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K. D. Sethna |
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and the Mother's Contribution to it |
$7.99 $5.99 |
Articles on a wide variety of topics related to the integral yoga, the descent of the Overmind and the Supermind, and the advent of a new race.
Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) |
Life - Poetry - Yoga: Volume 1 - Personal Letters by Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) |
$4.99 $3.74 |
These personal letters to various friends and fellow-seekers were serialised in Mother India. They are here published in book form in 3 volumes.
As the title suggests, the subject matter spanned is wide in range. Many provide "helpful treatment of a lot of problems which aspirants to the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother meet on their way."
Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) |
Life - Poetry - Yoga: Volume 2 - Personal Letters by Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) |
$4.99 $3.74 |
These personal letters to various friends and fellow-seekers were serialised in Mother India. They are here published in book form in 3 volumes.
As the title suggests, the subject matter spanned is wide in range. Many provide "helpful treatment of a lot of problems which aspirants to the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother meet on their way."
Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) |
Life - Poetry - Yoga: Volume 3 - Personal Letters by Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) |
$6.49 $4.87 |
These personal letters to various friends and fellow-seekers were serialised in Mother India. They are here published in book form in 3 volumes.
As the title suggests, the subject matter spanned is wide in range. Many provide "helpful treatment of a lot of problems which aspirants to the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother meet on their way."
K. D. Sethna |
The Mother: Past - Present - Future |
$8.49 $6.37 |
These writings bear upon the Mother's life and work, her spiritual achievements, the event of her passing, etc. Also included are records of talks with her and reminiscences.
"What is sought to be offered is a sense of the momentous mission the Mother carried out while she was in her body, the constant touch of her presence felt by her spiritual children and the bright surmise inspired for the future by the feeling that her great and gracious labour is endless." (This book was out of print... |
Supriyo Bhattacharya |
An interview with K. D. Sethna |
$4.95 $3.71 |
In this interview of May 2003 K. D. Sethna talks about philosophy, poetry and his personal experiences. An article by Sethna, "Poetry and the Poet: A Self-Searching Introduction" is also included.
This booklet aims to "quench the intellectual thirst" of those eager to know Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from the perception of one who was in intimate contact with them.
Sachidananda Mohanty |
K. D. Sethna (Amal Kiran): A Centenary Tribute |
$12.99 $9.74 |
Born in 1904 K. D. Sethna (Amal Kiran) first came to Pondicherry in 1927 and stayed at the Ashram for several years. He permanently settled in Pondicherry in 1954 and has lived there ever since.
He is a distinguished writer, his works covering:
Literary criticism
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
He is also the editor of the monthly journal Mother India.
This volume, brought out to commemorate K. D. Sethna's centenary on 25 November... |
P. Raja |
K. D. Sethna |
$6.49 $4.87 |
In this series of interviews:
K. D. Sethna
The grand centenarian
Reminisces about his childhood
A variety of relationships
His poetry
His critical works
His inner quest.
The book brings out "the vision of a man who has encapsulated in his hundred years the turmoil and exuberance of the 20th century."
Jugal Kishore Mukherjee |
The Wonder That is K. D. Sethna alias Amal Kiran |
$4.95 $3.71 |
To accompany the main festschrift volume Amal-Kiran: Poet and Critic.
This work looks at the numerous facets of Amal Kiran's personality, among them the poet, the critic, the writer, the correspondent, the teacher and the sadhaka.
K. D. Sethna |
Mandukya Upanishad |
$4.95 $3.71 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
English translation, notes and commentary of one of the most profound Upanishads; with an introduction by Dr.Robert M.Kleinman, Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Pensacola Junior College, Florida, U.S.A..
In his introduction to the book Dr.Kleinman writes:... Sethna has made a substantial contribution to our understanding of the nature of mysticism by showing that the Mandukya Upanishad can be interpreted as a handbook of "Integral Spirituality" which denies neither the visionary heights... |
Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) |
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo |
$8.49 $6.37 |
A collection of essays and reflections on a wide variety of subjects related to the life and thought of Sri Aurobindo, ranging from "Sri Aurobindo and Plato" to "The Ashram's Sixty Years". |
K. D. Sethna (Amal Kiran) |
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo |
$15.49 $11.62 |
Bede Griffiths came to India from England in 1955. In 1968 he assumed charge of Sacchidananda Ashram in Tamil Nadu.
The lengthy correspondence between Griffiths and Sethna brings deep insight into Christianity and the place its principles occupy in Sri Aurobindo's synthesis.
Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) |
Science, Materialism, Mysticism |
$11.49 $8.62 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
This book discusses from a philosophical perspective classical Newtonian versus relativistic Einsteinian physics, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, etc.
There is special emphasis on Albert Einstein's path-breaking views and philosophy of science, showing how for him physics in a sense almost merged with metaphysics.
Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) |
Teilhard de Chardin and Our Time |
$18.99 $14.24 |
This book starts with comparative studies of Roman Catholicism, the scientific-spiritual philosophy of the Jesuit priest and palaeontologist, Teilhard de Chardin, and Pantheism with which Teilhard has been linked.
