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Charles Leslie |
Asian Medical Systems: A Comparative Study |
$16.49 $12.37 |
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Asian Medical Systems provide fascinating opportunities to observe directly practices that continue ancient scientific modes of thought, and to analyse the historical processes that meditate their relationship to modern science and technology. Three great traditions of medical science evolved during antiquity in the Chinese, Indian, and Mediterranean civilizations, all based on humoral conceptions of health and illness. Folk curers throughout the world continue to practice humoral medicine, but... |
K.R. Srikantha Murthy |
Astanga Hrdayam - 3 Volumes |
$136.49 $102.37 |
Text, English Translation, Notes, Appendix Indices This is a three volume set: Vol. I Sutra Sthana & Sarira Sthana Vol. II Nidan, Cikitsa, Kalpa & Siddhi Sthana Vol. III Uttara Sthana, Index & Appendix Ashtangahridaya of Vagbhata is an ancient authoritative treatise on Ayurveda. Its popularity extended beyond the frontiers of India for more than a thousand years substantiated by its translation in Arabic, Tibetan and some European languages. None of these are available now.... |
Dr. Brahmananda Tripathi |
Astanga Hrdayam - 3 Volumes (Hindi) |
$129.49 $97.12 |
This is a three volume set. |
K.R. Srikantha Murthy |
Astanga Samgraha of Vagbhata - 3 Volumes |
$150.49 $112.87 |
This book 'Astangasamgraha' of Acarya Vagbhata is an ancient authoritative text on Ayurveda, studies since many centuries by students, scholars and practitioners of Indian medicine. Because of its archaic style of composition and terse language certain amount of difficulty is being experienced. Desire for translation of the complete text either in Hindi or English is being keenly felt. This translation in English hopes to fulfil the need. Translation has been done in simple English by Prof.... |
K.R. Srikantha Murthy |
Astanga Samgraha Of Vagbhata - Volume 1 |
$49.99 $37.49 |
Contents: Ayuskamiya adhyaya (desire for long life) Sisyopanayaniya adhyaya (initiation of pupil) Dincarya adhyaya (daily regimen) Rtucarya adhyaya (seasonal regimen) Roganutpadaniya adhyaya (prevention of diseases) Dravadravya vijnaniya adhyaya (knowledge of liquid materials) Annasvarupa vijnaniya adhyaya (knowledge of diet articles) Annaraksa vidhi adhyaya (protection of foods) Viruddhanna vijnaniya adhyaya (knowledge of incompatible foods) Annapana vidhi adhyaya... |
K.R. Srikantha Murthy |
Astanga Samgraha of Vagbhata - Volume 2 |
$46.99 $35.24 |
Contents: Vol. II: Sarira, Nidana, Cikitsita and Kalpa Sthana: Putrakamiya adhyaya (desire for begetting a son) Garbhavakranti sarira adhyaya (formation of the foetus) Garbhopacaraniya adhyaya (care of the pregnant woman) Garbha vyapat adhyaya (disorders of pregnancy) Anga vibhaga sarira adhyaya (human body and its parts) Sira vibhaga adhyaya (classification of veins) Marma vibhaga adhyaya (classification of vital spots) Prakrti bhediya sarira adhyaya (kinds of human... |
K.R. Srikantha Murthy |
Astanga Samgraha of Vagbhata - Volume 3 |
$46.99 $35.24 |
Contents: Vol. III: Uttarasthana: Balopacaraniya adhyaya (care of the new born baby) Balamaya pratisedha adhyaya (treatment of diseases of children) Balagraha vijnaniya adhyaya (knowledge of evil spirits seizing children) Balagraha pratisedha-adhyaya (treatment of child seized by evil spirits) Snapana adhyaya (procedure purificatory bath) Pratyeka graha pratisedha adhyaya (treatment of different evil spirits) Bhuta vijnaniya adhyaya (knowledge of demons/evil spirits) Bhuta... |
Ajay Kumar Sharma |
Asthma (Swasa Roga) and Ayurveda |
$22.49 $16.87 |
The book "Asthma (Swasa Roga) and Ayurveda" written by the well known author Professor Ajay Kumar Sharma is a complete and comprehensive treatise on the subject. This is the first book in English which deals with the subject in all completeness and clarity covering all aspects of "Asthma - Swasa Roga" as described in various modern medical texts and various treatise of Ayurveda. The entire text is richly supported with original references from Ayurvedic classics. The book is meant... |
Dr Bhagwan Dash |
Asthma and Cough |
$4.95 $3.71 |
P.Sivaraman |
Asthma cured with Homeopathic medicines |
$4.95 $3.71 |
Dr. Shiv Kumar |
Asthma-Allergies |
$6.49 $4.87 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
This book spells out detailed information on the causes, prevention and treatment of Asthma, in particular, and all other respiratory disorders in general, in relation to allergies caused by various allergens.The author has suggested various lines of treatment through allopathy, homeopathy, ayruveda, yoga and pranayama, nature cure, solar and gem therapies, in a simple and understandable method for the benefit of the common man. Methods and modes of treatment are easy, simple, cost-effective... |
Stephen Arroyo |
Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements: An Energy Approach to Astrology & Its Use in the Counseling Arts |
$16.49 $12.37 |
