This book covers two areas of delineation. A particular space of rising degree called Nadiamsa is used to depict a series of events to occur in the native's life , one of the subtle techniques of handling a horoscope. On the other hand, countless general principles are enumerated on the lines done by popular series of text-books like Parasara Hora, Phala Deepika, Saravali, Jataka Parijata and Sarvatha Chintamani dealing with natal horoscopy including dasa effects, transits & the like. In some cases, general principles that do not consider Nadiamsa technique are incorporated in the Nadiamsa reading. To avoid confusion to the reader, these have been separated by me in the translation, as far as possible. Further, these have been more clearly sorted out in the index given at the end of [volume 3]. The index [in volume 3] now embraces all three parts. As the reader knows, each sign has 150 Nadiamsas and the 12 signs have a total of 1800 Nadiamsas. It is not humanly possible to bring out a work dealing with all the 1800 Nadiamsas. To the extent possible, the authors Achyuta & Venkatesa gathered a large amount of information on this most subtle division. An intelligent reader can multiply the use of a Nadiamsa four-fold keeping in mind the three classifications of the 12 zodiacal signs into movable, fixed & common signs. The text excels in merits in tactfully combining the usage of Vimsottari dasa & Kala Chakra dasa. So also in applying transits with reference to signs caused by certain Navamsa positions. Many such rare techniques are available in this wonderful work. One who uses such techniques frequently will be able to issue successful predictions.