The Caraka Samhita, is originally the work of Agnivesa, who composed it by collecting the teachings of his teacher Punaravasu Atreya. This text presumably small in size and content was later improved and enlarged by Caraka on whose name it came to be known popularly as the Caraka-samhita. The subject matter of the Caraka-samhita has been divided into eight sthanas (sections). Caraka samhita earned great reputation and became the most authoritative text representing the School of Medicine. It was translated into Persian and thence to Arabic in the 8th cent. A.D., Caraka-samhita has maintained this status till today when all the other ancient texts of Medicine almost went into oblivion.
- Longevity
- 28 Varieties of Gruel
- Powders and Plasters
- Purgatives
- Proper Measure in respect to Diet
- Proper Measure in respect to Season
- Inadvisability of Suppressing the Urges of Nature
- Analysis of the Senses
- Brief Aggregate of Four
- Comprehensive Aggregate of Four
- Three Aspirations
- Merits and Faults of the Wind
- Oils
- Sweat-Cures
- Articles to be Kept Ready
- Subject of a Skillful Physician
- Diseases of the Head
- Triple Inflammation
- Certain Diseases
- Basic Causes of Diseases
- Eight Persons Worthy of Condemnation
- Six Methods of Treatment
- Diseases Caused by Indulgence in Certain Food Habits
- Ordinances in Respect of Blood
- Origin of the Body and Diseases
- Six Tastes
- Ordinances Relating to Food and Drink
- Diverse Kinds of Food and Drink
- Ten Substrata of the Life-Breaths
- Great Ducts in the Heart.
- Vol.2: The Place of Vimanam
- Knowledge of Tastes
- The Three Divisions of the Stomach
- Destruction of Towns and Large Villages
- The Three Especial Means of Ascertainment of Disease
- About the Ducts of the Body
- Groups of Diseases
- Aspects of the Diseased
- How Disease in to be conquered by the Physician; Sarirasthana
- How Many Kinds of Persons are there; II. Relating to Unlike Clans
- Brief Description of the Descent into the Womb
- More Extensive Description of the Descent into the Womb
- Purusa in Examined
- The Body is Examined
- On Numbering the Body - Review of the 107 Parts of the Body
- Aphorisms About Birth; Indriyasthana
- Indriyas as Connected with Complexion and Voice
- Smells from the Patient and Tastes of his Juices Indicating Death
- Sense of Touch Indicating Death
- The Assemblage of Senses of the Patient, Indicating Life or Death
- On the Premonitory Symptoms, Relating to the Senses, of Life and Death
- Indriyas as Connected with the Several Sorts of Persons
- Loss of Senses When Dying
- "On Shadows" - signs of Approaching Death
- Further Signs of Approaching Death
- On the Immediate Proximity of Death
- Fatal Signs
- On the Signs of Death and Recovery; Nidanasthana
- Causes of Disease and Fever; Diagnosis
- Cause of Blood-Bile
- Causes of Abdominal Tumors
- Causes of Urinary Diseases
- Causes of Skin Diseases
- Causes of Phthisis
- Causes of Insanity
- Causes of Epilepsy.
- Vol.3: The Place of Cikitsa:
- Rasayana
- Potency and Aphrodisiacs
- Fever; IV. Hemorrhage caused by excess of bile
- Treatment of Tumours
- Treatment of Polyuresis
- Treatment of Leprosy
- Treatment of Phtisis
- Treatment of Insanity
- Treatment of Epilepsy
- Treatment of Weakness induced by sores on the lungs etc
- Treatment of (dropsical) Swellings
- Treatment of diseases of the Stomach
- Treatment of Piles
- Treatment of diseases of the seat of Digestive Fire
- Treatment of Chlorosis.
- Vol.4: The Place of Cikitsa:
- Treatment of Hiccup and Asthma
- Treatment of Cough
- Treatment of Diarrhoea
- Treatment of Vomiting
- Treatment of Erysipelas
- Treatment of Thirst
- Treatment of Poisons
- Treatment of Alcohol
- Treatment of Abscesses
- Treatment of Trimarma
- Treatment of Cellulites or Carbuncle
- Treatment of Diseases due to Wind
- Treatment of Leprosy
- Treatment of Diseases of the Female Organ.
- Madana Kalpa
- Jimuta Kalpa
- Iksvaku Kalpa
- Dhamargava Kalpa
- Combination of Vatsaka
- Combination of Kritavedana
- Syama Trivrit Kalpa
- Caturangula Kalpa
- Tilvaka Kalpa
- Mahavriksa Kalpa
- Saptala Sankhini Kalpa
- Combination of Danti and Dravanti; Siddhi-Sthana
- Kalpana-siddhi
- Pancakarmiya-siddhi
- Vastisutriya-siddhi
- Snehavyapadika
- Treatment of Ailments
- Vamana-Virecana-Vyapat-siddhi
- Vasti-vyapat-siddhi
- Prasrita Yogika-siddhi
- Trimarmmiya-siddhi
- Vasti-siddhi
- Phalamatra-siddhi
- Uttaravasti-siddhi.