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Dr. Ramkaran Sharma |
Caraka Samhita (7 vols): Text in Sanskrit with English translation |
$218.99 $164.24 |
Contents: Vol. I. Sutra Sthana: Introduction/Alex Wayman Foreword/Pandit Shiv Sharma Preface. Quest for longevity (Dirghanjivitiya) Dehusked seeds of Achyranthes Aspera Linn. (Apamargatanduliya) Cassia Fistula Linn. (Aragvadhiya) Six hundred purgatives (Sadvirecanasatasritiya) Quantitative dietetics (Matrasitiya) Qualitative dietetics (Tasyasitiya) Non-suppression of natural urges (Navegandharaniya) Description of sense organs (Indriyopakramaniya) Brief chapter on the... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Materia Medica of Ayurveda - Madanapala's Nighantu |
$31.49 $23.62 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
This book is the translation of the original work Madanapala Nighantu by a king Madanapala. The work has been translated by the reputed scholar Vaidya Bhagwan Dash. It is one of the rare works of Ayurveda which are not available today in any other language other than Sanskrit. The publication of this text was therefore essential for the benefit of readers looking for original work. Over 500 ingredients which have medicinal properties have been described in the book. The detailed information has... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
A Handbook of Ayurveda |
$15.99 $11.99 |
Handbook of Auyurveda is intended as the first in a series of course books on Ayurveda which can be utilised with great profit by the assiduous student of Ayurveda, the medical practitioner, the specialist, as well as the average housewife or layman who wishes to lead a harmonious life in tune with nature. Designed specially while keeping in mind the course at the Australian School of Ayurveda in Adelaide, this beautifully produced Handbook is profusely illustrated with diagrams, charts, line... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Alchemy and Metallic Medicines In Ayurveda |
$31.49 $23.62 |
Metals and minerals which are very toxic in their unprocessed form have been converted by special processes into preparations for treatment of diseases by Ayurvedic physicians for thousands of years. Covers physico-chemical and philosophical concepts, processing of metals and minerals, gems and jewels, shell and bone, conversion of poisonous vegetable substances; with diagrams, index and appendices. |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Ayurvedic Remedies: Ayurvedic Cures for Common Diseases |
$16.49 $12.37 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
This book was written by one of the foremost highly respected authorities in the field of Ayurveda. Highly recommended presentation of the therapeutic treatment of many common diseases and ailments. Handy for reference, with illustrations and indexes. |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine |
$31.49 $23.62 |
Traditional systems of medicines developed in various parts of the world during different ages. A systematic shape was given to them in different ancient centres of civilization and culture. Some of these traditional systems are based on a rational and sound fundamental principles and some others have only an empirical base.
Some of those traditional systems did not survive and have become subjects of history whereas others like the traditional system of medicine of India and China are not... |
Bhagwan Vaidya Dash |
Herbal Cure: High Blood Pressure and Sleeplessness |
$4.95 $3.71 |
Several chemical and synthetic remedies have been developed in modern medicine to reduce blood pressure and to induce sleep. These drugs give only temporary relief and their continued use renders them less effective. In fact, there are serious side toxic effects because of the prolonged use of such conventional drugs. The net result of this criminal negligence of the patients of high blood pressure and sleeplessness has left thousands of mentally ailing and unproductive men and women all over... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Iatro-Chemistry of Ayurveda (Rasa Sastra) : Based on Ayurveda Saukhyam of Todarananda |
$31.49 $23.62 |
Based on Todarananda Ayurveda Saukhyam, this series in nine volumes covers almost all the aspects of Ayurveda, including fundamentals principles, anatomy, physiology, hygiene and public health, examination of patients, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of diseases, iatro-chemistry, materia medica and five specialised therapies, known as Panch Karma.
