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Search results for: Arvind Sharma :: Search Result ::
Displaying 1 to 25 (of 30 products) Result Pages:  1  2  [Next >>] 
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 Ramana Maharshi: The Sage of Arunachala  Arvind Sharma Ramana Maharshi: The Sage of Arunachala   $18.49  $13.87   
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At the age of seventeen, sitting alone at his uncle’s house, the young Venkataraman, as Ramana Maharshi was known then, underwent a spontaneous ‘conversion experience’ that would change his life forever, beginning his spiritual quest. He left home soon after, not stopping until he had reached the shrine of Lord Arunacalesvara at Tiruvannamalai. He never left it. Hailed as one of the most remarkable and unique practitioners of Advaita Vedanta, Ramana Maharshi saw no difference between his... 
 The Buddhism Omnibus Comprising Gautama Buddha, The Dhammapada, and The Philosophy of Religion  Arvind Sharma The Buddhism Omnibus Comprising Gautama Buddha, The Dhammapada, and The Philosophy of Religion   $33.49  $25.12  Buy Now 
The three works brought together in this collection explore Buddhism as a rich source of literary legend, an austere ethical guide, and a contemporary philosophy very relevant in the modern world in view of the resurgence of interest in the Buddha and his philosophy. Matthew T. Kapstein in his introduction provides a concise historical overview of Buddhism in India and the renewal of interest in the Buddha s teachings and also situates the works in their proper contexts. Gautama Buddha by... 
 Experiential Dimension of Advaita Vedanta  Arvind Sharma Experiential Dimension of Advaita Vedanta   $10.83  $8.13   
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The Experiential Dimension of Advaita Vedanta provides a clear, concise and precise introduction to Advaita Vedanta, on the basis of something more powerful than argument, namely, experience. About the Author: A former member of the I.A.S., Arvind Sharma is currently Professor of Comparative Religion at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. He is a leading historian of religion and one of the most significant Hindu thinkers since Radhakrishnan. Dr Sharma is a leading historian of religion and... 
 The Rajneesh Papers  Susan J. Palmer The Rajneesh Papers   $11.49  $8.62  Buy Now 
 The World as Dream  Arvind Sharma The World as Dream   $31.49  $23.62  Buy Now 
The entological status of the world has been a subject of much philosophical speculation despite the fact that the world is an existential given.  According to some philosophersm, such existential givenness could turn out to be comparable to the earth's apparent flatness, with the actual truth turning out to be the very opposite of what it seems.  Philosophers often cite the experience of a dream to establish the plausibility of their position that the world might appear to be real... 
 The World as Image  Arvind Sharma The World as Image   $25.49  $19.12  Buy Now 
There is something profoundly counter-intuitive about Advaita Vedanta. Nothing is more obvious to both the philosophical as well as the non-philosophical observer than the fact that multiplicity constitutes the basic datum of our experience. Variety is not only the spice of life-it is a cardinal fact of life. The doctrines of Advaita Vedanta shock us by flying in the face of this fact and by denying any ultimacy to that plurality and variety which we experience so intimately. This naturally... 
 Sea-shell as Silver: A Metaphorical Excursion into Advaita Vedanta  Arvind Sharma Sea-shell as Silver: A Metaphorical Excursion into Advaita Vedanta   $31.49  $23.62  Buy Now 
The question of the relationship between the ultimate reality of the universe, and its proximate reality as experienced by us, is apt to boggle the mind, given the vastness of the dimensions involved. The distinction between it and us is like the difference between an avalanche and a snowflake. Nevertheless, the Hindu school of philosophy, known as Advaita Vedanta, tries to render it comprehensible at the level of the individual by pressing everyday analogies into service. One such analogy is... 
 A Guide to Hindu Spirituality  Arvind Sharma A Guide to Hindu Spirituality   $14.49  $10.87  Buy Now 
Spirituality is often viewed as something mysterious and esoteric-and Hindu spirituality even more so. Equally, it is often confused with religion and religious practices. But the central claim of spirituality is really quite simple: that our normal life does not exhaust the experience of reality. The word spirituality is simply a signpost pointing to this unexplored region; unexplored yet experienced by each one of us.  A Guide to Hindu Spirituality serves as a guide to help us explore... 
 The Rope and the Snake  Arvind Sharma The Rope and the Snake   $37.99  $28.49   
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 Essays on the Mahabharata  Arvind Sharma Essays on the Mahabharata   $33.49  $25.12  Buy Now 
This book is a classic study of a monumental work, the Mahabharata,  perhaps the largest epic in world literature.  It is an epic study of the epic on account of the voluminous size it has itself attained, the kaleidoscopic variety of the themes it covers, the great diversity of approaches it canvesses, the wide array of contributions it includes and the high standard of scholarship it achieves.  The essays of this book are on survey and discussion of manuscripts used in the... 
 A Jaina Perspective on the Philosophy of Religion  Arvind Sharma A Jaina Perspective on the Philosophy of Religion   $12.49  $9.37   
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The philosophical significance of Jainism extends far beyond its statistical presence in India and the world, for it lies in the unique quality of its thought. This book is an attempt to take its insights into account for the light they shed on issues customarily debated in the Philosophy of Religion as it has evolved in the West. ARVIND SHARMA, formerly of the Indian Administrative Service, is presently Birks Professor of Comparative Religion in the Faculty of Religious Studies at McGill... 