This recognized classic of modern astrology is truly a pioneering book. It established a new science of astrological psychology. It presents a language of energy that has enabled astrology to be widely and reliably used in the helping professions as well as by the general public. As Library Journal stated, "Transcending the boundaries of separate disciplines, this work represents a major distillation of astrological principles." This book relates astrology to modern psychology and... |
Madabusi Subramanium |
At the Feet of the Master |
$12.99 $9.74 |
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At the Feet of the Master describes and explains healing teachings of Gautama, the Buddha contained in the Vai Sajya Guru Sutra. These sutras were translated into Chinese in the third century and later into Japanese. The Reiki cuniform relating to Japanese and Chinese characters are derivatives of this very Sutra. Only the adept can empower the technique to practise methods of healing based on this Sutra. The book provides a bird’s eye-view based entirely on ancient understanding which can... |
Joe H. Slate |
Aura Energy for Better Health and Happiness |
$21.95 $16.46 |
Aura Energy brings you the strategies you need to develop your ability to observe, interpret, and affect the aura. Your personal aura is a life-sustaining energy force that characterizes you as a human being. Understand your aura, by gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the cosmos.This book is written especially for parents, this book is a comprehensive guide to a better understanding of childhood asthma. In a warm, reassuring tone, the author explains the causes of... |
Bill Waites |
Aura-Reiki |
$12.99 $9.74 |
Years of study and treatments prompted Bill Waites to create a practical method for treating and healing the human aura by means of Reiki. This method is called "Aura-Reiki," and is described in this practical guide. Aura-Reiki is an effective and simple method that enables the individaual to enjoy a good quality of life, longevity, and maximal health. It can be self-administered, or administered in a small group. |
Mark Smith |
Auras: See them in only 60 seconds |
$6.49 $4.87 |
That is a brave claim to make, especially in the title of a book. But it's true. When you practice the ten easy steps in this book, you will be able to quickly and easily see the aura. Learning to see the mysterious glow that surrounds the body is just the first step. As you rapidly increase your abilities you will be able to see a wide range of colors in the aura. The colors provide an amazing amount of information about a person. You will learn how to interpret the aura to determine... |
An Experienced Physician |
Auto Urine Therapy |
$11.99 $8.99 |
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Nature has gifted each of us with an elixir which hepls us keep ourselves healthy and relieves us from many serious deseases. The elixir is nothing but our own urine! This book explains the miraculous efficacy of Auto-Urine Thereapy. Read it, follow it and enjoy everlasting good health. |
Hari Sharma |
Awakening Nature's Healing Intelligence |
$18.49 $13.87 |
This book shows how both modern science and the ancient Vedic science of
India point to wholeness as an essential quality of existence. The book goes on
to introduce a wide range of therapeutic measures offered by the Maharishi Vedic
approach to health to bring about healing with deep and lasting results.
Hari Sharma explores the human body's inner intelligence, and how it can be harnessed for greater health and well-being. Concentrating on symptoms instead of treatment, he shows how... |
Dr.S.Ranade |
Ayureda and Yoga Therapy. |
$9.49 $7.12 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
P.H. Kulkarni |
Ayureda Herbs |
$18.99 $14.24 |
Simple kitchen pharmacy
Research references (principles)
Research references (plants)
About the Author:
Prof. Dr. Kulkarni is well known Ayurvedic Physician. Research Guide in Ayurveda, University of Pune. Founder Director, Institute of Indian Medicine/Ayurveda Academy. Editor of seven Medical Journals including ‘Deerghayu International’. Author of Twelve books related to Ayurveda. Worked as Patron, President,... |
P.H. Kulkarni |
Ayureda Minerals |
$12.99 $9.74 |
In this book salient features about various minerals, metals are considered as described in Ayurvedic Treatiies and recent research references are given for benefit of interested persons. Contents: Introduction and history of Rasashastra Classifications of substances according to Rasashastra Some important minerals Some precious and semi precious stones Important methods of preparations of Rasaushadhi (mineral medicines) Research references Appendix Bibliography. About the... |
Shardini Dahanukar Thatte |
Ayureda Unravelled |
$9.49 $7.12 |
A. V. kumar |
Ayuredic Concept in Gynecology |
$31.49 $23.62 |
Light Miller |
Ayureveda & Aromtherapy |
$43.99 $32.99 |
This book is a collection of 34 years of healing experience practicing Aromatherapy and Ayurveda. The book presents both sciences in a format for Westerners. It includes a self-diagnosis questionnaire to determine your metabolic type, descriptions of essential oils, and recipes for the use of essential oils for common problems. It contains detailed information on over 100 essential oils, as well as over 100 illustrations and photographs. This book is a great guide on your... |
Grade |
Ayureveda for Healthy and Long Life |
$10.99 $8.24 |