This book is a comprehensive compilation of writings by Yogi Ashwini, that have appeared in various journals and newspapers in the years 2006-2007. The seeker is given an insight into some of the more advanced and subtle concepts of Yog by the Master himself- gyan that has been crystallised after years of practise with utmost discipline under the Guru’s Grace. Concepts like Desires Maya, Dhyan, Samadhi, Manas, Buddhi, aspects of a Being, Ayurved, Gyan, Awakening, Law of Karma amongst others have been discussed. A question may arise, if it’s so sacred, then why share it with the common man? The answer is simple. The word ‘spirituality’ has been much misrepresented in the last few decades and unless this trend is checked, the real knowledge and essence of Yog, the author feels, might be lost to oblivion. Breaking the ‘larger than life’ image built around the subject, it is presented in its true and undiluted form, readily accessible to anyone who wishes to tread the path. Several myths that blur the subject have been highlighted so that the Seeker may steer clear of them in his/her spiritual pursuit.
About the Author: Yogi Ashwini, the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation, is an authority on Yoga, Tantra and various spiritual sciences. He has an Honours degree in Economics and a Master’s in Management, and is widely travelled. He practices and propagates Yoga without any dilution, innovation or modification. In short, it is Yoga strictly according to the ancient tradition. Having studied 'the being' for more than two decades, Yogi Ashwini has assimilated the Vedic techniques to formulate Sanatan Kriya for the modern man. The Kriya encapsulates all the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga as laid down by Sage Pantanjali 4000 years ago. Sanatan Kriya, with its wondrous power, has transformed the lives of innumerable people. It has bestowed remarkable benefits on the them at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The practitioners are a testimony to what it means to have the sanidhya of a Guru like Yogi Ashwini. He interacts with His students worldwide one-on-one. By His Grace, the students have graduated from reading and hearing about miracles to experiencing them. Such is the phenomenon called Yogi Ashwini.