Below is a list of articles with the most recent ones listed first. |
Concept of Snehana in Ayurveda by Dr. L. Mahadevan, BAMS, MD., |
Topic: Ayurveda |
Published: Sunday 27 December, 2009 |
7 simple steps – A simple solution to India’s diabet by Vedic Society |
Topic: Ayurveda |
There’s a rising trend of Diabetes in India that is taking the country completely by storm. As I travel around the country almost everyone I meet in the 40+ age group or someone they know, a relative or close friend has some form of Diabetes. |
Published: Friday 26 June, 2009 |
Your Ayurvedic Constitution by Dr. Robert Svoboda |
Topic: Ayurveda |
Discover your Ayurvedic Constitution |
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009 |
Why Garlic is not good for your for Spiritual health by Dr. Vaidya Mishra |
Topic: Ayurveda |
Garlic certainly has many health related benefits, but it is not good for Spiritual health, and here is why. |
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009 |
The Herb called Shatavari: A Gift for Women by Dr. Sarita Shrestha |
Topic: Ayurveda |
In recent years shatavari has become a popular herb world-wide. Women in the West have been using it ever since studies showed that it contains phyto-estrogens, the precursors of estrogen. This finding made it popular all over the world. |
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009 |
The Five Elements by Dr. Sachin Dua |
Topic: Ayurveda |
Ayurveda states that everything in this universe, including the human body is composed of five basic elements. |
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009 |
The basics of staying healthy with Ayurveda by Dr. Sachin Dua |
Topic: Ayurveda |
From a correct and disciplined daily regime to the correct personal diet, here are a few tips on getting and staying healthy according to ayurvedic principles. |
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009 |
Saturn: Deliverance from Life's Lessons by Vaughn Paul Manley |
Topic: Ayurveda |
It’s no secret that in the celestial pantheon Saturn is the dreaded Lord of Karma – deliverer of life’s hardest lessons. The title is not without justification |
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009 |
Rasayana by Dr. Robert Svoboda |
Topic: Ayurveda |
Rasayana (literally, "the Path of Juice"), involves replenishing both the quality and the quantity of the body's fluids. |
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009 |
Protocol for Autism based on Ayurvedic Healing by Vedic Society |
Topic: Ayurveda |
Autism is the end result of systematic toxins such as Mercury in the body causing this tridoshic disease which is especially a gross imbalance of vata and particularly prana vata which is the vata seated in the mind controlling all mental functions such as speech, concentration, memory, learning and... |
Published: Monday 11 May, 2009 |