A unique and original work adding new dimensions to predictive astrology. The book is intended to fulfill three objects.
Firstly to furnish in one place the horoscopes having an important bearing on
the multifarious fields of activity of man, so that the reader has the basic
material before him for his own independent studies and research in astrology;
secondly to present to the reader, for his study as many practical problems and
activities of man as is feasible and thirdly to offer to the readers, for their
guidance, detailed comments in regard to the astrological justification of the
problems and activities so listed.
In offering
comments the author has endeavoured in this book to stick throughout, to a
logical approach of "how and why" to all problems discussed therein. Besides he
has adhered as fully as possible to the well recognised principles of the
science of astrology as advocated by such savants as the authors of Parashar
Hora Shastra, Saravali, Jatak Parijat, Brihat Jatak, Uttar Kalamrit,
Phaladeepika, Sarvarth Chintamni etc. etc. These authors have been quoted by us
wherever necessary.
The subject
matter of the book is fairly exhaustive and is not confined to the headings
given in the chapter dealing with "contents". Even though a horoscope has been
dealt with only under one heading such as "abdication" etc., the prominent
events of the famous nativity involved have also been commented upon in
In short the
idea has been to help students in a practical way in the art of divination of