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Siofra O'Donovan |
Pema and the Yak |
$16.99 $12.74 |
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Pema and the Yak is the fascinating story of a journey through the
Himalaya along the Indo-Tibetan border into the heart of Tibet in Exile.
Encounters with oracels, lamas, ex-political prisoners, Tibetan doctors, DJs,
nomads, guerilla fighters, painters, poets, missionaries and Himalayan
royalty paint a vibrant picture of Tibetans living in exile today.
About the Author:
Siofra O'Donovan was born in Dublin and educated at University College Dublin
and the... |
Charles Bell |
The People of Tibet |
$14.95 $11.21 |
The present book is an attempt to speak about the life of the Tibetan people in their own homes. Shut-off from the outer world by their immense mountain barriers Tibet still presented a virgin field of enquiry. There has been little change in the inner life of the people during the last thousand years. About the Author: Sir Charles Bell was born in calcutta in 1870 and educated in England at Winchester and Oxford. He joined the Indian Civil Service. he wrote several... |
John Snelling |
The Sacred Mountain |
$55.49 $41.62 |
Mount Kailas - the most sacred mountain in the world. Uncannily symmetrical, this remote and remarkable peak located in the forbidden land of Tibet might have been built by superhuman hands. It stands out of a primordial landscape: a horizontally stratified plinth thousands of feet high, crowned with a perfect cone of pure snow.
The new edition of this acclaimed travel book is particularly indispensible for all those wishing to visit Mount Kailas, for it contains a... |
Sutapas Bhattacharya |
The Brainstem Brainwaves of Atman-Brahman |
$102.99 $77.24 |
The Divine Light (Pure Consciousness) is central to Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam/Sufism, Platonism/Neoplatonism, Gnosticism and Hermeticism. It is the Universal Spirit within us. With masses of evidence drawn from scholarly sources, this book demonstrates how the archetypal spiritual experiences underlying religious myths are explained scientifically based on the true scientific explanation of The Light and of enlightenment. This overwhelming evidence provides the 'Authority of... |
Erik D. Curren |
Buddhas Not Smiling: Uncovering Corruption at the Heart of Tibetan Buddhism Today |
$30.99 $23.24 |
Interest in Buddhism has exploded in the last couple of decades, and millions of people around the world view Tibetan Buddhism as the religion's most pure and authentic form. Yet, a political conflict among Tibetan lamas themselves is now poised to tear the Tibetan Buddhist world apart and threaten the ntegrity of its thousand-year old teachings. On August 2, 1993, Rumtek monastery was attacked. Its monks were expelled and the cloister was turned over to supporters of a boy-lamas appointed by... |
William Woodville Rockhili |
The Land of the Lamas: Notes of a Journey Through China Mongolia and Tibet |
$15.90 $11.93 |
"Rockhill was a remarkable American orientalist who was a diplomat in Beijing. He
was fascinated with Tibet, and worked for four years to study Tibetan (he
was already fluent in Chinese). In 1888 he resigned his position
and set off westward from Beijing on the Silk Road. His intent was
to get to Lhasa disguised as a Chinese. His plan was thwarted but, undaunted, he tried again
a year later; this time he got within 100 miles of his goal. While... |
Sarat Chandra Das & W.W. Rockhill |
Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet |
$12.49 $9.37 |
A Journey to lhasa and Central Tibet is a record of explorer Sarat Chandra Das' travels through Sikim into Tibet during the year 1879-1891. Das is considered as one of the greatest pioneering travellers who ever entered Tibet.
The marvelous primary resource - later edited by W.W. Rockhill - covers Das' journey from Darjeeling to Tashilhunpo, his residence there, on to Dongtse, and his onward journey to Lhasa via Tashilhunpo and Yamdo Samding.
From his time at Lhasa, he... |
Prem Singh Jina |
Tourist Resources of Ladakh |
$19.49 $14.62 |
Ladakh, variously known to outsiders, has remained a fascinating land to tourists, scholars and others. Like Tibet (China), bordering to Ladakh region, Buddhism is the main religion professed by majority of the population. There are many prominent monasteries in the region.
This book gives a vivid account of many such Buddhist Monasteries which are rich resource for tourism. This will prove a reliable source of reference to one and all concerned.
Acknowledgements... |
Gelong Lodro Sangpo |
Abhidharmakosa-Bhasya of Vasubandhu (Set of 4 Vols.): The Treasury of the Abhidharma and its (Auto) Commentary |
$375.49 $281.62 |
Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakosa-Bhasya (ca. 380-390), besides its culminating achievement in streamlining the overall structure of the exposition of the preceding Abhidharma manuals, is unmatched by any of the preceding manuals in respect of its comprehensiveness – incorporating all important Vaibhasika doctrines since the time of the Abhidharma-mahavibhasa – of its excellent skill in definition and elucidation, and of its ability to clarify the difficult points involved in... |
Ogyen Trinley Dorje |
The Heart is Noble: Changing the World from the Inside Out |
$20.49 $15.37 |
If you are inspired to take up his challenge, the Karmapa offers a path for participating in a global community that is based on compassion. In these chapters, he shares his vision for bringing social action into daily life, on a scale we can realistically manage through the choices we make every day what to buy, what to eat, and how to relate honestly and bravely with our friends and family and coworkers. His fresh and encouraging perspective shows us that we have the strength to live with... |