This Kosa contains 3000 words, from 37 traditional texts on Yoga explained with comprehensive information based on reference to the context. The Kaivalyadhama Shreeman Madhav Yoga Mandir Samiti Lonavla popularly known as "KAIVALYADHAMA" is a voluntary body registered under the Societies registration Act, XXI of 1860 founded by Late Swami Kuvalayananda in 1924, primarily for promotion of research having scientific cultural and textual values in the science of Yoga. The Kaivalyadhama is in receipt of substantial financial assistance from the government of India as well as the State Govt. of Maharashtra, both for its maintenance and developmental expenditure.
The Philosophico Literary research Department one of the Departments of the Kaivalyadhama and which is primarily responsible for compilation of the Yoga Kosa, is engaged in literary research work involving collection, compilation, investigation, analysis and synthesis of Yogic literature. The activities of the Department include inter-alia preparation and publication of critical editions with translation of old Sanskrit yoga texts and also reconstruction of Sanskrit Yoga texts from commentaries occurring in various other texts and commentaries.
Table of Contents:
- Preface
- Introduction
- Scheme of Transliteration
- List of Books with Abbreviation
- Text.