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The Siddha Pharmacopoeia of India Part-II (Formulations) - Pharmacopoeial Monograph of Ayush Kutinir Curanam
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Folk tales and story telling carry the spirit of a culture. In the Himalayas and the plains of India there live many great ancient story telling traditions.
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 The Greatness of Saturn  Robert E. Svoboda The Greatness of Saturn   $13.99  $10.49  Buy Now 
The Greatness of Saturn allows you to experience directly the healing power of one of the world's greatest myths. The telling of mythic stories has always been a powerful form of therapy, bring healing to people facing adversity. The Greatness of Saturn is such a therapeutic myth, told and retold through many centuries. Taken from the Vedic tradition, it honors the planet Saturn, who personifies time, limitation, loss, and all forms of adversity. No person goes through life without sometime... 
 Indian Fairy Stories  Donald A. Mackenzie Indian Fairy Stories   $5.49  $4.12   
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These stories will enlighten and entertain readers who wish to go back and remember things as they were.  These are stories of speaking animals, fairies and beasts, of princes and princesses, of love, happiness and sometimes extreme sorrow.  They teach us to have a moral code acceptable not only to man but also to nature. This book is an anthology of some of the best stories ever produced on the Indian subcontinent. The stories here are presented in a style that all ages can... 
 Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies  Pt. S.M. Natesa Sastri Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies   $9.99  $7.49  Buy Now 
The folklore of a country is never so well known even by the folk of the country itself. Moreover there is always a young generation growing up which is waiting to be instructed in it by the easiest and widest possible means. This book is a most excellent work in its collecting, arranging and recording, in a concise and easily assimilable form, some of the more noteable tales, traditions, customs, beliefs, and ceremonies of the Hindu culture. For a general work-a-day knowledge of the Hindus... 
 Chandrakanta: Translation of a Hindi Classic by Pankaj Bhan  B Devkinandan Khatri Chandrakanta: Translation of a Hindi Classic by Pankaj Bhan   $4.99  $3.74  Buy Now 
A masterpiece entertainer, it created history when it first appeared in Hindi in 1888. Has gone into over fifty edition ever since.     
 Stories of Vikramaditya: Vetala Panchavimsati  V.A.K.Aiyer Stories of Vikramaditya: Vetala Panchavimsati   $5.99  $4.49  Buy Now 
These stories of King Vikramaditya appeared in the Bhavan’s Journal under the caption of Vetala Panchavimsati. In response to a public demand the stories have been compiled in a book form. They are the stories as told by a ghoul residing in a dead body which is supposed to be brought by King Vikram to an ascetic. If he speaks the body goes back to its original position and Vikram has to go back to bring it. These stories of Vikram and Betaal have been very popular since they contain an... 
 Perfume of the Desert  Andrew Harvey Perfume of the Desert   $11.95  $8.96  Buy Now 
In this text, poet and mystic Andrew Harvey teams with photographer Eryk Hanut to bring the esoteric world of Sufism to life. Harvey's translations of Rumi, Kabir, and Rabia are paired with a compilation of Sufi stories, sayings, folk tales and jests. "Here is a book on Sufism that conveys the love and passion that belongs to this path.  Andrew Harvey speaks with the language of lovers, and his book carries the invisible perfume for which the soul longs". Renowned for his inspiring... 
 Hindu Mythology  W.J. Wilkins Hindu Mythology   $16.49  $12.37  Buy Now 
Hindu mythology is a fascinating world of legends and stories centred around a sophisticated structure and hierarchy of deities and their worship. The many gods and goddesses, depicted in myriad forms in art and literature, constitute a sacred and complex subject of interesting study. The book, 'Hindu Mythology' attempts to offer a systematic and complete account of the names and character of the deities of Hinduism and their relationship with one another. The book, typed afresh, studies the... 
 Indian Fairy Tales  Joseph Jacobs Indian Fairy Tales   $15.99  $11.99  Buy Now 
Especially selected and retold to offer the best of India, these stories speak of snow-capped mountains, meandering rivers, the oceans, the blue heavens, the exquisite flora and fauna, and characters from paupers to princes.  The tales of courage and sacrifice, love and adventure, magic and death offer both spellbinding entertainment as well as answers to fundamental questions of life. The majority of tales in this volume have been known in the West in some form or another, and the... 
 Birbal Stories  Neela Subramaniam Birbal Stories   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
Features the popular stories of clever Birbal. 
