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 Ayurveda Revolutionized  Edward F. Tarabilda Ayurveda Revolutionized   $10.99  $8.24   
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This study gives the reader a radical new perspective in the practice of Ayurveda. It is not meant to replace what exists at present, but to be complimentary. This system is not new, but is offered as a revitalized approach to Ayurveda. The thesis put forth by the author in this text is that it is not Constitution, as modern Ayurveda contends, but rather Seven Disease Tendencies which are fundamental to the treatment of disease. In fact, this approach in mentioned by Charaka, the father of... 
 Ayurveda  Revolutionized: Integrating Ancient and Modern Ayurveda  Edward F. Tarabilda Ayurveda Revolutionized: Integrating Ancient and Modern Ayurveda   $12.49  $9.37   
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This study gives the reader a radical new perspective in the practice of Ayurveda. It is not meant to replace what exists at present, but to be complimentary. This system is not new, but is offered as a revitalized approach to Ayurveda. The thesis put forth by the author in this text is that it is not Constitution, as modern Ayurveda contends, but rather Seven Disease Tendencies which are fundamental to the treatment of disease. In fact, this approach in mentioned by Charaka, the father of... 
 The Healing Handbook  Tara Ward The Healing Handbook   $25.49  $19.12   
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This will help you to revitalise your life force. Many people view healing as a purely physical experience while many others rely dealing with the whole person and acknowledging the connection between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the self. Spiritual healing can be very effective on a basic level and can be taught relatively easily. In The Healing Handbook, author Tara Ward presents a range of techniques and tools for healing yourself and others, including children... 
 Medicinal Herbs with their formulations  M.P. Singh Medicinal Herbs with their formulations   $189.95  $142.46  Buy Now 
The book on Medicinal Herbs has been compiled and written mainly for medical, pharmaceutical and research scientist who are today or many in future to be concerned with the identity, efficacy and safety of Indian Medicinal Plants as well as of other countries. This book describes and illustrate more than 500 spices of the most important medicinal plants and provides information on their habitats and growing conditions. The author have tried to give as much as possible informations including... 
 The Ayurvedic System of Medicine (2 Volumes)  Kaviraj Nagendranath Sengupta The Ayurvedic System of Medicine (2 Volumes)   $156.49  $117.37  Buy Now 
The present work is an extensive treatise of Ayurvedic Medicine as occurring in Charaka, Susruta, Vegbhata and other authoritative Sanskrit works on Ayurveda. The set of 2 volumes will be an ideal reference book on Ayurveda. Apart from being a basic reference this book can be used by students and the practitioners of Ayurveda and the basic fundamentals of Ayurveda and its treatment. With growing interest in Indian medicine and traditional methods of treatment by natural mate-rials this book... 
 Dravyaguna Vijnana: Materia Medica-Vegetable Drugs (In 3 Volumes)  Gyanendra Pandey Dravyaguna Vijnana: Materia Medica-Vegetable Drugs (In 3 Volumes)   $120.49  $90.37  Buy Now 
This work deals with indigenous materia medica, pharmacology and therapeutics of Ayurveda, with special reference to drug obtained from vegetable origin or the plant drugs belonging to Indian medical science. It is the first work of its kind, fulfilling the need and demand in India and abroad. The work is in English language supported with Sanskrit text (with proper reference/contexts). This work has been presented in three parts, enumerating more than 500 drugs, forming three volumes: first... 
 Encyclopaedia of Domestic Medicine : With Domestic Materia Medica  Themas J. Grahamm Encyclopaedia of Domestic Medicine : With Domestic Materia Medica   $75.49  $56.62  Buy Now 
Contents: Vol. I : Preface Domestic Materia Medica, containing an account of the principal medicines now in use Collection of prescriptions Mineral waters Cold and warm bathing Diet Cookery Regimen Blood-letting Suspended animation from drowning, & c Intoxication Of preventing contagion Poisons Dislocations Fractures Substances lodged in the Gullet Management of Children Dentition or teething Vol. II : Abscess Ague Amaurosis Angina... 
