"Phaladeepika" holds a most distinguished position amongst the great ancient astrological classics. It deals in a most comprehensive and authoritative manner with almost alll the astrological aspects of human life. There can be said to be nothing that this great work has omitted from its purview. Table of Contents: - Description of characteristic features of sings and houses
- Characteristic Features of the Planets and the matters falling under their jurisdiction
- Divisions of a sign
- The Strength of planets and Houses
- Source of livelihood
- Yogas
- Raja Yogas
- Effect of the sun and other planets in the twelve house
- Effect of different Ascendants Effects of plants posited in exaltation own friend's inimical and debilitation
- Matters relating to the 7th house
- Female Horoscopy
- Birth of Children (the 5th house)
- Determination of Longevity
- Diseases death and past and future births description by the various planets Planetary combinations for occurance of different kinds of diseases
- Assessment of Houses
- General efforts of the Twelve houses
- Exit from the world
- Effects of conjuction of two planets
- Dasas (major periods) of planets and their effects the span of Dasa (Vimshottari Dasa) of various planets-how to work and the balance of Dasa at birth? What is a solar year?-General effects of Dasas of the various planets 203-213
- Effects of the Dasa of the lords of houses
- Nature of Antar Dasas and Pratyantar Dasas Method of Calculating the spans of Antar Dasas and Pratyantar Dasas
- Kalachakra Dasa
- Ashtakavarga
- Effects of Ashtakavarga according to Horosara Sodhyap inda Method of Trikona Shodhana Method of Ekadhipatya Shodhana Description of Rasi multipliers and planet multipliers
- Gulka and other Upagrahas
- Effects of transits of various planets and constellations (Nakshatras)
- Yogas leading to asctism
- Conclusion.