The book has been received with acclaim by a number of very important social scientists in India as well as in Europe and America. The presentation helps greatly in a true understanding of the Hindu social psychology and institutions. It is a comprehensive, systematic and integrated exposition of a very difficult subject. It is not only a pioneering attempt but has still remained unsurpassed.
About The Author:
Pandharinath H Prabhu studied at the University of Bombay and later in the University of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Columbia in U.S.A. in Cambridge University in England and in Centre d'Etudes et Receherches Psychotechniques in Paris, France. He Taught at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay. As Fulbright Visiting Professor at Pennsylvania State University in 1961-62. He was visiting Fellow at the Indian Institute of Advance Studies, Simla. In 1956-57 he was a Senior Research Officer at the UNESCO Research Centre for South and Southeast Asia. In 1963 he was elected President of the Section of Psycology and Educational Sciences of the Indian Sciences Congress, Golden jubliee Session.