 The Balvihar Book of Picture Parables  Bharati Sukhatankar The Balvihar Book of Picture Parables   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
These Picture Parables are not original stories. They have been taken from traditional sources and from folk tales the world over. The stories are straight and simple and our attempt has been to "tell" not "teach", as Gurudev used to say. Many of the parables have been sent to us by one of Gurudev's oldest devotees, Urmila, from Germany. All the stories have been adapted to the Indian mileu and have appeared in the Bal Vihar issues from 1999-2001. 
 Panchatantra (Five Wise Lessons)  Krishna Dharma Panchatantra (Five Wise Lessons)   $10.83  $8.13  Buy Now 
Padhman is a young Indian doctor who arrives in Ireland from an extremely wealthy and westernized medical family in Madras. When he joins the staff of a Dublin hospital as a junior houseman to take his fellowship exam, he finds he is just another foreign doctor. Slowly and unconsciously, Padhman recreates the kind of lifestyle he is accustomed to in Madras while at the same time getting in deep waters when he falls in love with the Professors daughter. 
 Untold Stories of King Bhoja  V.A.K.Ayer Untold Stories of King Bhoja   $4.99  $3.74  Buy Now 
This is a collection of 43 inter related delightful stories. There are many thoughtful stories, inculcating lessons of ethical value and should be read by the young and old alike. Truth speaking, generosity, chastity, loyalty, brotherliness are well told through the medium of interesting stories. More details: Though there are so many stories in the book, they are inter related. Each one is a sort of continuation from the previous one. The stories are told by Sage Dattatreya, a yogi, a pig, a... 
 Myths and Legends of the World  Sunita Pant Bansal Myths and Legends of the World   $21.95  $16.46  Buy Now 
Myths are stories of the gods and of god-like heroes. They tell of beginning and ends, creation and destruction, life and death. They explain the how the why of life. Heroes are heroines, monsters and villains, all come together in these tale of courage, daring and romance from all over the world. Readers will meet popular heroes like Roland and Perseus, as well as the lesser-known characters ssuch as Danko and Hine-Moa, in stories from countries as far apart as New Zealand and... 
 Hanuman or The Way of the Wind  Christine Devin Hanuman or The Way of the Wind   $10.99  $8.24  Buy Now 
This marvellous story of the great leap of the monkey-god over the sea to Lanka is recounted by Valmiki, the famous author of the original Ramayana. This is followed by several episodes from the epic in which Hanuman plays a crucial role. An extract from the Tulsidas’s Ramayana has also been added as well as notes on this poet. The introduction explores the symbolic meaning of Hanuman, a deity much alive in Indian minds even today. Notes are provided. 
 The Descent of the Ganges  Christine Devin The Descent of the Ganges   $9.99  $7.49  Buy Now 
Recounted by Valmiki, this is the wonderful story of how Ganga, Daughter of the Snows, descended on earth to purify mankind. The symbolism of the ancient myth is as powerful today as ever. The book is illustrated with photos of famous rock carvings of Mahabalipuram. Notes on Valmiki are provided. 
 Sacred Tales of India  Dwijendra Nath Neogi Sacred Tales of India   $8.49  $6.37  Buy Now 
Contents of the Book: The Divine Brothers Snatched from Death By Itu's Favourite. The Bride of Yamav. The Godess who Devoured Elephants.  The Slayer of Kangsa. Chand, the unbeliever. The Gift of the Ascetic. The Sun's Twin Sons. The Consequences of Generosity. A Brahman's Ban. The Pir's Power. The Gander-eater. The Fatal Oath. Sactificed to Varuna. Joyabati- the Gift of Joya. Saved from the Cat. The Wire Who Used to Eat the First Morsel. The Wife Who Cooked Beef. The... 
 Jatakamala or A Garland of Birth Stories  J.S. Speyer Jatakamala or A Garland of Birth Stories   $16.49  $12.37  Buy Now 
A selection of Jataka Stories arranged for the young and enjoyed by the older alike. Jataka means 'previous births' and mala 'garland'. This is the literally the stringing together of the stories of the previous lives of the Bodhisattva (afterwards the Buddha). The object of composing the Birth stories into verses is to teach the doctrine of Universal salvation in a beautiful and easy style, agreeable to the popular mind and attractive to all readers. Each of the Jatakamala stories... 
