Consciousness in common individuals is like an iceberg, only very little exposed to the external world in the realm of sense-perception, and mostly submerged within the subconscious, concealed inside the depths of astral spheres. The spiritual aspirant devotes himself to the task of exploring and unfolding his inner personality, cultivating the hidden faculties of his perception, until he finally attains the highest state of Self-realization. In the process of his quest he comes across various types of occult phenomena, and passes through different phases of spiritual development. These experiences have a direct bearing on his mental and physical being and are closely inter-related with his Saadhana. This volume tries to portray the aspirant's perception of the working of his psyche as well as of the forces of the astral world. Self-realization is the consummation of all experiences and transcends the realm of the mind, and is therefore indescribable. The great experiences of one of the greatest Indian spiritual leader will greatly benefit the seeker. Written in simple language with the single minded dedication to reach every seeker, Swami Sivananda succeeds admirably. A must book for every seeker. About the Author: Sri Swami Sivananda , born on the 8th September, 1887, in the illustrious family of Sage Appayya Dikshita and several other renowned saints and savants, Sri swami Sivananda had a natural flair for a life devoted to the study and practice of Vedanta. He was an inborn eagerness to serve all and an innate feeling of unity with all mankind. He is the author of over 300 volumes and has disciples all over the world, belonging to all nationalities, religions and creeds. To read his works is to drink at the Fountain of Wisdom Supreme. On 14th July, 163 he entered Mahasamadhi.