Tantra is ritual. Ritual is a transformation or exchange of energy. But all energy in nature is a POLARITY that can be Positive or Negative: and here is the catch. Western Tantrikas have been grossly deceived; everyone thinks that this flood of Tantric books represents the best of Eastern Tantra: but the truth is precisely the opposite. The best and most powerful Tantra has always been fiercely protected, because the modern human mind is so degenerated and unstable it cannot absorb the true Tantrism. So the flood of Tantrism has been brought by those who seek to take advantage of the naive public, and they have done an extraordinary job. The public now believes with fervor that Tantrism is the Yoga of Lust, the Yoga of Orgies, the Yoga of Masturbators. Nothing could be further from the truth. Bring holiness and magic into your sexual relationship with Ecstasy Through Tantra. Discover the God/Goddess as incarnate in your beloved, and experience the same Divinity within yourself, through the joy of complete physical and spiritual union. This book is a wonderful introduction to the the wonders of Tantra. Though not a long book, it has a lot of interesting information. Mumford's book is an excellent resource for unusual and powerful insights into the sacred magic of tantra/sexuality. There is a very informative glossary of terms in the book, and explanations about certain aspects that may be surprising. The chapter on the Tantric Weekend is a wonderful guide to share a beautiful and loving retreat with one's partner.