While volumes one and two deal with materia medica and basic principles of Ayurveda, respectively, volumes three to seven cover the diagnosis and... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Materia Medica of Ayurveda: Based on Ayurveda Saukhyam of Todarananda |
$48.49 $36.37 |
The Materia Medica of ayurveda represents a rich storehouse of knowledge of drugs based on centuries of experience. Scientists, research workers, physicians and students interested in ayurveda, often experience great difficulty in obtaining authentic works on the subject with a translation in a language generally understood by them. To cater to this long felt need, we are happy to present here the Materia Medica of Ayurveda by Raja Todaramalla with its English translation along with... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Herbal Cure: Peptic Ulcer and Gastritis |
$4.95 $3.71 |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash has had an outstandingly brilliant academic career. In addition to graduate and postgraduate qualifications in Ayurveda, he holds a Master's degree in Sanskrit and a Doctorate from University of Delhi. In the course of over thirty years dedicated to research and practice of Ayurveda, Dr. Dash has attended several international conferences and seminars held in Brazil, Mexico and France. He was invited to deliver a course of lectures in Ayurveda at the Patrice Lumumba... |
Dr. Ramkaran Sharma |
Caraka Samhita Vol 1 : Text in Sanskrit with English translation |
$36.99 $27.74 |
Contents: Vol. I. Sutra Sthana: Introduction/Alex Wayman Foreword/Pandit Shiv Sharma Preface. Quest for longevity (Dirghanjivitiya) Dehusked seeds of Achyranthes Aspera Linn. (Apamargatanduliya) Cassia Fistula Linn. (Aragvadhiya) Six hundred purgatives (Sadvirecanasatasritiya) Quantitative dietetics (Matrasitiya) Qualitative dietetics (Tasyasitiya) Non-suppression of natural urges (Navegandharaniya) Description of sense organs (Indriyopakramaniya) Brief... |
Dr. Ramkaran Sharma |
Caraka Samhita Vol 2 : Text in Sanskrit with English translation |
$42.49 $31.87 |
Contents: Vol. II. Nidanasthana-Indriyasthan: I. Nidanasthana: Diagnosis of fever (Jvara Nidana) Diagnosis of Raktapitta—a condition characterised by bleeding from various parts of the body (Raktapitta Nidana) Diagnosis of Gulma or phantom tumour (Gulma Nidana) Diagnosis of Prameha or obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes mellitus (Prameha Nidana) Diagnosis of Kustha or obstinate skin diseases including leprosy (Kustha-Nidana) Diagnosis of consumption (Sosa Nidana)... |
Dr. Ramkaran Sharma |
Caraka Samhita Vol 3 : Text in Sanskrit with English translation |
$32.99 $24.74 |
Contents: Vol. III. Cikitsa Sthana Chap. I-XIV: I. Cikitsasthanam: A. Rejuvenation therapy Rasayanadhyaya first Pada: dealing with Terminalia Chebula and Emblica officinalisB. Rejuvenation therapy beginning with the term Pranakama (Rasayanadhyaya second Pada)C. Rejuvenation therapy dealing with by the administration of Amalaki (Rasayanadhyaya third Pada)D. Rejuvenation therapy dealing with original propagation of Ayurveda (Rasayanadhyaya 4 chapter) A. Aphrodisiacs dealing with... |
Dr. Ramkaran Sharma |
Caraka Samhita Vol 4 : Text in Sanskrit with English translation |
$32.99 $24.74 |
Contents: Vol. IV. Cikitsa Sthan Chap. XV-XXVI: I. Cikitsasthana: Treatment of Grahani Dosa (Sprue-syndrome) Treatment of Pandu (Anemia) Treatment of Hikka and Svasa (Hiccup and Asthma) Treatment of Kasa (Bronchitis) Treatment of Atisara (Diarrhoea) Treatment of Chardi (vomiting) Treatment of Visarpa (Erysipelas and Herpes) Treatment of Trsna (morbid thirst) Treatment of visa (poisoning) Treatment of Madatyaya (alcoholism) Treatment of Dvivraniya (ulcers) Treatment of... |
Dr. Ramkaran Sharma |
Caraka Samhita Vol 5 : Text in Sanskrit with English translation |
$32.99 $24.74 |
Contents: Vol. V. Cikitsa Sthana Chap. XXVII-XXX: I. Cikitsa-Sthana: Treatment of Urustambha (spasticity of the thighs) Treatment of diseases caused by Vayu (Vata-Vyadhi) Treatment of Vata-Rakta or gout and arthritis Treatment of gynecic, seminal and lacteal morbidities |
Dr. Ramkaran Sharma |
Caraka Samhita Vol 6 : Text in Sanskrit with English translation |
$32.99 $24.74 |
Contents: Vol. VI. Kalpa and Siddhi Sthana: I. Kalpasthana: Pharmaceutics of Madana Pharmaceutics of Jimutaka Pharmaceutics of Iksvaku Pharmaceutics of Dhamargava Pharmaceutics of Vatsaka Pharmaceutics of Krtavedhana Pharmaceutics of Syama-Trivrt Pharmaceutics of Caturangula Pharmaceutics of Tilvaka Pharmaceutics of Sudha Pharmaceutics of Saptala-Sankhini Pharmaceutics of Danti and Dravanti. II. Siddhi Sthana (section on successful administration of therapeutic measures): ... |
Dr. Ramkaran Sharma |
Caraka Samhita Vol 7 : Text in Sanskrit |
