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K. Narain |
The Fundamentals of Advaita Vedanta |
$23.95 $17.96 |
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This book is a reliable compendium covering the whole gamut of philosophical problems and metaphysical issues concerning the system of Sri Samkaracarya's Advaita Vedanta. Besides referring to the philosophical conceptions and arguments as available in Samkara's works, it also attempts the exposition of the arguments and ideas of the eminent Post Samkarite philosophers to give a logically satisfactory exposition to Samkara's system of Advaita Vedanta.
This work is a thorough exposition, based... |
K. Narain |
The Philosophy of the Vallabha School of Vedanta |
$55.49 $41.62 |
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Suddhadvaita or the system of Pure Monism of Sri Vallabhacarya claims to be the most faithful and authentic exposition of the real teachings of the Upanisads as it purifies the Non-Dual Ultimate Reality of the extraneous concept of Maya introduced by Samkara under the influence of Buddhism. In this system we have the concept of Non-Dualism or Advaita in its pristine, Upanisadic sense unblemished by Samkara's Illusionism, the concept of a Concrete, Personal and determinate Ultimate Reality. In... |
Shyam Narain |
Iron Artifacts History, Metallurgy, Corrosion and Conservation |
$96.49 $72.37 |
It is primarily intended for use to metal conservators. Conservation of the iron artifacts is one of the major challenges of our time for metal conservators. With the advancement of Science and technology several new materials have come out time to time. However a random survey indicates that there is hardly a book, which covers from history of iron including technique of casting deterioration and metallographic studies for measurement of types and level of decay of metals.
This book is... |
Eds A.K.Narain,M.Seshadri & P.Singh |
Puratattva (Set of Vol 1 to 10) |
$377.78 $283.33 |
After Independence, Archaeology in India got the long awaited momentum and this resulted in the enormous expantion of archaeological activities.Whether they within the process of natural growth or they brought about a chaos in Indian Archaeology, It cannot be denied that the newenthusiasm led to some of the remarkable discoveries and rewarding fieldwork. It gave new dimentions to Archaeology and greatly expanded its scope. |
K.Narain |
The Philosophy of the Vallbha School of Vedanta |
$27.50 $20.63 |
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Vallabhism as a philosophico-religious creed of vaisnavism has the distinction of putting forward a novel creed and theory of Bhakti known as Pusti-Bhakti which aquires a central place in the Suddhadavita system. The author has therefore, discussed it, at length, to distinguished it from other forms of Bhakti propagated in other sahools of Vaisnavism.The author has, in this study, based himself only on Samskrta sources Providing the reader with an outline of the basic philosophical and... |
Tr. K. R. Iyengar |
Ratiratnapradipika |
$8.33 $6.25 |
K. Narain |
A Critique of Madhava Refutation of the Samkara School of Vedanta |
$16.67 $12.50 |
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K. Narain |
An Outline of Madhava Philosophy |
$14.49 $10.87 |
Bhagwant Sahai (Ed.) |
Recent Researches in Indian Art and Iconography |
$160.49 $120.37 |
This collection of fifty-one articles brings to light the recent trends in the study of sculptural art, iconography and architecture and focuses on the different aspects of Indian Art. These papers are contributed by the eminent scholars expert in their fields from different parts of India and presented in honour of in honour of Dr. C.P. Sinha, former Director of the prestigious K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute, Patna. The papers, written in wide and expressive style are supported with... |
Kamal K. Jain (Ed.) |
Conservation of Cultural Heritage |
$125.49 $94.12 |
Archaeologists and conservators have contributed their latest research papers to felicitate Sri A.S. Bisht who retired as Head of the conservation laboratory of the National Museum, New Delhi, and is one of the senior most archaeological chemists in the country. The methods of preservation explained would be very useful to professional archaeological chemists.
Table of Contents:
Editor's Note
Man of Science and Spirituality (A Biographical Sketch of Shri A.S. Bisht/Amar Nath Khanna)
List... |