 Medicinal Flowers: Puspayurveda: Medicinal Flowers of India and Adjacent Regions  Gyanendra pandey Medicinal Flowers: Puspayurveda: Medicinal Flowers of India and Adjacent Regions   $25.49  $19.12  Buy Now 
About the Author: Prof. (Dr.) Gyanendra Pandey Triple Postgraduate, PH.D., F.R.A.S. (Lond.) etc., Asstt. Director (Ayurveda), Retd., CCRAS, Govt of India, (Ministry of Health & F.W.), Expert of Ayurveda, Herbals & Indology (Oriental Studies), Specialist clinician (Incl. Panchakarma Therapy)- Medicobotanist (Floral Survey: Arid/seacoastsalpines) R.& D Consultant (Pharmaceuticals - cosmetics, Drug farming), Herbal Veterinarian (MUskdeer research, CBSG, IUCN). International... 
 Some Lesser Known Herbal Drugs in Ayurveda  Gyanendra Pandey Some Lesser Known Herbal Drugs in Ayurveda   $18.99  $14.24  Buy Now 
Contents: Prelude Genera, families, species and drugs Plants units: 1 to 28 Selected bibliography General index of botanical names. About the Author: Prof. (Dr.) Gyanendra Pandey Triple Postgraduate, PH.D., F.R.A.S. (Lond.) etc., Asstt. Director (Ayurveda), Retd., CCRAS, Govt of India, (Ministry of Health & F.W.), Expert of Ayurveda, Herbals & Indology (Oriental Studies), Specialist clinician (Incl. Panchakarma Therapy)- Medicobotanist (Floral Survey: Arid/seacoastsalpines)... 
 Sacred Plants and Their Medicinal Uses  Anil Kumar Dhiman Sacred Plants and Their Medicinal Uses   $78.49  $58.87  Buy Now 
Tree or Plant worship or the worship using plant’s parts is one of the earliest forms of religions in ancient world. It was through the worship of the plants or trees that man attempted to approach and propitiate the God. Before man developed agriculture, he lived mostly on fruits and nuts of the plants. He used their implements for peace and war. It was from wood that he obtained fire to cook his food and to warm his cave dwellings apart from the beauty of their flowers, which excited his... 
 Uncommon Plant Drugs of Ayurveda  Gyanendra Pandey Uncommon Plant Drugs of Ayurveda   $37.99  $28.49  Buy Now 
About the Author: Prof. (Dr.) Gyanendra Pandey Triple Postgraduate, PH.D., F.R.A.S. (Lond.) etc., Asstt. Director (Ayurveda), Retd., CCRAS, Govt of India, (Ministry of Health & F.W.), Expert of Ayurveda, Herbals & Indology (Oriental Studies), Specialist clinician (Incl. Panchakarma Therapy)- Medicobotanist (Floral Survey: Arid/seacoastsalpines) R.& D Consultant (Pharmaceuticals - cosmetics, Drug farming), Herbal Veterinarian (MUskdeer research, CBSG, IUCN). International... 
 Handbook on Ayurvedic Medicines with Formulae, Processes and Their Uses  Handbook on Ayurvedic Medicines with Formulae, Processes and Their Uses   $92.49  $69.37  Buy Now 
Hand Book on Ayurvedic Medicines: With Formulae, Processes and Their UsesThis is the first book of its kind which contains formulae, processes of different types of Ayurvedic medicines like tablets, churn, capsules, syrups, sharbats, pastes etc. used in various diseases. The book will be very useful for entrepreneurs, industrialists, project consultants, institutions, libraries etc.Table of Contents:CHAPTER-1Medicinal PlantsIntroductionScience and TechnologyTie-up ProgrammeMarket PotentialThe... 
 Dravyaguna Vijnana: Materia Medica-Vegetable Drugs (Vol. 3)  Gyanendra Pandey Dravyaguna Vijnana: Materia Medica-Vegetable Drugs (Vol. 3)   $131.49  $98.62  Buy Now 
This work deals with indigenous materia medica, pharmacology and therapeutics of Ayurveda, with special reference to drug obtained from vegetable origin or the plant drugs belonging to Indian medical science. It is the first work of its kind, fulfilling the need and demand in India and abroad. The work is in English language supported with Sanskrit text (with proper reference/contexts).This work has been presented in three parts, enumerating more than 500 drugs, forming three volumes: first... 
