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 The Yoga of Knowledge  M.P. Pandit The Yoga of Knowledge   $31.49  $23.62  Buy Now 
The book presents a clear and systematic vision of the Yoga of Knowledge, and the author explains, clarifies and illustrates the principles of the yoga as described by Sri Aurobindo. The seeker gains insight into the transformation of man the mental being seeking knowledge into a spiritual being embodying knowledge through oneness. About the Author: M.P. Pandit is a world-recognised authority on yoga and the Indian spiritual tradition. He has written or edited more than eighty... 
 The Yoga of Works  M.P. Pandit The Yoga of Works   $10.99  $8.24  Buy Now 
The book deals with the problem of life energy, action and direction, which confronts us all whenever we try to integrate our spiritual aspirations with the daily life around us and the need to "work" in the society and play a role in the vast undertakings of the Western world. About the Author: M.P. Pandit is a world-recognised authority on yoga and the Indian spiritual tradition. He has written or edited more than eighty books on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Indian... 
 The Yoga of Self-Perfection  M.P. Pandit The Yoga of Self-Perfection   $23.95  $17.96  Buy Now 
The book represents a unique contribution of Sri Aurobindo to the science of yoga, which has generally in the past set its goal as the dissolution of the powers of life and personality into the Transcendent. Whereas the traditional paths of works, knowledge and love all rely on a predominant part of the personality to lead the seeker to the realization of the Divine Consciousness. About the Author: M.P. Pandit is a world-recognised authority on yoga and the Indian spiritual tradition. He has... 
 The Yoga of Love  M.P. Pandit The Yoga of Love   $9.99  $7.49  Buy Now 
The Yoga of Love concerns itself with the union of the human soul with the divine through emotion, the heart's movements of aspiration, longing and seeking, and the fulfilment of the divine relationship with the soul. This yoga is the fount from which the great saints have drawn their inspiration and strength. The soul's ecstasy of love has given us Mirabai, St. Francis, Hanuman, Kabir and others in all the religious and spiritual traditions of the World. About the Author: M.P. Pandit is... 
 Kundalini Yoga  M.P. Pandit Kundalini Yoga   $31.49  $23.62  Buy Now 
Kundalini Yoga introduces us to the idea that through various psycho-physical disciplines, we can actually begin to experience the inner truths of our being and life and achieve realisation and oneness. Kundalini Yoga, though brief in its compass, elucidates the main lines of the practice and the experience and helps to prepare us for the inner efforts which will aid us in achieving our long-sought goal of oneness and mastery in life. About the Author: M.P.... 
 Selected Works of M. P. Pandit: Volume 1 - Sri Aurobindo  M. P. Pandit Selected Works of M. P. Pandit: Volume 1 - Sri Aurobindo   $9.49  $7.12   
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Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living spiritual traditions of India, following in the footsteps of Sri Aurobindo and Sri T.V. Kapaly Sastry. His writing career spanned six decades, publishing over 150 books and many articles on subjects as diverse as philosophy, spirituality, social and political thought, science, religion, mysticism and the... 
 Selected Works of M. P. Pandit: Volume 2 - The Mother  M. P. Pandit Selected Works of M. P. Pandit: Volume 2 - The Mother   $9.49  $7.12   
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Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living spiritual traditions of India, following in the footsteps of Sri Aurobindo and Sri T.V. Kapaly Sastry. His writing career spanned six decades, publishing over 150 books and many articles on subjects as diverse as philosophy, spirituality, social and political thought, science, religion, mysticism and the... 
 Selected Works of M. P. Pandit: Volume 3 - Yoga  M. P. Pandit Selected Works of M. P. Pandit: Volume 3 - Yoga   $12.99  $9.74   
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Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living spiritual traditions of India, following in the footsteps of Sri Aurobindo and Sri T.V. Kapaly Sastry. His writing career spanned six decades, publishing over 150 books and many articles on subjects as diverse as philosophy, spirituality, social and political thought, science, religion, mysticism and the... 
