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Dr. S.Suresh Babu |
The Psycho-Somatic Axis In Ayurveda Treatment |
$21.99 $16.49 |
Table of Contents: Part I - Theoretical Considerations Introduction Psychic Factor and Disease causation Psychic-somatic mechanism Stress and its effects Scope of Psychic Factor in disease Causation Part II - Applied Aspects Manasika Chikitsa Achara Rasayana Rasayana Therapy Psychic Aspect of Ayurvedic Therapy Sodhana Chikitsa Shamana Chikitsa Epilogue Summary Bibliography. About the Author: Dr. S. Suresh Babu, M.D. (Ayu.) is a well-known figure, which won many prizes... |
S. Suresh Babu |
AIDS and Ayurveda : The Ayurvedic Concepts of AIDS and Its Management |
$15.99 $11.99 |
Anatomy of AIDS.
Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV).
Stages of HIV/AIDS.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
The Ayurvedic concepts of AIDS.
Pratiloma and Anuloma Dhatu-Kshaya.
Ojas and Immunity.
Aupasargika Ojomeha.
Bala and Vyadhi-kshamatva.
Defence mechanism of the body/host.
Immunity (specific resistance).
Dangerous alliance-Rajayakshma/Ojovikriti.
Swastha-hita practices... |
S. Suresh Babu |
Geriatrics in Ayurveda |
$50.49 $37.87 |
I. Conceptual outlook:
Introduction: important considerations
Geriatric profile
The pathophysiology of ageing
II. Chikitsa Yojana:
Jara Vikara Prasamana
Significance of Vasti
’Geriatrics’ is emerging as a challenging speciality, because of ever growing population of aged people all over the world including India. In near future, every physician has to "treat" a large number of aging problems of our ripe and senior... |
S. Suresh Babu |
The Principles and Practice of Kaya Cikitsa : Ayurveda's Internal Medicine - Volume II |
$20.49 $15.37 |
Susruta being a practical man very clearly defined the 'Scope of Kaya Cikitsa, even though it is not his speciality. He says "Kaya Cikitsa" is concerned with "Sarvanga" related diseases like Jwara, Apasmara etc. where as Vagbhata in simple words-stressed the importance of Kaya Cikitsa as "Nitya upayogi" useful in daily life. Kaya Cikitsa has been enumerated first, while elaborating Astanga Ayurveda. Even today this speciality is in optimum use in the management of... |
Dr. S. Suresh Babu |
Green Remedies: Healing Power of Herbs |
$18.99 $14.24 |
This superb book captures the very spirit of Ayurveda, as propounded by the great sages, like Charaka and Shusruta. It addresses the immediate health problems of the common man. It also suggests herbal-based therapies that are effective, safe and economical, and based on time-tested ayurvedic medical texts. This book includes : Herbals as tonics : advantages of ayurveda and pathya-food drug interactions. Collection and preparation of green remedies. Over 600 disease-wise green... |
S. Suresh Babu |
Myopathy : Ayurvedic Perspective |
$17.49 $13.12 |
The degenerative group of diseases, mainly of muscular origen are growing year after year. As there is no adequate. Treatment in the modern medicine- The affected people are "Approaching"- Ayurveda with a ray of hope.
In this back drop an humble-attempt has been made to describe certain Myopathic disorders like muscular dystrophy etc. from the pure Ayurvedic point of view in addition to the modern out-look, along with the management of these diseases covering the latest research taking place... |
S. Suresh Babu |
Research Methodology for Ayurvedic Scholars |
$12.99 $9.74 |
S. Suresh Babu |
The Principles and Practice of Kaya Cikitsa : Ayurveda's Internal Medicine - Volume III |
$18.99 $14.24 |
S. Suresh Babu |
The Principles and Practice of Kaya Cikitsa : Ayurveda's Internal Medicine - Volume I |
$18.99 $14.24 |
S. Suresh Babu |
The Principles and Practice of Kaya Cikitsa: Ayurveda's Internal Medicine Volume IV |
$18.99 $14.24 |
Dr. S. Suresh Babu |
Overview of Nadipariksa |
$9.49 $7.12 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Nadi pariksa of Ayurveda is one of the fascinating subject. A lot of 'AURA' is spread-over it in the Form of Tamil claims about its utility in-Diagnosis, prognosis and predictions of Ayu or life span etc., these I felt needed further-Expiration of the subject matter. Therefore a systemic search for further improvement of this Ancient pulse study began way back in 1990 by gathering the available information right from Sarangadhara Samhita to the latest Japanese Research Paper by Kazuo Kadoma et... |
S. Suresh Babu |
Conceptual And Clinical Study Of Ardita Vata Ardita Vata: Facial Palsy |
$12.99 $9.74 |
I. General section: 1. Introduction.2. Historical review. II. Disease concept: 1. Ardita - meaning definition.2. Different classifications.3. Shareera Rachana.4. Shareera Kriya.5. Nidana.6. Poorva Roopa.7. Roopa (symptomatology).8. Samprapti and Vikruthi Vignana.9. Sapeksha Vyadhi Vinischyam.10. Sadhya - Asadhyata.11. Management and treatment:(a) Samanya Chikitsa.(b) Vishista Chikitsa.12. Pathya and apathya. III. Drug aspect: 1. Criteria for selection of internal drug.2. Criteria for... |
S. Suresh Babu |
Conceptual and Clinical study of Ardita Vata Ardita Vata |
$11.11 $8.33 |
Gayatri Devi Vasudev |
Vastu: Astrology and Architecture (paperback) |
$28.49 $21.37 |
Contents: Section I. Vastu and its Relevance to Modern Times: Relevance of Vastu/B.V. Raman Vastu Vidya/S.K. Ramachandra Rao The status and relevance of Vastu in the contemporary context/V. Ganapati Sthapati The concept of Vastu Purusa Mandala/H.A. Savarkar The Vastu Purusa/M.S. Thirumalachar Vastu for multi-storeyed residential buildings/S.P. Sabharathnam Vastu and modern engineering/Sureshwara Importance of Vastu/ Krishnamurthy Sastry Vastu for revival of sick industries/B.N. Reddy Vastu... |
T.M. Manoharan (ed.) |
Silent Valley: Whispers of Reason |
$76.99 $57.74 |
This anthology of 38 articles on various aspects of Silent Valley is the culmination of the selfless endeavour of many persons who love Silent Valley and cherish the memory of the popular campaign for its conservation. It contains papers on the historical and managerial evolution of Silent Valley National Park as well as on its biodiversity. The decision to bring out such a comprehensive volume on Silent Valley was taken in a jubilant meeting on 25th November 1995, convened to celebrate the... |
K.M. Suresh |
Pancatantra (2 Vols) |
$266.67 $200.00 |
Contents: Vol. I Foreword. I. Pre and Proto history 1. A rare find of engravings on a Neolithic tool from Hasoodi/A. Sundara. 2. Exploration at Timmalapur district Bellary Karnataka/Dillip Kumar Khamari. 3. Ethno history primitive tribes and prehistoric primitives in Tamil Nadu/N. Devasahayam. 4. Story of Harappan discovery/Madhuri Sharma. 5. Harappan minor arts and crafts/Deo Prakash Sharma. 6. Proto historic copper/bronze anthropomorphs fresh observations/Krishna Kumar. 7. Russet... |