanskrit and their meanings, simple as that. Submit your entries here. Competition closes 15th July 2012.
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It is not every day we get to see our books being read in Antarctica and we're proud to share with you that a small parcel of our books is presently being read avidly in the South African base camp of Antarctica. Anton who is pictured here very kindly sent us a picture of him in the snow, not too far from the south pole. We must say this is the most far we have seen any of our books travel from Mother India and also the most remote place.
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iAgnihotra is Here
We're very happy to announce the launch of our first iPhone application which is an offering to all doing Agnihotra around the world. It's the most effortless way to get Agnihiotra timings wherever you go allowing you to do Agnihotra easily anywhere. Read more...
