The Bhagavad Gita has the original Sanskrit text with Roman transliteration, and a lucid English rendition. Concise and to the point commentaries of two hundred twenty-seven (227) selected key verses are provided. One hundred thirty three (133) verses are printed in red to enable the first time readers to study these verses before delving deep into the vast ocean of transcendental knowledge. The teachings of saints and sages of major religious denominations as well as world leaders and scholars have been included. Quotations from the Vedas, Puranas, Upanisads, Smrtis, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhakti Sutra, Brahma Sutra, yoga Sutra, as well as other major scriptures of the world such as the Bible, Dhammapada and Koran have been incorporated to underline the basic unity of all religious thoughts and to promote the universal brotherhood of mankind. About the Author: Engineering Graduate, IIT, Kharagupr, India; M.S., University of Toronto; Ph.D., University of Illinois, has published several papers in the Journals of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Dr. Prasad founded the American Gita Society, with an aim to serve the humanity through the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and other scriptures, and to establish harmony between all cultures, races, religions and faiths of the world through the immortal teachings of all great masters, and major scriptures.