 Advaita Vedanta  Arvind Sharma Advaita Vedanta   $50.49  $37.87  Buy Now 
The novelty of this book consists of the fact that it introduces the reader to the basic tenets of Advaita Vedanta in three independent but complemenary ways scripurally, ratinally and experientially. All the three elements are usually found interwined in accounts of Advaita Vedanta. They are presented distinctly here in the that each persppective will enrich ones understanding of Advaita Vedanta as a whole and also allow the reader to form his or her own option about the relative... 
 A New Curve In The Ganges Mahatma Gandhi`s Interpretation of Hinduism  Arvind Sharma A New Curve In The Ganges Mahatma Gandhi`s Interpretation of Hinduism   $12.22  $9.17  Buy Now 
This book would be a worthy addition to any collection and is highly recommended for the scholars of Indology and Religious Studies.The book also contains various extracts from Gandhi`s autobiography that not only make this study realistic but also acquaint us with many hardships suffered by him.It analyses Gandhi`s relationship to the various sources of Dharma and the primacy that he accord to conscience; his reversal of the caste hiererchy by upholding the rights of the sudras his emphasis on... 
 Dharma  Editors Ashok Vohra, Arvind Sharma & Mrinal Miri Dharma   $44.44  $33.33  Buy Now 
The articles in the book present an in-depth study of the concept of dharma and its relation to the other purusarthas-artha,kama and moksa, as well as with society, science,religion Ayurveda and secularism. Relying mainly on the vedas, epics, Manusmrti and the writings of Plato, Vivekananda, Gandhi et al.,These papers explore some contemporary issues relationg to Women (stri-dharma) and the dilemmas faced by the Indian diaspora, especially in the UK and the US. Mrinal miri is... 
 Advaita Vedanta  Arvind Sharma Advaita Vedanta   $16.39  $12.29   
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The novelty of this book consists of the fact that it introduces the reader to the basic tenets of Advaita Vedanta in three independent but complemenary ways scripurally, ratinally and experientially. All the three elements are usually found interwined in accounts of Advaita Vedanta. They are presented distinctly here in the that each persppective will enrich ones understanding of Advaita Vedanta as a whole and also allow the reader to form his or her own option about the relative... 
 Sati  Arvind Sharma Sati   $13.89  $10.42  Buy Now 
The phenomenon of Sati, on account of its dramatic and tragic element, has always commanded considerable attention. This has not always been complemented by adequate analysis. Even when the treatment of the subject has transcended sensationalism, it has not always been sufficiently nuanced. This book hopes to remedy this situation by bringing to bear on the topic (whose relevance the recent recurrences of the phenomena have highlighted) a measure of methodological sophistication which was not... 
 New Focus on Hindu Studies  Arvind Sharma New Focus on Hindu Studies   $16.67  $12.50  Buy Now 
This work surveys the state of Hindus studies over the ages by studyingthe history of Hinduism in four periods: Vedic Hinduism, Medieval Hinduism, Classical Hinduism, Modern Hinduism. Commencing the study with some general observations on the study of Hinduism such as confinement of the study by and large to India and lack of a political history of Hinduism, it examins features of Hinduism that established themselves during the different periods.The book will be useful for students scholars of... 
 Classical Hindu Thought  Arvind Sharma Classical Hindu Thought   $26.39  $19.79  Buy Now 
In this concise and lucid book, the author introduces contemporary readers to the texts and ideas crystallized during the fourth century BC to the tenth century and explains their contemporary relevance. The book offers readers an excellent grounding in the rich and diverse traditions of Hindu thought and is an excellent introduction to the topic for anyone interested in Hinduism, yoga, Indian philosophy and religion.About the Author: ARVIND SHARMA is Birks Professor of Comparative Religion at... 
 Religion and Women  Arvind Sharma Religion and Women   $25.00  $18.75  Buy Now 
 Today's Women in World Religions  Arvind Sharma Today's Women in World Religions   $33.33  $25.00  Buy Now 
 The Philosophy of Religion and Advaita Vedanta  Arvind Sharma The Philosophy of Religion and Advaita Vedanta   $22.22  $16.67  Buy Now 
 Perspective on History and Culture  Arvind Sharma (Ed.) Perspective on History and Culture   $22.22  $16.67  Buy Now 
 Women in World Religion  Arvind Sharma Women in World Religion   $19.44  $14.58  Buy Now 
 Vignettes of Vrindavan  Anna McDowall (Ed.) Vignettes of Vrindavan   $13.89  $10.42  Buy Now 
 Textual Studies in Hinduism  Arvind Sharma Textual Studies in Hinduism   $11.11  $8.33  Buy Now 
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01.Ayurveda and Life Impressions Bodywork
02.Kriya Yoga Rahasya
03.Oral Instruction Tantra: From the Four Tantras of Tibetan Medicine
04.Prasthanatraya (Six Volumes)
05.Human Physiology - Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature
06.Building Architecture of Sthapatya Veda
07.Caraka Samhita (7 vols): Text in Sanskrit with English translation
08.Astanga Hrdayam - 3 Volumes
09.Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha
10.A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya
11.The One Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming
12.Introduction to Sanskrit (Volume I and Volume II)
Women in India
Udayankathashrit Sanskrit-Rupak Samikshatmak Adhyan
Telugu Verbal Bases
The Psycho-Somatic Axis In Ayurveda Treatment
Samskrita Prathamadarsa - Reader I
Definitive Dream Dictionary
Clinical Diagnosis in Ayurveda (A Practical book of Ayurvedic Diagnosis in the Light of Modern Medial Science)
The Essence of Bhakti yoga
The Yoga of Sleep and Dreams: The Night-School of Sadhana
It is an excellent Compilation from the writings of The Moth ..
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