The message of the Gita has an important and a practical bearing on the problems of the modern age. It shows a way out of the complexities of the mind to complete and unfettered freedom of the Super-Mind. This path is not meant only for the few, it can be trodden by all who seek freedom from life's entanglements. In an age where the individual is becoming more and more insignificant due to the impacts of political, economic and social forces, the Gita brings to man a message of hope and cheer, for it shows a way of life which leads to the regaining of his lost significance, and the spiritual regeneration of man is indeed the way to the creation of a happy society. About the Author: Rohit Mehta was a founder of the Congress Socialist group, which later on became the Socialist Party of India. He is an active worker in the Theosophical Society. He became an International Secretary and than General Secretary of the Society for India. He has also been a member of the U.P. Universities Commission. Review: "It is a wonderful treatise on the mind and how it can be trained to free from stress of today's life. There is little doubt that modern age has brought comfort in life. With development of science, life has become more demanding than ever. Struggle to meet the expectations, ones own and of the near-dear ones, brings stress into our lives. Mind plays an important role in our lives and much of the stress and pain can be attributed to mind's never ceasing activity. Religion has provided some answers but most of it stays buried in the pages of sacred books. Reading scriptures is not a common Man's answer to problems. Common Man's answer is to struggle, live through the pain. Most organized religions are investing their time in spread of their religious institution. While practice of religion is limited to symbolic gathering and referring such texts as holy rather than an effort to explain and make it a public knowledge. This leaves such knowledge pleasure of few, only scholars. For most people, like me, this book is a guide on how mind works and how it can be trained to relieve oneself from pain. Even though this book is a commentary on a Hindu Scripture - The Bhagavad Gita, it can be approached in different ways. For those who are seeking a religion, this book is an insight to what Bhagavat Gita preaches. Interesting of all is the fact that the Bhagavad Gita was written thousands (more than five thousand) of years ago and it applies to life thousands of years later, even today. Life is not a bed of roses, but it can be. This book helps change the whole world of perception!" - Review from NC, United States