 Buddhist Insight  Alex Wayman, George Elder Buddhist Insight   $59.49  $44.62  Buy Now 
The present volume selcts twenty-four of Prof. Wayman's published research papers around the topic of Buddhist Insight, and includes only strong, well developed papers consistent with the topic. Students of Buddhism and general Indian religion will find here a rich offering of genuine research with the best of sources and Wayman's own thoughtful presentations and original organization of the information. The papers begin with "Buddha as Savior" among the latest and end with the... 
 The Avacchedakat?nirukti (of the D?dhiti and G?d?dhar?) with the Subodh? commentary by N.S. Ramanuja Tatacharya.  N.S. Ramanuja Tatacharya The Avacchedakat?nirukti (of the D?dhiti and G?d?dhar?) with the Subodh? commentary by N.S. Ramanuja Tatacharya.   $56.49  $42.37  Buy Now 
The Avacchedakat?nirukti, a supplement by Gad?dhara Bha???c?rya (circa 1604–1709) to the commentary D?dhiti on the Tattva Cint?ma?i written by the great philosopher Raghun?tha ?iroma?i (circa 1477–1547), deals with the interpretation of avacchedakatva, the individuality of invariable concomitance in inference (vy?pti), elaborating upon Raghun?tha ?iroma?i’s treatment of the topic. In his own commentary, the Subodh?, Prof. N.S. Ramanuja Tatacharya clarifies the most difficult... 
 Music in Traditional Indian Theatre: Special Reference to Raas Leela  Rani Balbir Kaur Music in Traditional Indian Theatre: Special Reference to Raas Leela   $62.99  $47.24  Buy Now 
Music is the culmination of every art form, an integral part of the total Dramatic World of India  an essential element of the traditional theatre forms that use music vocal and instrumental chants, various percussion rhythms, sounds and speech patterns with definite dramatic function. Bharat Muni in Natyashastra in his advice to the theatre practitioners says, one should first of all bestow care on songs, for songs have been called the bed (base) of drama. The song and the playing of... 
 Barefoot to Paradise  Soorina Arora Barefoot to Paradise   $14.49  $10.87  Buy Now 
The sale of a painting that depicts her childhood home prompts Naintara to dissect different aspects of her life. The need to earn a livelihood, a passion to create that doesn't always pay and luck, which holds her reason till it turns. Also, God who doesn't help slay her demons. About life that shows an uncanny ability to sort itself out and hope which, if nothing else, doesn't abandon her side. This book is about the intriguing path life takes in order to bring one to something as simple as... 
 Growing Up with the Mother  The Mother Growing Up with the Mother   $9.49  $7.12  Buy Now 
Tara Jauhar had the privilege of close proximity to the Mother for many years. This book is a collection of correspondence, messages and conversations of the Mother with Tara, "showing how the Mother patiently and persistently helped and guided a young girl towards the discovery of her inner being and held out Her ever helping hand, nurtured her growth, and led her on to the path of spirituality". About the Author: Born in Paris in 1878, the Mother studied painting at an art studio and... 
 Waves of Bliss  Swami Sivananda Waves of Bliss   $4.99  $3.74  Buy Now 
"Waves of Bliss": Every page, every line of it is vibrant with such an electric current. Keep a copy in your portfolio. Read a page-any page-when you have a few minutes' leisure. You will be electrified. There is plenty of humour; serene statements; the truth about falsehood revealed in all its nakedness; and there is simple advice to one and all. The publishers would be amply rewarded for placing this Electric Illuminator in your hands if you would make the best use of it! How true is this... 
 Abhinavagupta Para-trisika-Vivarana: The Secret of Tantric Mysticism  Jaideva Singh Abhinavagupta Para-trisika-Vivarana: The Secret of Tantric Mysticism   $22.49  $16.87   
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The Paratrisika (or Paratrimsika) is a short Tantra which has been held in the highest esteem by Kashmir Saivism or Trika. After Somananda, Abhinavagupta has written two commentaries on it, a short one (Laghuvrtti) and an extensive one the present Vivarana which is presented here for the first time in an English translation. The Paratrisika Vivarana is one of the most fascinating but also most difficult texts of the Kashmir Saiva School, and of the mystical philosophical literature of India as... 
