Contents: 1. WHY GREEN REVOLUTION: Ancient India and Indian culture; Karl Marx and Gandhi; Equality is false; What about the effect of Globalization on the Agricultural sector; GATT; Biodiversity Act; Patent Act
2. IS GREEN REVOLUTION, THE DESTROYER OF HUMAN RESOURCES? : Exploitation of farmer's economy; Bara Balutedar; Gram Swaraj; Industrial Revolution; After second world war; Effects of Green Revolution; A dirty and destructive Face of Green Revolution
3. WHAT IS GREEN REVOLUTION? : How Green Revolution is a fraud; How the leaves prepare the food; Nutrients required for Plant development; what Veda's. Shruti's and Upanishad's say? How much food is prepared by the leaves with photosynthesis; Differences between local; straight and hybridseeds; more production is a fraud; Do the Technology of Agricultural University grow the Crop and give the yield?; Our Mother soil-Annapurna; Soil Testing is misguidance
4. THE Holy MOTHER SOIL-‘ANNAPURNA’ : Is our soil; the holy mother?; what is happened in the forest; Scientific analysis of the 1000 ft soil strata; clean Farming is a fraud; soil microorganisms and local earthworms are the Natural cooks; Deshi cow dung : A miracle culture, what is natural?; what is unnatural?; Experiments for Jiwamrita; A Research work on deshi cow and Jiwamrita
5. WHAT IS NATURAL FARMING? : The origin of natural farming; Krishna before five thousand years was Agricultural Scientist; Ancient evidence; Six Seasons; Two Paksha; Twenty Seven Naxatras; Twelve signs of Zodiac; Twelve months; Universal system; What is do Nothing? Variable definitions of the Natural Farming
6. THE Spiritual FARMING : ONLY ALTERNATIVE : Who am I?, The highway of Natural Farming, Natural Management, Human being is originally vegetarian, Irascible action, The Purpose of God behind the natural calamities, what is the basic purpose of Natural Farming? Types of farming, Plants docs not grow itself, Krama Vikas and Kram Sankoch, What is Adwaita? Ancient evidences about soil is Annapurna, what is ultimate truth
7. HOW TO PRACTICE NATURAL FARMING? : Inspiration behind spiritual farming, what may be the Policy about natural food export? What will be the costing of Natural food? What is Natural Farming? Natural processes in the soil, Nitrogen availability, how many microorganisms are in one gram of soil, How much Population from one bacteria, What is plant body, Phosphate availability, How potash is available naturally to the crops, Earthworms : Mother of the soil, Supreme powers in the soil. Nutrients Supply by decomposition, How much nitrogen will he availabled by Sugarcane trash mulching decomposition. How much nutrients are to be supplied to every crop for receiving energy, Proportion of nutrients in Alfalfa weed, What is the boom rang of nutrient deficiency, How continuously changed the nutrients deficiency in the soil, Nutrition supply by transmutation process
8. FOUR WHEELER RATHA OF NATURAL FARMING : How to prepare Bijamrita, Jiwamrita (miracle microbial culture), What is in Jiwamrita, List of the 200 symbiotic plants, What is the proportion of monocot & dicot in the entire vegetation. My research work for eight year and the conclusions of research, Research on variable local cow breeds, Indian local deshi cow breeds classification, classification of buffalo, Export of Indian cow breeds from India to other countries, Distribution of cattle breeds in India, Details of characters of some best local cow breeds, For Cultivation & draught suitable cow breeds, Milking deshi cow breeds specialities, How to prepare Jiwamrita, How to use Jiwamrita, Filtration of Jiwamrita for drip & sprinkler irrigation, Semi Solid Stage of Jiwamrita
9. FARM YARD MANURE : NOT FOOD : BUT CULTURE : The composition of Gobar gas slurry, composition of human excretion and human urine, Excretion and urine availability of Domestic Animal per annum, composition of the dung of variable domestic animals, Ingredients of the cow dung, ingredients of cow urine, What is composed in the intestine of local cow. How to prepare F.Y.M., How much F.Y.M. is to be utilized for a acre? Is F.Y.M. a food or culture, Importance of local cow breeds in Natural Farming, Ancient evidences, What is the comparison between local cow milk, Buffalo Milk and foreign cow breed milk? For one litre of cow milk how much energy required?
10. NATURAL DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SUPPLY : Nitrogen fixer microbes, Phosphate solublizing microbes, Potash solubalizing bacteria, What is the association of Mychorhyza fungus and phosphate solublizing bacteria, Sulphur, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Boron, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Molybdenum, Chlorine, Nickel, Other micro-nutrients
11. IS Organic FARMING MORE DANGEROUS? : Types of alternative farming systems, Destructor beast : ‘Eisenia Foetida’ and it's destruction work, Is Eisenia Foetida an earthworm? Characters of earthworm, How dangerous is Organic Farming? How much exploitation, Organic farming or vermiculture is Suicide of the soil, Local earthworms working, What is in the local earthworms casting, When nitrogen get available to the Roots of the crops, How much nitrogen is available for per acre by Zero Budget Natural Farming, What is compost manure. What is humas, Importance of humas, What is fertility, Why existence of humas? The form of humas, Activities in the Creation of humas, Beneficial effect of humas on the crops, The effect of humas on the quality of the Fodder and Health of the cattle, Resistant power against the Insects and fungus.