"Digestion and Metabolism in Ayurveda" is one of the scholarly works written by Prof. C. Dwarkanath. The textual matter presented in this book is of high standard and thus written to meet the needs of Ayurvedic teachers and research workers involved in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. The knowledge of the fundamentals of Ayurveda is a prerequisite to understand the concepts explained in this book. This work is critical scientific appraisal of the classical Ayurvedic concepts of Physiology and Biochemistry of digestion and metabolism. Ayurvedic concepts of Jatharagni, Dhatwagni and Bhutagni pakas involved in digestion and metabolism in the body are explained in the light of the contemporary modern medical and allied sciences. Whever possible and without altering the original meaning as envisaged in Ayurvedic classical texts. Ayurveda described thirteen types of Agni viz Jatharagni(one). Dhatwagni and Bhutagni which carry out the function of digestion and metabolism at different levels in the body. Prof. Dwarakanath has dealt the entire subject matter in six sections and vividly described the concepts of anatomical and physiological components involved in digestion and metabolism, Dhatwanipaka, Dravya Nistapaka, the role of Kayagnipaka, Rasa-Guna Virya-vipaka in metabolism, srotas and metabolism and the interrelationship of Anataragni and Kayacikitsa. The striking feature in this book is that the author has expensively quoted authentic Ayurvedic references from Caraka Samhita, Susruta Samhita, Astanga Sangraha. Astanga Hyrdaya and commentaries on these classical Ayurvedic texts. Also we find references from other ancient books whose concepts are useful to understand the Ayurvedic system of medicine. This reveals the versatility of the author and the depth in which he dealt the subject matter. The book is an authentic references text book on Ayurvedic concepts of digestion and metabolism and is useful to Ayurvedic teachers, physicians, postgraduates students of Ayurveda and research scholars interested in Ayurvedic system of medicine. As this book is in English language. It is immensely useful to international readership. The book is an asset to one's personal library too. Contents: - Preface
- Section - I:
- Introduction
- Anatomical Considerations
- Embryological Considerations
- Kala and Srotas-Secretory Function
- Kala and Srotas
- The Concept of Pitta
- Paka and Its Implications
- Pilu and Pithara Pakas
- Normal and Abnormal Functions of Pitta
- Pachakapitta
- Pita and the Bile
- Avasthapaka
- Prapaka
- Madhurabhavaon in Adhoamashaya
- The Amlabhava of Avasthapaka (Prapaka)
- The Mechanism of Secretion of Pitta in the Urdhwamashaya
- Kledakakapha and Prathamapaka
- Jathatagnipaka and Intestinal Digestion
- Jatharagnipaka
- Vipaka of Rasas
- Panchanhautic Structure of Dravyas Basic to Rasas
- Bhutagnipaka
- Sajatiya and Vijatiya
- Katubhava of Avasthapaka
- Formation of Purisha or Faeces
- Samana and Apanavayus
- Section - II:
- Dhatwagnipaka or Metabolic Transmations
- The Significance of Dhatwagnivyapara
- Dhatuvaharotamsi and Their Specificity
- The Mode of Production of Prasadhakhya and Malakhya Dhatus
- The Pattern of Distribution of Poshaka Dhatus
- The Implications of Kedarikulyanyaya
- Khalekapothanyaya and Its Implications
- The Formation of Dhatus-The Time-Factor
- Dhatwagnipaka and Some Modern Bio-Chemical Developments
- Enzymes and Dhatwagnis
- Kitta and Prasadapakas vis a vis Catabolism and Anabolism
- Section - III:
- The Nishthapaka of Dravyas-Specially, Madhura and Sneha Dravyas or the Metabolism of Nutrients Substances, Particularly, Carbohydrates and Fats, Recapitulation
- Nishthapaka and Vipaka
- Madhura and Sneha Dravyas
- Marga and Samara of Madhura-Rasa or the Pathway, Control and Regulation of Carbohydrates
- Lymph and Rasa
- The General Pattern of Nutrients Balance in the Body and the Role of Yakrit (Liver) in its Maintenance
- Madhura Dravya or Carbohydrate Balance of the Body
- Sthirata of Madhurarasa in Rasa-Rakta or Blood-Sugar Constancy
- Some Factor Concerned with the Samata or Balance of Madhurarasa
- Snehadravyas their Pachana (Digestion), Shoshana (Absorption) and Margas (Transport Pathway)
- A Brief Review of the Pachana of Snehadravyas in the Amashaya
- Shoshana of Sneha Dravyas
- Snehamarga or the Transport Pathways of Lipids
- Pachana (Digestion), Shoshana (Absorption) and Margas (Transport Pathways) of Poshaka Dhatus (Mainly Proteins)
- Pachana of Dhatuposhaka Dravyas
- Margas and Samata of Poshaka Dhatus or Dravyas
- Charaka's Concept
- Dhatusamya or Bodywide Nutrient Balance or Equilibrium
- Section - IV:
- Transformation of Rasa, Guna, Virya and Vipaka of Dhatvaharas, Especially the Madhura and Snehadravyas in Kayagnipaka
- Gunas, Rasas and Viryas 266-267
- Virya or Energy Modality; Two Broad-Based Classifications of Twenty Gunas; Eight Gunas with Virya Status.
- Section - V:
- The Biochemical and Physiological Implications of the Concept of the Changeability of Madhuradravyas, Sneha-Dravyas and Medas vis a vis the Concept of Rasa, Guna, Vipaka and Virya
- Respiration and Bond Energy
- Energy Liberation and Oxidation
- Energy Gain, Conservation and Utilization
- Energy Transfer
- Hydrogen Transfer
- The Anaerobic form of Cellular Respiration
- The Burning of the Fuel and the Over all Outlook of Aerobic form of Cellular Respiration
- The Breakdown of Carbohydrates
- The Transformation of Acetic Acid to Carbon-di-oxide
- Synthesis Metabolism
- Protein Synthesis
- Kayagnipaka, Cellular Respiration and Synthesismetabolism
- Kayagnipaka-A Complete Concept of Digestion and Metabolism
- Prasadakhya and Malakhya Dhatus and Intermediary Metabolities
- Section - VI:
- Srodamsi and Metabolism
- Mechanism and Dynamics of the Exchange of Fluid across Capillaries
- Membrances and Permeability
- Antaragni and Kayachikitsa
- Index
- Errata
About the Author: Dr. C. Dwarakanath L.I.M. (Madras) & Z.T. (Hamburg University) Principal, Govt.. Ayurvedic & Unani College, Mysore.