$25.49 $19.12 |
Contents: Vol. VII. Sloka-Index. The Caraka Samhita occupies a very important place in the history of world’s medical science. But this work is quit difficult to understand to those who are not well accustomed with the particular style of Sanskrit in which it is written. Hence, an authentic translation was a desideratum. The present translation is not only the result of painful labour of two renowned scholars, but it comprises valuable extracts from the famous commentary of... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Vaghata and Candra-Nandana In Indo-Tibetan Medicine: Traditions, Concepts and Practice in Tibetan Medicine and Ayurveda |
$16.49 $12.37 |
Vagbhata, an eminent scholar and physician of Ayurveda whose works are popular even now amongst Ayurvedic physician of India and abroad, is unfortunately shrouded with controversies regarding his genealogy, time, habitation, religious faith and the works he composed. Because of temporal vecissitudes, the sectarian quarrel was at its apogee in the medieval period, and Vagbhata who was a follower of Shaivism was later converted to Buddhism. His Pre-Buddhist name was Asvaghosa and had composed... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Pharmacopoeia of Tibetan Medicine |
$33.49 $25.12 |
All over the world, three is a growing awareness and interest about the multidimensional and multi-faceted culture including religion, philosophy, art and traditional medicine of Tibet.
Tibetan medicine which is even now practiced in that country and her neigbhourhood has become the center of this interest. For the medical men and scientists, the language barrier and cryptic nature of description, specially with reference to therapeutic remedies have worked as a deterrent. These recipes are... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Encyclopaedia of Tibetan Medicine - Volumes 1-6 |
$348.49 $261.37 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Health conscious people and scientists all over the world are evincing keen interest in "alternative medicine" and the World Health Organisation has recognised the role of traditional medicine in achieving health for all by 2000 A.D.
Indo-Tibetan medicine enshrined in Rgyudbzi is a veritable treasure of centuries of accumulated experience with rational fundamentals and scientifically analysable therapeutic measures meant for the preservation and promotion of positive health, and prevention... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Materia Medica of Tibetan Medicine (with illustrations) |
$115.49 $86.62 |
Contents: Introduction Drugs belonging to 33 groups (ganas) described in the sutra section (15th chapter of Astanga hrdaya) Supplementary plants Food and drinks Animals and animal-products Tree and its parts Synonyms and Homonyms. Indices: Tibetan names of drugs etc., with their Sanskrit & Botanical/English equivalents Sanskrit names of drugs etc., with their Tibetan and Botanical/English equivalents Botanical/English names of drugs etc., with their Tibetan and... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Positive Health in Tibetan Medicine |
$18.99 $14.24 |
Positive health is a new concept in Modern Medicine. In the traditional medicine of India and Tibet, a lot of emphasis is laid upon the food, drinks, regimens and conduct for the preservation and promotion of positive health. It is considered to be one of the eight specialized branches of traditional medicine. Food and regimens for different parts of the day and night and during different seasons form the basis of this specialized branch.
The religious, social and cultural traditions of Tibet... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash (Tr. & Ed.) |
Tibetan Medicine: Theory & Practice |
$19.49 $14.62 |
About the Author: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash has had an outstandingly brilliant academic career. In addition to graduate and postgraduate qualifications in Ayurveda, he holds a Master's degree in Sanskrit and a Doctorate from University of Delhi. In the course of over thirty years dedicated to research and practice of Ayurveda, Dr. Dash has attended several international conferences and seminars held in Brazil, Mexico and France. He was invited to deliver a course of lectures in Ayurveda at the... |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Tibetan Medicine |
$5.00 $3.75 |
This work includes a critical study on one of the fundamental medical tantras. The author has added an extensive introduction on the history of both Buddhist and pre-Buddhist Indo-Tibetan medical systems, as well as corelated many key Tibetan medical terms and prescriptions with their Sanskrit equivalent. |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Tibetan Medicine |
$12.50 $9.38 |