Liberator Sai, by R.C.Nair, a devotee of Bhagawan for over thirty years, is a synoptical musing about things that concern a typical Sai devotee as he lives his life in Sai’s fold. It starts with ‘transformation’ of an individual, here portrayed through the previous experience of the author himself, into a good human worthy of the label of Sai devotee, as he comes into unanticipated contact with the Lord.
As a devotee settles down into a pious life style following the nine point code of conduct prescribed by Bhagawan for devotees and members of Sai Samithis, whose significance is explained in the book, he begins to discover the many facets of the avatar through experiences of his own as well as others.
Here the author dwells on several of the facets as he describes Sai as reformer, redeemer, mother, father, educator, architect, scientist, singer, humorist, healer, life giver, etc., using instances from lives of his friends and associates as well as those from the published works of various devotees.
The Chapter ‘Sai’s Dear’ attempts to answer devotees’ dilemma about how to become dear to the Lord and there is another on the revelations of His divinity let out by Bhagawan Himself for the joy of his devotees.