Western astrology is the science of knowing mind, life energies and forecasting events based on the tropical zodiac. It was based largely on Greek Astrology and is very common in the West today. We all know our Sun signs and read the reports from Newspapers. Actually it is a deep psychological science that can show us our inner self.
Prash & Veno offer a comprehensive, historical, numerological as well as esoteric study of the king among the planets - Sun. This work also highlights why it is time to do away with the widely prevalent Sun-Sign astrology. "As some wise men say ~ the whole chart can be deciphered just by looking at the placements of the Sun, Moon and the Lunar Nodes. After covering the astrology of the Lunar Nodes in the previous work by Prash, we found it imperative to cover the primary...
The Greatness of Saturn allows you to experience directly the healing power of one of the world's greatest myths. The telling of mythic stories has always been a powerful form of therapy, bring healing to people facing adversity. The Greatness of Saturn is such a therapeutic myth, told and retold through many centuries. Taken from the Vedic tradition, it honors the planet Saturn, who personifies time, limitation, loss, and all forms of adversity. No person goes through life without sometime...
The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation presents the author's many original thoughts on this facet of astrology. Twenty-eight horoscopes are delineated, and basic points of interpretation are provided for forty-four others. This text offers a technique of judgement, but not a series of patterns which can be said to have any existence outside their function as guiding factors in the process of analysis. Astrology is able to predict the probabilities in a given situation because it...
A completely revised edition of this best-selling title. Describes the transformational journey to enlightenment and awareness using the tarot, astrology, the Qabalah, the alchemy of transformation, and analytical psychology.
True Astrology - Basic and Traditional Concepts is not a conventional and obtuse book on Astrology. A person who accepts Astrology as a dynamic, wonderful, majestic, practical and humanistic science has written it. To him Astrology is, at bottom, a criticism of life. It is written in a simple and most scientific way. True Astrology - Basic and Traditional Concepts is not a conventional and obtuse book on Astrology. A Person who accepts Astrology as a dynamic, wonderful, majestic, practical...
This treatise on Ayurveda with opposite references to Astrology, in Sanskrit was the result of labours by the renowned King Veerasimha, scion of the Thomara dynasty of Rajputs in Gwalior, son of Devavarmaraja, grandson of Kamalasimha. The intention of the author in writing the treatise, Veerasimhaavalokaha, was to help humanity, by providing information on planetary combinations indicative of specific diseases and the causes, symptoms and cures for such diseases. Such information is essential,...
From the Author:I have written this book as a compliment to my previous book entitled 'Mantras, Yantras, and Fabulous Gems-Healing Secrets of the Ancient Vedas.' Certain sections in that book are extensive in explaining birthstone systems, gemological characteristics of stones, and accompanying ritualistic ceremonies, but it did not as completely encompass the whole science of gem therapy as does the present work.What I began to discuss in my previous book I have clarified and quantified in...
Table of Contents:Chinese AstrologyChinese Lunar CalendarThe Twelve Animal Signs and Sixty-Year CycleLegends of the Chinese Zodiac SignsThe Ancient Realm of Chinese AstrologyThe chinese MoonWhat Is Yin and YangThe Five Elements2.RatOxTigerRabbitDragonSnakeHorseSheepMonkeyRoosterDogPig.
Books on the sun signs rarely emphasize self-help. What most of them say is, "This is the nature you were born with. Enjoy it, or learn to live with it." By contrast, this book tells the reader, "Here are things you can do to improve the nature you were born with." Your Sun Sign as A Spiritual Guide, however, goes far beyond merely intellectual discussion. Fresh, humorous, and full of wisdom, it provides a wealth of original insight in a field burdened by the...