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Search results for: Swami Vivekananda :: Search Result ::
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 Light on the Yoga Way of Life  Swami Chidananda Light on the Yoga Way of Life   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
A collection of answers to questions put by various people from all walks of life. Table of Contents: Publishers' Note What Should Be Our Goal? Are the Puranas Real? Can I Change My Guru? Are We Responsible for Our Sins? How Gods Communicate With Men? Supramental Race Memory Culture Essentials of A Sadhak's Daily Routine How to Know Our Previous Birth? Light on the Ghost-world Where Ignorance Is Bliss Dharana and Dhyana Defined Hints for Concentration On Memory... 
 Practical Guide to Yoga  Swami Chidananda Practical Guide to Yoga   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
This book elaborates on the practice of Yoga with the very well-selected illustrations for maintaining the physical and mental health, strength and well-being. It contains much valuable information and instructions regarding all the aspects of Yoga-Sadhana, applicable for both the whole time spiritual Sadhaks and the householders. Even a little bit of practice of Yoga, as described in this book, bestows upon the seekers great inner strength. Revered Swami has taken the pain of illustrating... 
 Women and the Ideal of Purity  Swami Sivananda Women and the Ideal of Purity   $8.99  $6.74  Buy Now 
This book in Hindi was well received by the public. Now complied in English, for the benefit of women of all stages and in all walks of life. Table of Contents: Publisher's Note A Message Foreword Introduction Preface Prayer Modesty - The Strength of Maidenhood Chastity - The Light of Wifehood Magnanimity - The Glory of Motherhood Divinity - The Culmination of Selfhood. About the Author: Swami Chidananda was born as Sridhar Rao in Mangalore, South India, on September 24, 1916,... 
 Eternal Values for a Changing Society (Vol 1)  Swami Ranganathananda Eternal Values for a Changing Society (Vol 1)   $5.49  $4.12   
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This book comprises the speeches and writings of Swami Ranganathananda, a senior monk of the Ramakrishna order. One of the main contributions by Swami Vivekananda to modern thought was to show that society can change in infinite ways in response to historical necessities; but that is no reason why eternal values underlying all human endeavors should be discarded or even changed. This book is an answer to many social, political, economic, and spiritual problems that be set the modern age. It... 
 Astavakra Gita  Swami Chimayananda Astavakra Gita   $22.99  $17.24  Buy Now 
Ashtavakra Gita is a short treatise on Advaita Vedanta which systematically deals with the mystical experiences of the individual in his flight to the transcendental peace and bliss. The subtle philosophical truths are expounded in the form of a lucid dialogue between the teenager sage Astavakra and his Royal disciple, the King-seer Janaka. To Astavakra,Self-knowledge through direct mystical intuition is the only goal to be reached and experienced in the dynamic silence of one's own deepest... 
 Daily Swadhyaya  Swami Chidananda Daily Swadhyaya   $18.99  $14.24   
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This book is a Daily Companion for the seeker. It contains practical spiritual advice. One can open any page and find an inspiring passage. By reading it, one will receive much inspiration and help in one's daily sadhana/meditation. This mini compendium of wisdom and knowledge all-both secular as well as spiritual; will greatly benefit the spiritual aspirants all over the world in their day to day activities and spiritual ascent. About the Author: Swami Chidananda was born as Sridhar Rao in... 
 Bhaja Govindam  Swami Chidananda Bhaja Govindam   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari has said: Sri Shankara has packed into the Bhaja Govindam song the substance of all Vedanta and set the oneness of jnana and bhakti to melodious music. This book is a collection of discourses on the main message of this scripture by Sri Swami Chidanandaji. About the Author: Swami Chidananda was born as Sridhar Rao in Mangalore, South India, on September 24, 1916, the first son of an orthodox Hindu Brahmin family. When he was sixteen, he shifted to Madras where, in... 
 Insights Into Vedanta  Sunirmalananda Insights Into Vedanta   $15.99  $11.99  Buy Now 
‘Insights into Vedanta’ is an English translation of Tattwabodha with a running commentary, based on Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda’s teachings. Sri Sankaracharya is the putative author of this work. The original Tattvabodha in Sanskrit is apparently a simple text, and the purpose of the author is to acquaint the lay reader with Advaita. But the text is profound. It also anticipates discussion and deep thought. The present book has the text in Devanagari and transliteration in... 
 A Guide to Noble Living  Swami Chidananda A Guide to Noble Living   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
This book is a general guide to noble and spiritual life. About the Author: Swami Chidananda was born as Sridhar Rao in Mangalore, South India, on September 24, 1916, the first son of an orthodox Hindu Brahmin family. When he was sixteen, he shifted to Madras where, in 1938, he graduated with a B.A. from the prestigious Loyola College. During these years, devotional songs and stories from the scriptures, as well as the lives and teachings of modern saints such as Sri Ramakrishna, Swami... 