 Glimpses of Karnataka Folklore  Dr. Hebbale K. Nagesh Glimpses of Karnataka Folklore   $22.22  $16.67  Buy Now 
The great epics like Ramayana and Mahabaratha are known by each and every scholar and reader, even illiterate people and village folk know of these two epics- more often than not, they know the stories very well. But in India, regional folk epics remain largely unexplored. In South India, especially in Karnataka, numerous epics exist and yet not one can be placed within the same realm of familiarity as the Ramayana and Mahabaratha. Karnataka is not short in variety of cultural complexities,... 
 Folk Tales from Tibet  Capt. W F O'Connor Folk Tales from Tibet   $10.99  $8.24  Buy Now 
Folk Tales from Tibet is a collection of some of the most exquisite stories from Tibet recorded by Captan W F O'Connor.  These tales were collected during his tenure as secretary and interpreter with the Lhasa Mission of 1904.  They were compiled at a time when the western world knew little or nothing about this mystical and exotic country. 
 Myths from the Mahabharata : Vol. 3: Probe in Early Dim History and Folklore  Sadashiv Ambadas Dange Myths from the Mahabharata : Vol. 3: Probe in Early Dim History and Folklore   $40.99  $30.74  Buy Now 
The book forms the third and final part of the plan of studying the Mahabharata, from a different point of view, Vol. 1 being – Myths from the Mahabharata – Quest for Immortality Vol. 2 being – Myths from the Mahabharata – Study in Patterns and Symbols. In this volume are unearthed through myths come iti-ha-asa records, which shed light on the facts and incidents of the hoary past, as yet shrouded in mystery. The iti-ha-asa records through myths, such as those gathered round the... 
 Tales for the Young and the Old  Acharya Ratnananda Tales for the Young and the Old   $19.95  $14.96  Buy Now 
All along the ramparts of time, our sages and seers have evolved noble guidelines in human relationships through tales and parables. Stories have always attracted the young and the old and the reservoir of ancient Indian wisdom contains thousands of stories which offer solutions to most of the modern day problems. From the Book: Long, long ago and far away, there lived a great sage called Maharishi Chandilya. He had a large number of disciples. Every one of them was keen on achieving... 
 An Encyclopaedia of Faiths and Folklore  W. Carew Hazlitt An Encyclopaedia of Faiths and Folklore   $138.99  $104.24  Buy Now 
It is very rare indeed that a book on popular antiquities or any other analogous topic so commands itself to the public, and so maintains its rank and estimation, as to continue to be the recognized source of reference in successive editions during more that a century and a half. This work is a dictionary of national beliefs, superstitions and popular customs, past and current, with their classical and foreign analogues, described and illustrated. The governing aim herein was to accumulate and... 
 Initiation (Ram Katha)  Narendra Kohli Initiation (Ram Katha)   $9.99  $7.49  Buy Now 
 Kamsavaho Of Rama Panivada  A.N.Upadhya Kamsavaho Of Rama Panivada   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
Rama Panivada has composed the Kamsavaho to celebrate the incident of the slaying of Kamsa by Krsna. The author has given the biography of Krsna up to his slaying of Kamsa.The Inclusion of the Chaya and the addition of the English translation and the critical and explanatory notes would go a long way to facilitate the understanding of the text. 
 Simla Village Tales  Alice Elizabeth Dracott Simla Village Tales   $6.99  $5.24  Buy Now 
One cannot sojourn for long in the East without hearing strange stories, all of which are vouched for by the natives.  Most would make one's blood run cold, but they are irresistibly fascinating. Filled with pathos but almost always showing that every cloud has its silver lining, these tales carry the reader into the mythical past that was India.  The majority of these tales have the raw transparency of folk art, whilst others are fashinoned with uncommon... 
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01.The Greatness of Saturn
02.Indian Fairy Stories
03.Chandrakanta: Translation of a Hindi Classic by Pankaj Bhan
04.Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies
05.Stories of Vikramaditya: Vetala Panchavimsati
06.Hindu Mythology
07.Perfume of the Desert
08.Birbal Stories
09.Indian Fairy Tales
10.The Balvihar Book of Picture Parables
11.Panchatantra (Five Wise Lessons)
12.Untold Stories of King Bhoja
Mother's Agenda: 1970 - Volume 11
The Siddha Pharmacopoeia of India Part-II (Formulations) - Pharmacopoeial Monograph of Ayush Kutinir Curanam
The Realisation of the Absolute
Folk Embroidery of Himachal Pradesh
Art of Sanskrit Poetry
Cheiro World Predictions
My Religion
The Cosmic Matrix
Mother of the Buddhas
Tsunami: Waves of Spirituality
The Global India
5 of 5 Stars!

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