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The Siddha Pharmacopoeia of India Part-II (Formulations) - Pharmacopoeial Monograph of Ayush Kutinir Curanam
The Siddha Pharmacopoeia of India Part-II (Formulations) - Pharmacopoeial Monograph of Ayush Kutinir Curanam
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 The Relationship Between "I" and "Me"  Ramesh S. Balsekar (Auth) The Relationship Between "I" and "Me"   $9.49  $7.12  Buy Now 
You cannot have an ‘ego’ because you are the ego: Consciousness identified with a name and form as a separate entity. The sage responds to his name being called; therefore, the sage has an ego. The ordinary man also responds to his name being called. What is the difference between the ego of the sage and the ego of the ordinary man? That is the core question. The answer is that in the ego of the sage the sense of personal doership has been totally annihilated: he knows that he... 
 The Only Way To Live  Ramesh S. Balsekar The Only Way To Live   $18.99  $14.24  Buy Now 
Whatever I decide and do in any situation, depends on two factors: my genes and conditioning, which God has made.  Whatever action I do will, of course, have its consequences – good, bad or indifferent – as judged by society, which I have to accept.  The fact remains, however, that I cannot make a mistake. I cannot commit a sin.  Therefore I live like God, not afraid of living and not afraid of dying. About the Author: Ramesh S. Balsekar is a disciple of the late Sri... 
 Experience of Immortality  Ramesh S. Balsekar Experience of Immortality   $24.99  $18.74  Buy Now 
Ramesh S. Balsekar, an awakened sage, discusses the philosophy of Advaita with an inspired clarity.  Speaking and writing in English, he has authored over twenty books and has spoken with seekers daily from his Mumbai home for the last two decades, offering unique insight into the basic permise of this philosophy, that all there is is Consciousness. This is an English translation of a Marathi classic "Amritanubhava" by Jnaneshwar, a 13th century saint-poet of Maharashtra, India.... 
 The Infamous Ego  Ramesh S. Balsekar The Infamous Ego   $14.49  $10.87  Buy Now 
Ramesh S. Balsekar is one of the most profound spiritual Masters of this Age. He is both a brilliant writer and a captivating speaker. Shortly, after retiring as the President of the Bank of India, he met the sage Nisargadatta Maharaj and began translating for Maharaj’s daily morning talks. It was not long before Ramesh too experienced the Ultimate Understanding. He is therefore a wonderful blend of East and West, spiritual and material. His compassion and gently humor infuse the... 
 The Ultimate Understanding  Ramesh S. Balsekar The Ultimate Understanding   $61.99  $46.49  Buy Now 
'The Ultimate Understanding', is, according to Ramesh himself, "a book containing the full essentials of the philosophy of Advaita, or Non-duality (Unicity). It is perhaps the most explicitly expressed and exquisitely presented book on this complex subject. What is the ultimate understanding? That there is no one to understand anything." Recognized as one of the foremost contemporary sages, married and father of three, and a banker who retired from the top of his profession, Ramesh... 
 The Divine Dankar  Ramesh S. Balsekar The Divine Dankar   $15.99  $11.99   
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The Divine Banker contains a series of abhangas written by Shirish S. Murthy a devotee of Shri Ramesh S. Balsekar.The devotee just couldn`t help not writing them down.The works contained in this book expound the simple understanding hidden in Advaita Philosophy. About the Author: Ramesh S. Balsekar is a disciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, a renowned Advaita master. From early childhood, Balsekar was drawn to Advaita, a nondual teaching, particularly the teachings of Ramana... 
 Peace and Harmony in Daily Living  Ramesh S. Balsekar Peace and Harmony in Daily Living   $22.49  $16.87  Buy Now 
Do you really know what you want most in life? Even if you have all the success, fame and money you want, and the good health to enjoy it - are you happy and fulfilled? Why is it that we all find ourselves seeking something more from life - all the time? Now, modern sage points out that each one of us, at some time or the other, has a taste of what that is: an uninterrupted experience of peace and harmony. He also shows how we can achieve this constant repose in our ordinary, hectic, daily... 
 The Seeking  Ramesh S. Balsekar The Seeking   $9.49  $7.12  Buy Now 
Is there any such thing as free will? Is everything in life predetermined? Does God play dice with the universe? Questions that intrigue seekers of the truth, are answered with great insight, sincere earnestness and absolute clarity in Ramesh's typical free-flowing dialogues, spiced with his delightful good humor, during the morning 'satsangs' or meetings with visitors from all over the world. Through his teaching, Ramesh exposes the sense of personal doership as the root cause of all... 
