The following books are included in this volume : - The Chandi
- The Yantrasar
- The Tantrasar
- The Linga Puran
- Ancient Yogi Panini on Education
- The Kabir Doha (Couplets)
- The Japaji (The First Book) by Guru Nanak
About the Author:
Educated as a resident student for eight years in the hermitage high school run by the Kriya yogis. Associated twenty years (since 1951) with Swami Satyananda, the chief monastic disciple of Swami Sriyukteswar in India. Graduated from the University of Calcutta with a B.A. Philosophy Honors, received an M.A. in philosophy specializing in Vedanta philosophy, concurrently received a LL. B. (law) degree, and also worked for Ph.D. program. Served as professor of law and worked as an attorney. Entered the order of Swami with the blessings of Sankarachaya Swami Krishna Tirtha Bharati of Puri Gobardhan Math and Bidyananda presided the ceremony. Lived in a small hut and sometimes in a cave in his meditative-life twelve (12) years in Dunagiri Hill, HIMALAYAS; sometime with Mahamuni Babaji who frequently visited him.He observed CONTINUOUS SILENCE . . . (akhanda mouna) for three long years and was known as Silent Sage, Mouni Swami, Mouni Baba etc. Received "Kriya Sutras" (in 1974), the message of Mahamuni Babaji, the Divine Himalayan Yogi.