 Selected Works of M. P. Pandit: Volume 4 - Traditions  M. P. Pandit Selected Works of M. P. Pandit: Volume 4 - Traditions   $18.99  $14.24   
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Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living spiritual traditions of India, following in the footsteps of Sri Aurobindo and Sri T.V. Kapaly Sastry. His writing career spanned six decades, publishing over 150 books and many articles on subjects as diverse as philosophy, spirituality, social and political thought, science, religion, mysticism and the... 
 Selected Works of M. P. Pandit: Volume 5 - The World  M. P. Pandit Selected Works of M. P. Pandit: Volume 5 - The World   $18.99  $14.24   
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Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living spiritual traditions of India, following in the footsteps of Sri Aurobindo and Sri T.V. Kapaly Sastry. His writing career spanned six decades, publishing over 150 books and many articles on subjects as diverse as philosophy, spirituality, social and political thought, science, religion, mysticism and the... 
 Deathless Rose  M. P. Pandit Deathless Rose   $4.95  $3.71   
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The prefatory note says: A dynamic meditation needs a dynamic theme.The selections given here from Sri Aurobindo's sonnets are precisely of this genre. Each theme condenses a movement that overwhelms and centres the mind in the appropriate mood. Each has a mantric power of inducing the experience that it embodies. The commentary is a written meditation offered as an aid in the process. About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo... 
 Dhyana  M. P. Pandit Dhyana   $4.95  $3.71   
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On meditation, concentration, contemplation, etc. About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living spiritual traditions of India, following in the footsteps of Sri Aurobindo and Sri T.V. Kapaly Sastry. His writing career spanned six decades, publishing over 150 books and many articles on subjects as diverse as philosophy,... 
 How Do I Begin?: A Primer of Affirmative Spirituality  M. P. Pandit How Do I Begin?: A Primer of Affirmative Spirituality   $25.49  $19.12  Buy Now 
Explains some practical aspects of Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga for new aspirants. About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living spiritual traditions of India, following in the footsteps of Sri Aurobindo and Sri T.V. Kapaly Sastry. His writing career spanned six decades, publishing over 150 books and many articles on subjects as... 
 How Do I Proceed?: Key to Sadhana  M. P. Pandit How Do I Proceed?: Key to Sadhana   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
Explains some practical aspects of Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga for spiritual seekers. About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living spiritual traditions of India, following in the footsteps of Sri Aurobindo and Sri T.V. Kapaly Sastry. His writing career spanned six decades, publishing over 150 books and many articles on... 
 Japa  M. P. Pandit Japa   $4.95  $3.71   
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Aurobindo: Namajapa has a great power in it. This book discusses the power of Mantra. A section is devoted to Sri Aurobindo's Gayatri Mantra. The author writes "At the basis of the Science of Japa is the ancient perception of sages all over the world that Creation proceeds from Sound." About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and... 
 Life Beautiful  M. P. Pandit Life Beautiful   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
Talks on: Higher Living Responsibility of the Spiritual Man The Mother in Daily Life The Mother in Collective Living, etc. About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living spiritual traditions of India, following in the footsteps of Sri Aurobindo and Sri T.V. Kapaly Sastry. His writing career spanned six decades,... 
 Meditation: Background and Process - Two Talks  M. P. Pandit Meditation: Background and Process - Two Talks   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
Two talks: The first presents the "essential preliminaries" and "right external conditions" for meditation. The second focusses on the "deeper phases of meditation". About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living spiritual traditions of India, following in the footsteps of Sri Aurobindo and Sri T.V. Kapaly Sastry. His... 
 Pitfalls in Sadhana  M. P. Pandit Pitfalls in Sadhana   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
Three talks on: Meditation-Work-Reading Rituals-Emotions-Psychic Obsessions-Defects-Desires. About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living spiritual traditions of India, following in the footsteps of Sri Aurobindo and Sri T.V. Kapaly Sastry. His writing career spanned six decades, publishing over 150 books and many... 
