The Survey of the Buddhist Tantras by Mkhas-grub-rje (1385-1438) is a sample of the rich literature on this topic in the Tibetan language. In accordance with Tsonkha-pa`s tantric reform after the theory about how Gautama Buddha became enlightened the author present the non-tantric materials stipulated as preliminary for tantric study and practice.The translation was collaborated in the 1950s between F.D. Lessing and Alex Wayman at Berkeley, California. After Lessing`s death, Wayman annotated and published the text in 1968 and has provided a new introduction for the present reissue of this seminal treatise. Lessing was the first professor to offer courses in the Tibetan language at an American University. Alex Wayman, formerly Professor of Sanskrit, Columbia University, New York is in the forefront of wastern Buddhist Scholarship by his series of books in both tantric and non-tantric Buddhism based on over thirty years of researches. He employs both the sanskrit and Tibetan languages in his books and articles. He has authored well over a hundred articles for professional journals and honorary volumes in various countries and in recent years almost exclusively by invitation. His authorship of various seminal works on Buddhist Tantra conform to high standards of authoritative texts and dependable citations.