The book on Medicinal Herbs has been compiled and written mainly for medical, pharmaceutical and research scientist who are today or many in future to be concerned with the identity, efficacy and safety of Indian Medicinal Plants as well as of other countries.
This book describes and illustrate more than 500 spices of the most important medicinal plants and provides information on their habitats and growing conditions. The author have tried to give as much as possible informations including the latest scientific findings. The toxicities of some medicinal plants and the need for their careful handling are emphasized throughout the book. All readers will find something of value and also this book may enkindle serious interest in therapeutic use and clinical research on medicinal plants.
This book is not a uniform of systematic encyclopedia of medicinal plants but what has been attempt ed here is to provide focus on medicinal plants limiting the number of indications and formulations in India’s manner to enlist a global interest in India’s rich flora with a therapeutic potential of unprecedented magnitude.
In this book, by using the avenues of documented ayurvedic experience and informed dialogue on modern data as well as traditional literature, author want to emphasise that this work has historical and contemporary validity that will advance as the therapeutic use of the single plant and their formulation grows worldwide. Options do exist for safeguarding health. To avoid any mistakes in identification any differences between the plants and other similar species have been highlighted.
About the Authors:
Dr. M.P. Singh, Head of the Department of Forest Sciences, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi (Jharkhand) earned his mater’s degree in Botany with specialization in Taxonomy and after his PH.D degree in Floristic from Patna University and Diploma in Forestry from Forest Research Institute, Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun. He is a fellow in Life Sciences of Mendelian Society of India, Patna. Besides teaching Dr. Singh has been engaged with independent research in Project of Government of India as Principal investigator. He is noted Taxonomist of the country and have about twenty one years of long experiences. He is an advisor to the Government of India for whole Eastern Region on Horistic research and member of FLORA INDIA. He is the Editor of Journal “New Botanist” for forestry sector. He has published eight books in Botany, Forestry and on Environmental Sciences and also published eighty five research papers in National/International Journals. He has also guided a number of Scholar for award of Ph. D. degree in Botany as well as in Forestry. He is one of the member of Botanical Survey of India in a Research Selection Committee. He has extensively travelled in India and abroad in conection to floristic studies.
Himadri Panda, M.Sc. FIC, FICS is a Industrial and Technical Consultant of GIDC. He is a fellow of Essential Oil Association of India, Indian Pulp & Paper Technical Association, Indian National Science Congress, Oil & Colour Chemist’s Association (U.K.). He is also a Member of Chinese Academy of forestry. He was also Chief Chemist (R&D) of I.T.R. Co. Ltd., Bareilly (U.P.) and Former Chief Chemist (Q.C.& R&D) Tarpina Private Ltd., Ramnagar, Uttaranchal.