In The Art of Joyful Living, Swami Rama imparts a message of inspiration and optimism: that every person is responsible for making his life happy and emanating that happiness to others. This book shows how to maintain a joyful view of life even in difficult times and gives methods for transforming habit patterns, developing intuition, cultivating strength and will power, and more. Whether you are on a spiritual quest or are simply looking for a way to improve your life. The Art of Joyful Living offers a simple philosophy of living and practical suggestions for being happy. A consistent Himalayan Institute Press bestseller (over 22,000 copies sold), this revised edition includes a new foreword by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait and an updated cover. Table of Contents: - Foreword by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D.
- Knowing Your Own True Self
- Positive Living and the Transformation of Heart Patterns
- Perfecting the Personality
- The Nature of Positive and Negative Emotions
- Memory and the Nature of Mind
- Developing Strength and Willpower
- Developing Intuition and the Wisdom of Buddhi
- Transcending Desires and Purifying the Samskaras
- Spirituality in Loving Relationships
- The Process of Meditation
- Glossary.
About the Author: Swami Rama founded the Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy, the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust in India, and many centers throughout the world. A student of both Himalayan cave monasteries and European universities, he founded the Himalayan Institute to create a bridge between the ancient teachings of the East and modern scientific approaches of the West.