Sri Ramana Gita, composed by Sri Vasishtha Ganapati Muni embodies the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi in the form of questions from sincere aspirants and answers from the Maharshi. The text deals with thirty seven questions by various aspirants including the Muni and extensive and clear cut answers to them by the Maharshi. For the proper understanding of the high philosophical concepts and deep spiritual imports adumbrated in the text, Sri Kapali Sastriar wrote his Sanskrit commentary, Prakasha and dedicated it to Bhagavan Sri Maharshi. This work of Sri S. Sankaranarayanan, a disciple of Sri Kapali Sastriar and a devotee of Bhagavan Sri Maharshi will go a long way in making the aspirants understand the various facets of Bhagavan's teachings, as explained in the original commentary. The volume consists of two parts. The second part is a reprint of the Sanskrit Text of Sri Ramana Gita along with the Prakasha Commentary of Sri Sastriar. The first part contains the English rendering. Each verse of the text is printed in Roman characters with diacritical marks, followed by a translation of the verse in English. Then follows a free rendering in English of the Commentary keeping close to the original. The original quotations from the Upanishads etc., cited in the commentary are provided in the footnotes. An English rendering of Vasishtha Muni's Guru Mantra Bhashyam is also provided at the end.