 Nuggets of Wisdom  Ramesh S. Balsekar Nuggets of Wisdom   $9.49  $7.12  Buy Now 
It is everyone’s experience that the basis of daily living is facing life from moment to moment, necessarily accepting whatever the moment brings – sometimes pain, sometimes pleasure. The interconnected opposites of pain and pleasure, along with the opposites of every conceivable kind, beginning with male and female, form the very basis of life and living; and, therefore, it is impossible to separate one from the other. What the human being wants is one and not the other –... 
 Your Head in the Tiger's Mouth  Ramesh S. Balsekar Your Head in the Tiger's Mouth   $50.49  $37.87  Buy Now 
Consciousness is all there is. So 'who' is to know or seek 'what'? All there is is the impersonal functioning of consciousness, or God, reflecting within itself the totality of manifestation. Live life making decisions and accepting the consequences as if you have free will - knowing it is consciousness seeking, doing, living, deciding… About the Author: Ramesh S. Balsekar is a disciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, a renowned Advaita master. From early childhood, Balsekar was... 
 The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita  Ramesh S. Balsekar The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita   $12.99  $9.74  Buy Now 
Ramesh S. Balsekar is one of the most profound spiritual Masters of this Age. He is both a brilliant writer and a captivating speaker. Shortly, after retiring as the President of the Bank of India, he met the sage Nisargadatta Maharaj and began translating for Maharaj’s daily morning talks. It was not long before Ramesh too experienced the Ultimate Understanding. He is therefore a wonderful blend of East and West, spiritual and material. His compassion and gently humor infuse the... 
 Consciousness Writes  Ramesh S. Balsekar Consciousness Writes   $15.99  $11.99  Buy Now 
Can Spiritual Understanding be imparted through letters? Consciousness Writes offers you the fragrance of Advaitic teaching and a rare glimpse into the Master-disciple relationship — enveloped in the warmth of intimacy and the sparkle of Ramesh’s wit. About the Author: Ramesh S. Balsekar is a disciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, a renowned Advaita master. From early childhood, Balsekar was drawn to Advaita, a nondual teaching, particularly the teachings of Ramana Maharshi... 
 The Bhagavad Gita: A Selection  Ramesh S. Balsekar The Bhagavad Gita: A Selection   $12.49  $9.37   
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A rare book. Ramesh picks the finest gems from the The Bhagavad Gita and illumines them with his razor-sharp insight. This is not a book you can read once and stash away. Its pocket size makes it a handy companion. About the Author: Ramesh S. Balsekar is a disciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, a renowned Advaita master. From early childhood, Balsekar was drawn to Advaita, a nondual teaching, particularly the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and Wei Wu Wei. Ramesh has written over 20... 
 Enlightened Living: The Self-Realized State  Ramesh S. Balsekar Enlightened Living: The Self-Realized State   $25.49  $19.12  Buy Now 
It stands to reason that if you want something desperately you would take great pains to find out what it did for those who have ‘got’ it. So if you desire Enlightenment, it would make abundant sense to at least check out what the ‘Enlightened’ ones have to say about the state of self-realization. That is what Enlightened Living does for you. Enlightened Living presents an impressive array of Masters – from Adi Shankara to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, from Ashtavakra... 
 Ripples  Ramesh S. Balsekar Ripples   $6.49  $4.87  Buy Now 
This book is a look into the heart of the Universe. It is simple and profound. Too long and redudant by far and yet too short to even begin to cover its subject. You might think that it is attempting to describe the indescribable but you would be mistaken. Ramesh, out of infinite compassion for the plight of the seeker, presents here a series of pointers, gestures towards a Truth that is omnipresent and yet unseeable. About the Author: Ramesh S. Balsekar is a disciple of the late Sri... 
 A Duet of One: The Ashtavakra Gita Dialogue  Ramesh S. Balsekar A Duet of One: The Ashtavakra Gita Dialogue   $18.99  $14.24  Buy Now 
“How can knowledge be acquired? How can liberation be attained?...” So begins the Ashtavakra Gita – a dialogue between an earnest seeker of Truth (King Janaka) nd the enlightened sage Ashtavakra – as translated from the Sanskrit by Ramesh S. Balsekar. In this book Ramesh reveals himself as a spiritual Master for the modern age. His insightful commentary unlocks the beauty and the mystery in this ancient text. He points us to the Understanding that is the true nature of... 
 The Final Truth  Ramesh S. Balsekar The Final Truth   $46.99  $35.24  Buy Now 
Truth cannot be described or explained. Truth is "What-Is" and the acceptance of it. Every word that is uttered concerning Truth can only be a pointer towards it. The understanding of Truth cannot be achieved. It can only happen… And when it comes, it cannot be accepted unless the mind is empty of the "me" and the heart is full of Love. About the Author: Ramesh S. Balsekar is a disciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, a renowned Advaita master. From early childhood, Balsekar was... 
