The Susruta-Samhita is one of the twin compendia of Ayurveda encompassing all the aspects prevalent traditionally in India and abroad since the earliest times. It represents faithfully the school of surgery which made significant contributions to principles and techniques of surgery which are surprisingly applicable even in modern era. It presents the status of ancient Indian surgery comprehensively and as such is in great demand among scholars all over the world. The present edition of the Susruta-Samhita is singular in the sense that, besides presenting faithful translation of the text, it brings forth, for the first time, the English translation of the Nibandha-Sangraha commentary by Dalhana who is regarded as the authority on the subject. The commentary supplements the text in many respects and as such proves an essential tool for understanding the Samhita clearly and fully. Notes are also given here and there to elaborate the ideas with critical analysis. The text has also been checked and modified according to the readings accepted by Dalhana. Plants and other substances are also identified as interpreted by Dalhana. At the end of the text appendices are given which are very useful. About the Author: Priya Vrat Sharma is well known for his valuable contributions in the field of Ayurveda. During the Last five decades he has written on various aspects of Ayurveda-literary as well as scientific, conceptual as well as historical. Born on 1st November 1920, in a small village near Patna, in the family of traditional vaidyas he gradually acquired highest and held highest posts in academic and administrative fields. In Bihar, he was,for many years. Principal, Govt. Ayurvedic College, Patna and Dy. Director of health Services (I.M.). Finally, he was appointed as Professor of Dravyaguna, also as Head, and later Director of the Postgraduate Institute of Indian Medicine, also dean of the faculty of Indian Medicine in Banaras Hindu University. He retired in 1980. Prof. Sharma has been participating in international conferences abroad and has been associated with several committees on Ayurveda on national level. He has authored about 50 books and has about 500 published papers to his credit.