 Essentials of the Higher Values of Life  Swami Sivananda Essentials of the Higher Values of Life   $9.49  $7.12  Buy Now 
This inspiring book throws useful light on higher values of spiritual life and gives guidance for spiritual Sadhana. Including precious talks like 'The Golden Thread of Vedanta', this book will certainly help in getting rid of all misconceptions about Vedanta and allied topics. Table of Contents: The Publishers’ Note Some Basic Truths Of Life Sublimation Of Mind The Golden Thread Of Vedanta Jeevo Brahmaiva Na-Aparah Objective Of Yoga-Vedanta Detach, Attach. About the Author: Swami... 
 Liberation Is Possible  Swami Chidananda Liberation Is Possible   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
It is a selection of inspiring early morning meditation talks by Swami Chidanandaji. About the Author: Swami Chidananda was born as Sridhar Rao in Mangalore, South India, on September 24, 1916, the first son of an orthodox Hindu Brahmin family. When he was sixteen, he shifted to Madras where, in 1938, he graduated with a B.A. from the prestigious Loyola College. During these years, devotional songs and stories from the scriptures, as well as the lives and teachings of modern saints such as... 
 Twenty Important Spiritual Insturctions  Swami Chidananda Twenty Important Spiritual Insturctions   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
A life without spiritual sadhana is a dreary waste. A life with spiritual sadhana is wise living-a life that will lead to Blessedness. The combination, the blending together, the harmonizing, the combining of an active inner spiritual life with an active outer secular life, fulfilling of legitimate duties and obligations-unavoidable, inevitable actions-this combining of the spiritual with the secular, the Divine with the earthly was Gurudev’s special mission. And to that end he gave us one... 
 Saints of Kashmir: A Galaxy  K.L. Kalla Saints of Kashmir: A Galaxy   $28.99  $21.74  Buy Now 
Saints, sages, seers, mystics and savants belong to all religions from ancient times. The Saints of India i.e. Adi Shankra Charya, Valmiki, Tulsi Das, Kabir Das, Ravidas, Parmahans Ram Krishen, Vivekananda, Yoga Nand, Sai Baba, Satya Sai Baba, Mahesh Yogi, Ram Tirath, Asa Ramji etc., preached the essential tenets of the Vedas, Upanishads, Purans and Gita. Their aim has been to propagate spirituality in order to make the Humanity God-fearing and noble and also, the world as a heaven, in this age... 
 At the feet of God  Swami Ramdas At the feet of God   $9.49  $7.12  Buy Now 
Heart pourings of Swami Ramdas during the early years of his itinerancy as a God-intoxicated Sadhu who saw only his Beloved Ram in everyone and everything. About the Author: Swami Ramdas, often called Papa Ramdas or simply Papa, was born Vittal Rao in 1884 in Hosdrug, Kerala, Southern India.Having been inspired by the teachings of Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Ram Tirtha, and then initiated in the Ram Mantra (Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram) by his father, the life of 37... 
 The Upanishads: Breath of the Eternal  Swami Prabhavananda The Upanishads: Breath of the Eternal   $4.95  $3.71   
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One of the most important Vedic texts, THE UPANISHADS, contains sacred revelations, insights, and divine truths by saints and seers. They are translated here from the original Sanskrit by Prabhavananda, who is credited with making Hindu scriptures accessible to Western readers, particularly with his widely read translation of THE BHAGAVAD-GITA. This version is regarded as one of the most comprehensive and oft-cited in discussions of Hinduism, due to the author's effort to preserve the original... 
 Swaraj: A Multi-Dimensional Concept  Amulya Ranjan Mohapatra Swaraj: A Multi-Dimensional Concept   $21.49  $16.12  Buy Now 
Swaraj is a multi-dimensional concept. It not only relates to political freedom, but also means autonomy and harmony in all spheres of life—political, economic, social, cultural, spiritual and moral. This book presents a spiritual and moral exposition of the concept of Swaraj as interpreted by great Indian thinkers like M. K. Gandhi, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Sri Aurobindo, Raja Rammohun Roy, Rabindranath Tagore and Swami Vivekananda.       
 Swaraj: Thoughts of Gandhi, Tilak ,Aurobindo, Raja Rammohun Roy,Tagore & Vivekananda  Amulya Ranjan Mohapatra Swaraj: Thoughts of Gandhi, Tilak ,Aurobindo, Raja Rammohun Roy,Tagore & Vivekananda   $14.49  $10.87  Buy Now 
Swaraj is a multi-dimensional concept. It not only relates to political freedom, but also means autonomy and harmony in all spheres of life—political, economic, social, cultural, spiritual and moral. This book presents a spiritual and moral exposition of the concept of Swaraj as interpreted by great Indian thinkers like M. K. Gandhi, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Sri Aurobindo, Raja Rammohun Roy, Rabindranath Tagore and Swami Vivekananda. Table of Contents: Mahatma Gandhi Swaraj as Self-Rule Bal... 