 Meaningful Trivialities From the Source  Ramesh S. Balsekar Meaningful Trivialities From the Source   $6.49  $4.87  Buy Now 
Ramesh S. Balsekar is one of the most profound spiritual Masters of this Age. He is both a brilliant writer and a captivating speaker. Shortly, after retiring as the President of the Bank of India, he met the sage Nisargadatta Maharaj and began translating for Maharaj’s daily morning talks. It was not long before Ramesh too experienced the Ultimate Understanding. He is therefore a wonderful blend of East and West, spiritual and material. His compassion and gently humor infuse the... 
 Advaita at Kovalam - 2002  Ramesh S. Balsekar Advaita at Kovalam - 2002   $28.49  $21.37   
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Here are previously unpublished extracts from Ramesh Balsekar’s letters to disciples as well as extracts from notes Ramesh made preparatory to the 1989 and 1990 Kovalam Seminars. These intimate letters are not only interesting but also touch you directly in the Knowing Heart.  About the Author: Ramesh S. Balsekar is a disciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, a renowned Advaita master. From early childhood, Balsekar was drawn to Advaita, a nondual teaching, particularly the... 
 Spiritual Search: Step by Step  Ramesh S. Balsekar Spiritual Search: Step by Step   $6.49  $4.87  Buy Now 
Ramesh S. Balsekar is one of the most profound spiritual Masters of this Age. He is both a brilliant writer and a captivating speaker. Shortly after retiring as the President of the Bank of India, he met the sage Nisargadatta Maharaj and began translating for Maharaj's daily morning talks. It was not long before Ramesh too experienced the Ultimate Understanding. He is therefore a wonderful blend of East and West, Spiritual and material. His compassion and gentle humor infuse the Teaching with... 
 Who Cares :  The Unique Teachings  Ramesh S. Balsekar Who Cares : The Unique Teachings   $23.99  $17.99  Buy Now 
"I no longer care if I get enlightened or not. In fact, I don't care even if I do care !" Such is the seeker's attitude just prior to the occurrence of enlightenment, according to Ramesh S. Balsekar - a life-long devotee of Ramana Maharshi and disciple of Nisargadata Maharaj. This book - the sequel to Enlightenment May or May not Happen-deals with a wide range of topics including karma, reincarnation, the nature of manifestation, the guru-disciple relationship and the contrast between... 
 90 Steps To Oneness – Wisdom Deck  Ramesh S. Balsekar 90 Steps To Oneness – Wisdom Deck   $21.99  $16.49   
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When one looks around, one sees diversity and separateness in everything. Oneness is not evident anywhere. In the trials and tribulations of daily living, our link to the Source becomes obscured and often lost. Can we re-establish this link? Here, for all of us, are words of wisdom from a modern sage, which in their profound brevity reflect upon various aspects of daily living: Mind and Ego, Love and Happiness, Thought and Meditation, Understanding and Enlightenment, God and God’s Will,... 
 Consciousness Speaks: Converstations With Ramesh S. Balsekar  Ramesh S. Balsekar Consciousness Speaks: Converstations With Ramesh S. Balsekar   $32.49  $24.37  Buy Now 
Is spiritual understanding something apart from daily living? Not according to Ramesh S Balsekar's teaching. He says, ‘Spiritual understanding brings with it a wonderful sense of harmony, a lack of tension and a sense of freedom in daily living.’ All there is, is Consciousness. If that is understood completely, deeply, intuitively, then you need read no further. Put the book down and go on joyously with the rest of your life. ... Embodied herein is not the Truth, the Truth cannot be... 
 A Personal Religion of your Own  Ramesh S. Balsekar A Personal Religion of your Own   $6.49  $4.87  Buy Now 
Remain relaxed in Consciousness. In any situation, do whatever you feel you should do without any regrets about the past, without any complaints in the present, without any expectations for the future, and, importantly, without blaming and condemning anyone for anything – neither yourself nor the ‘other’. This will enable you to live your life, constantly connected to the Source, and will give you happiness through peace of mind: SUKHA-SHANTI. This will be your personal... 
 Pursue Happiness and Get Enlightened  Ramesh S. Balasekar Pursue Happiness and Get Enlightened   $18.99  $14.24  Buy Now 
You think the proposition is preposterous, don't you? You have always believed that enlightenment would get you lasting happiness, even bliss.  In fact, you have believed that a prerequisite for "getting" Enlightenment was shunning happiness, maybe even embracing pain.  If that is so, welcome to a refreshingly new understanding. What Pursue Hoppiness And Get Enlightened does is to tum the whole subject of enlightenment or self-realization on its head.  Ramesh Balsekar,... 
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