 Sidelights on Sri Aurobindo  M. P. Pandit Sidelights on Sri Aurobindo   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
From the publishers' note: The integral vision of Sri Aurobindo is all-embracing. His light can be turned on any aspect of life, any situation, with profit. Here are a few selections from the author's writings applying this light to events and trends in modern life. Sri Aurobindo has a contribution to make to every section of humanity. His philosophy apart, his yoga apart, his approaches to life-experience open up fresh vistas of faith and hope. About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as... 
 Spiritual Life: Theory and Practice  M. P. Pandit Spiritual Life: Theory and Practice   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
Talks on the philosophy and practice of Yoga. It includes: Part I Theory includes a lecture each on Hathayoga, Rajayoga and several on the Yoga of Love and Devotion. Part  II Practice focusses on the aids and means to adopt in the practice of the Integral Yoga. About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living... 
 Yoga for the Modern Man  M. P. Pandit Yoga for the Modern Man   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
From the blurb: Yoga for the Modern Man begins by introducing the major traditional lines of yoga including: Hatha Yoga Raja Yoga The Triple Path Tantra Yoga. Having appreciated the high points of these approaches, we are brought to the essence of all yogic effort - change of consciousness - and the stages and means by which this is accomplished. This leads us to the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo in which the quintessence of all past yogas is combined with the new dimensions... 
 The Yoga of Love: Based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of Yoga  M. P. Pandit The Yoga of Love: Based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of Yoga   $8.49  $6.37  Buy Now 
The Yoga of Love concerns itself with the union of the human soul with the Divine through emotion, the heart's movements of aspiration, longing and seeking, and the fulfilment of the divine relationship with the soul. This yoga is the fount from which the great saints have drawn their inspiration and strength. It transcends any one spiritual teaching or path and in its fulfilment brings about the soul of unity and harmony which looks beyond all divisions to find the ultimate oneness of man... 
 The Yoga of Knowledge  M. P. Pandit The Yoga of Knowledge   $12.49  $9.37  Buy Now 
In The Synthesis of Yoga Sri Aurobindo has addressed fundamental issues concerning the creation, the universe and evolution. He directs our minds towards the unifying knowledge, to the power of synthesis which alone can bring into focus the motive forces and directions of our existence and the universe in which we live. In this book the author illustrates the principles of the yoga, providing insight into the transformation of man the mental being into a spiritual being embodying knowledge... 
 The Yoga of Transformation  M. P. Pandit The Yoga of Transformation   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
Based on Sri Aurobindo's letters on the subject, this book presents a detailed description of the three broad movements of transformation  The psychic The spiritual The supramental. The steps on the way, the practical difficulties of Yoga and their resolution are elucidated in a simple manner. About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the... 
 The Yoga of Works: Based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of Yoga  M. P. Pandit The Yoga of Works: Based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of Yoga   $10.99  $8.24  Buy Now 
The Yoga of Works is essentially the harnessing of the vital creative energies of man and their channeling towards the spiritual fulfilment. Life is the field of yoga, and activity is no longer a hindrance but rather the method of the yoga. In this book the movements of the yoga are described and the conflicts between our spiritual and material natures are taken up and addressed directly. About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri... 
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01.Ayurveda and Life Impressions Bodywork
02.Kriya Yoga Rahasya
03.Oral Instruction Tantra: From the Four Tantras of Tibetan Medicine
04.Prasthanatraya (Six Volumes)
05.Human Physiology - Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature
06.Building Architecture of Sthapatya Veda
07.Caraka Samhita (7 vols): Text in Sanskrit with English translation
08.Astanga Hrdayam - 3 Volumes
09.Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha
10.A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya
11.The One Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming
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Paramatama Vigyanmai Hai Adhar Srimadbhagavad gita
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History of India (8 Vols.)
Ashtadhayai (2 Vols)
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Fantastic introductory text for beginners. Starts from the k ..
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