 Atma Bodha  Swami Chinmayananda Atma Bodha   $9.49  $7.12  Buy Now 
No text book can be prescribed to the students without an initial chapter giving the definition of the terms and terminology that are used in the body of the book. The Scientist visualizes the world from his view point. He sees truths that are not visible to others. And since he sees visions which are not the common property of all, in his language he will have to use unconventional words which have for him some special imports and secret suggestions. If these extraordinary words are not... 
 Glory of Ganesha  Swami Chinmayananda Glory of Ganesha   $11.99  $8.99  Buy Now 
About the Author:  H.H. Swami Chinmayananda is a world renowned authority of the scriptures of India, especially Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads. He was born in 1916 and attained mahasamadhi in 1993. He worked relentlessly for about 40 years to bring about spiritual revival in India and abroad. His unique style and logical approach is appealing to all young and old. His was the life of selfless service to others. He is the author of more than thirty books - each one is a masterpiece,... 
 Kaivalya Upanisad  Swami Chinmayananda Kaivalya Upanisad   $9.49  $7.12  Buy Now 
Upanisads are the philosophical portion of the Vedas. Its poetic diction, systematic development of thought-at once clear, concise and scientific in arrangement of highly philosophical ideas make Kaivalya Upanisad one the most striking minor Upanisads. The great commentator Narayana calls the Kaivalya Upanisad as the Brahma-Satarudriya i e the Satarudriya which glorifies the unconditioned Brahma-Satarudriya i e the Satarudriya which glorifies the unconditioned Brahman as opposed to the... 
 Say Cheese  Swami Chinmayananda Say Cheese   $18.99  $14.24  Buy Now 
A young girl asked Swami Chinmayananda Whatever you teach is there in the books. What do I need a Guru For? His instant answer was Why don’t you ask this question to the books. Such quick witted remarks of Swami Chinmayananda have been collected and placed into 54 photographs in a comic format. Each photograph carries a commentary in Swamiji’s own words, explaining the topic of the photograph. Some of the topic discussed are: Types of Love How to mend a broken heart Confidence... 
 A New Beginning  Swami Chidananda A New Beginning   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
It is a selection from Swamiji's talks in the morning mediation sessions to mould one's life a new in the light of Gurudev's teachings. About the Author: Swami Chidananda was born as Sridhar Rao in Mangalore, South India, on September 24, 1916, the first son of an orthodox Hindu Brahmin family. When he was sixteen, he shifted to Madras where, in 1938, he graduated with a B.A. from the prestigious Loyola College. During these years, devotional songs and stories from the scriptures, as well as... 
 Swami Sivananda Saint, Sage & Godman  Swami Chidananda Swami Sivananda Saint, Sage & Godman   $8.49  $6.37  Buy Now 
Swami Sivananda's language is simple and the teachings are direct. He explained the most subtle subjects of Hindu scriptures in such a simple way that anyone can easily understand them even at first reading. He preached only those things which he himself had practiced for along time. His teachings are not empty words of bookish knowledge. They penetrate the heart of the reader and inspire the reader onto spiritual pursuits and sincere sadhana. The author brings out the sterling qualities of... 
 The Ultimate Journey  Swami Chidananda The Ultimate Journey   $32.49  $24.37  Buy Now 
About the Author:  Swami Chidananda was born as Sridhar Rao in Mangalore, South India, on September 24, 1916, the first son of an orthodox Hindu Brahmin family. When he was sixteen, he shifted to Madras where, in 1938, he graduated with a B.A. from the prestigious Loyola College. During these years, devotional songs and stories from the scriptures, as well as the lives and teachings of modern saints such as Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi and Swami Ramdas awakened in... 
 Path to Blessedness  Swami Chidananda Path to Blessedness   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
The matter contained in this book with the title "Path to Blessedness" is a simple exposition of the inner Science of Self-realization through the path of self-subdual, mind-control, concentration and meditation. This entire book constitutes a sincere attempt to serve earnest seekers after spiritual Truth and to spread a Great Wisdom that is likely to be of benefit to mankind. The said lessons were very carefully recorded in shorthand script and are now made available in this book after... 
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01.Ayurveda and Life Impressions Bodywork
02.Kriya Yoga Rahasya
03.Oral Instruction Tantra: From the Four Tantras of Tibetan Medicine
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