Four systems of organic farming are prevalent in India: Biodynamic Krishi, Rishi Krishi, Panchgavya Krishi and Agnihotra Krishi. Biodynamic Krishi has a strict sowing and planting calendar. Rishi Krishi involves boomi sanskar and application of amrit pani.
Is any agricultural expert prepared to prove that: The Deshpande method is wrong and loss producing for a farmer. The trials carried out on a thousand farms by the cultivators under his guidance and the working of the processes of nature as explained by Shri Deshpande based on these experiments is erroneous? The advertisements which confuse the farmers must also be stopped The Indian Agriculture should be freed from the shackles of Scientific Blind Faith."No Fertilizer is required as food...
Contents: 1. WHY GREEN REVOLUTION:Ancient India and Indian culture; Karl Marx and Gandhi; Equality is false; What about the effect of Globalization on the Agricultural sector; GATT; Biodiversity Act; Patent Act2. IS GREEN REVOLUTION, THE DESTROYER OF HUMAN RESOURCES? :Exploitation of farmer's economy; Bara Balutedar; Gram Swaraj; Industrial Revolution; After second world war; Effects of Green Revolution; A dirty and destructive Face of Green Revolution3. WHAT IS GREEN REVOLUTION? :How...
About the Book:To get poisonless food, Pollution free water, air, Environment and happy, pleasant, wealthy and prosperous life for each and every living being, is the Birth right of everybody. That our birth right has been seized off by this violent, nonscientific, inhuman, barbarous, demonous, atrocious, ferocious, monstrous Green Revolution, from every producer farmer and Urban consumer. For acquiring this birth right for every living being, we have started this legal, non-violent and...
Conetents: 13. ROLE OF THE Carbon IN Soil FERTILITY :Bio-physio-chemical cycles, what is the carbon cycle, Organic carbon & humas creation, volatile carbon, unstable carbon, Is green manuring process scientific, Purpose of mulching, stable carbon, the difference between green manuring, buring & composting, what is rotting, role of intercrops in soil fertility, organic carbon & temperature, Relation between carbon oxidation & micro-organisms14. ROLE OF THE NITROGEN IN...
About the Book:To get poisonless food, Pollution free water, air, Environment and happy, pleasant, wealthy and prosperous life for each and every living being, is the Birth right of everybody. That our birth right has been seized off by this violent, nonscientific, inhuman, barbarous, demonous, atrocious, ferocious, monstrous Green Revolution, from every producer farmer and Urban consumer. For acquiring this birth right for every living being, we have started this legal, non-violent and...