The author concludes after analysing Teihardism from all possible angles that it is "rather akin to the ancient comprehensive Vedanta of the early Upanishads" and that when "that Vedanta as revived in the Bhagavad Gita" is "modernised", "by setting it in the context of Evolutionism,... |
K. D. Sethna |
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo |
$7.99 $5.99 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Sri Aurobindo stands for no narrow cult: he kindles a vision and initiates a work that bear on the whole human situation, meeting its most central and recurrent as well as its most external and diverse issues.
Man in every mode and field - the thinker and the scientist no less than the artist and the mystic - man individual and man collective - the modern breaker of new ground side by side with the heir of the ages - is Sri Aurobindo's material for probing and guidance. Especially he is... |
K. D. Sethna (Amal Kiran) |
India and the World Scene |
$15.49 $11.62 |
This book contains editorial articles of Sri K.D. Sethna (Amal Kiran) written for the fortnightly Mother India, during the years 1949-51. Their immense value lies in the fact that all of them except the last two were read out to Sri Aurobindo and approved by him.
The articles are arranged in four sections:
The first section
The Spirit and Genius of India - deals with cultural issues and with India's spiritual genius.
The second and third sections
Independent India and... |
K. D. Sethna (Amal Kiran) |
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future |
$9.49 $7.12 |
A collection of editorial articles for Mother India from 1949 to 1952. These are of "immense value" because they were all approved by either Sri Aurobindo or the Mother, and their themes are as important and pressing today as when they were written.
After all, today "we are still debating the question of Indian nationalism, the meaning of national pride, the significance of the English language and the essential truths behind Hinduism." We are still confused about secularism and the legacy of... |
K. D. Sethna |
Ancient India in a New Light |
$31.49 $23.62 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Broadly serves as a sequel to The Problem of Aryan Origins and Karpasa in Prehistoric India. The author effectively challenges the modern chronology.
Part One "lays out the traditional-Puranic scheme of Indian history and focuses on a crucial problem in India of the 4th century B.C. for which the Puranically derived answer oposes the current solution very impresively. It goes on to drive the modern chronologist into a corner from which there seems to be no logical escape."
Part two "aims at... |
Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) |
The Beginning of History for Israel |
$4.99 $3.74 |
A scholar residing at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram who has written several books on the early history of the Middle East region and of India.
This book examines the early history of the Jews in the light of evidence provided by various written records and archaeological studies, and in its synthesis comes up with a refreshing new look at several key questions concerning this subject.
It focuses on the sojourn of the Israelites in Egypt, the connection with Pharaoh Ramses II, the date of and... |
K. D. Sethna |
Is Velikovsky's Revised Chronology Tenable?: A Scrutiny of Four Fundamental Themes |
$6.49 $4.87 |
The historian Immanuel Velikovsky has radically challenged the accepted times and sequences of Egyptian and Near-Eastern history in his work "Ages of Chaos".
The four fundamental themes of the revised chronology are:
The Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt
The invasion of the Hyksos or Amu
The Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut
Her successor Pharaoh Thutmose.
In this book K. D. Sethna closely questions Velikovsky's "valiant attempt on many fronts to bring down the antiquity of... |
K. D. Sethna |
The Problem of Aryan Origins: From an Indian Point of View |
$38.49 $28.87 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
This research work is a challenge to the historical orthodoxy that believes in the dogma of an Aryan invasion of the Indian subcontinent around the middle of the second millennium B.C.. The author, with the help of the insight provided by Sri Aurobindo in this subject, has mustered a host of arguments archaeological, literary and linguistic, in order to establish his thesis that contrary to the belief of an Aryan invasion of a Dravidian country, the presence of Dravido-Aryanism or... |
K. D. Sethna |
Problems of Ancient India |
$31.49 $23.62 |
In this collection of essays the author re-examines available evidence relating to various events in the history of the Indian sub-continent, shedding new light on old problems. With his original handling of existing data he convincingly points out subtle weaknesses in the received wisdom relating to the location and chronology of certain historical events as reflected in modern textbooks.
A sampling of the essay titles best conveys the wide range of material analysed:
The Aryans, the... |
Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) |
Problems of Early Christianity |
$9.49 $7.12 |
The first part of this book takes a refreshing new look at various issues surrounding the origins of Christianity, ranging from the historicity of Christ and events in his life to the Turin Shroud.
The second part focuses on the Resurrection of Christ, an event which, historical or otherwise, has had the profoundest influence on humanity. Evidence of its occurrence contained in the Gospels and elsewhere is studied, and especially enlightening is an examination of the nature of the Appearances... |
K. D. Sethna |
The Virgin Birth and the Earliest Christian Tradition |
$5.49 $4.12 |
In this study on the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ, the author stresses that the focus must be not on the "manner in which orthodox Christians understand Mary's child to have emerged from her womb" but on "the nature of the conception by which that child is said to have been born virginally". He states, "the more correct term, therefore, would be the Virginal Conception of Jesus." The study is not from a rationalist angle but "to find if the basic Christian tradition itself affords ground for... |
Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) |
Adventures in Criticism |
$4.99 $3.74 |
Studies in poetic appreciation, focussing on the works of various poets such as Shakespeare, Spenser, Yeats, AE and Chesterton.