 Religious Art & Architecture of North East India  Braja Kishor Padhi Religious Art & Architecture of North East India   $125.49  $94.12  Buy Now 
Religious Art & Architecture of North East India by The book deals with the religion, art, architecture of various religious places belonging to Jainism, Buddhism, Hindu temples of Vaishnavism, Saivism, Shaktism, etc., Churches, Mosques. It contains seven chapters. The Chapter first analysises a short note on the southern zone interlinked with history of art and architecture of Orissa. The Chapter II is devoted to religious places of Jainism, Jain heritages, Jain sculptures and monuments... 
 Prabodhacandrodaya of Krsna Misra  Dr. Sita K. Nambiar Prabodhacandrodaya of Krsna Misra   $17.99  $13.49  Buy Now 
Prabodhacandrodaya of Krsna Misra is a profound philosophical allegory, in six acts, of the whole life of man. The author succeeds to a remarkable degree in giving us an ingenious picture of the spiritual struggle between virtue and vice the two forces of human mind in a dramatic form. There is lively satire too. On the devotional side there is an attempt to synthesise Advaitic Vedanta with Visnubhakti. Of all the allegorical plays in Sanskrit this must be singled out as an attractive work of... 
 Temple Tales from India  Kumud Mohan Temple Tales from India   $224.49  $168.37  Buy Now 
Discover timeless tales of little known temples in India -- from hidden caves in the Himalayas, to shimmering seas in the south, to a holy lake in the midst of a desertContents:Foreword by Pandit Jasraj  Preface  Introduction Acknowledgements1. A Deserted Shrine - Uttarakhand2. A Treasure Trove - Orissa  3. Demon’s Den?   - Himachal4. Scholar & Scholarly River - Uttarakhand 5. Vignettes from the Fair -  Rajasthan6. A tryst with Mother... 
 Encyclopaedia of Indian Architecture: Hindu, Buddhist, Jain & Islamic: Buddhist  K.M. Suresh (Ed.) Encyclopaedia of Indian Architecture: Hindu, Buddhist, Jain & Islamic: Buddhist   $281.49  $211.12  Buy Now 
This volume of the work entitled 'Encyclopedia of Indian Architecture' is devoted to the study of Buddhist architecture. It has twenty four chapters. The chapters discuss Buildings during the Rule of the Early Mauryan Dynasty (c. 400 B.C.): Wooden Origins, Asoka and the Beginnings of the Buddhist School (c.250 B.C.) The Stupa and its Symbolism, Architecture of Sungas, Buddhist Rock -Cut Architecture, Rock-Cut Architecture of Hinayana 2nd Century B.C., Buddhist Architecture in Southern India... 
 The Power of Gender and the Gender of Power: Explorations in Early Indian History  Kumkum Roy The Power of Gender and the Gender of Power: Explorations in Early Indian History   $54.49  $40.87  Buy Now 
Is it possible to recover the histories of gender for early India? How can gender analyses enrich our understanding of early India today? Drawing upon a range of textual traditions, this unique collection examines the significance of gender in the reconstruction of India’s past. It goes beyond the simple binaries of a ‘high’ or ‘low’ status for women to explore the diversities and complexities of gender relations in early India. Table of Contents: Introduction Towards histories... 
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01.Ayurveda and Life Impressions Bodywork
02.Kriya Yoga Rahasya
03.Oral Instruction Tantra: From the Four Tantras of Tibetan Medicine
04.Prasthanatraya (Six Volumes)
05.Human Physiology - Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature
06.Building Architecture of Sthapatya Veda
07.Caraka Samhita (7 vols): Text in Sanskrit with English translation
08.Astanga Hrdayam - 3 Volumes
09.Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha
10.A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya
11.The One Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming
12.Introduction to Sanskrit (Volume I and Volume II)
Charudattam of Mahakavi Bhasa
Hindi Morphology
Shadvarga Phalam
Swami Sivananda's 18 ITIES and the Practice of Pratyahara
Some Aspects Of The Studies Of Dharma-Sastra
Sri Babaji - Immortal Yogi of the Himalayas
Brihat Nakshatra
Collected Works of T.V.Kapali Sastry: Volume 3 - The Book of Lights - 3
Dictionary of Music
Facets of Buddhism
The Yoga of Sleep and Dreams: The Night-School of Sadhana
It is an excellent Compilation from the writings of The Moth ..
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