A graphic autographical account of Swami Ramdas's unique experiences during the first year of his itinerant life all over India as a God-intoxicated Sadhu, culminating in his spiritual enlightenment. After receiving the initiation of Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram from his father, Swami Ramdas, then known as Vittal Rao, renounced the worldly life in 1922 and wandered as a mendicant sadhu all over India and the Himalayas, in various states of God-intoxication, with Ramnam ever on his tongue, and heart as his only refuge.
His path of complete surrender to the Will of God is joyfully rendered in a most inspiring way. After over a decade of wandering in a God realized state of liberation he returned to Southwestern India, and founded Anandashram, near Kanhangad, with the help and support of his foremost disciple, Mother (Mataji) Krishnabai, also a self-realized being. About the Author: Swami Ramdas, often called Papa Ramdas or simply Papa, was born Vittal Rao in 1884 in Hosdrug, Kerala, Southern India.
Having been inspired by the teachings of Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Ram Tirtha, and then initiated in the Ram Mantra (Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram) by his father, the life of 37 year-old Vittal Rao was undergoing a great metamorphosis by 1921.
After leading a rather customary life as householder, husband and father, the Lord called upon him to renounce his worldly possessions and completely surrender to the Lord for all of his care and sustenance. He knew that God alone can give eternal peace and happiness, and thus began a life-long journey of pure devotion and surrender.