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Sadguru Sant Keshavadas |
Gayatri: The Highest Meditation |
$21.99 $16.49 |
Gayatri The Highest Meditation describes the Gayatri, the mantra which helps the higher man to be bron in us all. Sant Keshavadas profoundly tells the meaning and many facets (water rites, sitting posture, time, atmosphere, breath control, pronunciation of sacred sounds) of this ancient meditation. There are few books available on the Gayatri meditation in English. Prof. T.K. Venkateswaran of the Department of Religious Studies, University of Detroit, praises Sant Keshavadas’ work and... |
Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati |
Sri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra: The Ascent |
$43.99 $32.99 |
The theme of Vijnana Bhairava Tantra is dharana, or concentration, a subject most relevant today. This new translation and commentary of a classical tantric text sheds much light on the practice of dharana, which until now has been revealed only by peripheral explanations. The text comprises 112 different dharanas, or techniques of concentration, which can easily be incorporated into one's daily life. Although dharana is a practice intended for an adept, whose mind is steady and controlled, the... |
Jaideva Singh |
Vijnana Bhairava or Divine Consciousness |
$24.99 $18.74 |
The Vijnana Bhairava, though a short text, belongs to the most important Hindu tantras. Originated between 400 and 800 C.E., at the time of the first textual fixation of this movement, this text is unique among the tantric literature because of its concentration on meditative practice and spiritual experience. It looks like a manual of practitioners who collected the most important spiritual exercises and experiences, notwithstanding its possibly sectarian background. In fact, the tantra is... |
Swami Lakshman Joo |
Vijnana Bhairava : The Practice of Centring Awareness |
$24.99 $18.74 |
The Vijnana Bhairava is one of the most important Tantras of Kashmir Saivism, at least as far as the practical aspect of the yoga of this school is concerned. It teaches 112 dharanas, or ways of centring awareness and entering divine consciousness (which includes ordinary and extraordinary experience), as well as tantric methods of spiritual practice such as kundalini, mantra and mudra. The modern need to integrate all aspects of life makes this ancient text of great relevance to our times. In... |
Gita Press |
Durga Saptashati |
$25.49 $19.12 |
The Durgasaptashati is well accepted religious text of Hindu religion. Durgasaptashati is full of religious mystery with blessed story of goddess Bhagavati. The devotees motivated by desire and desire less both recite this book with great reverence and attain their desired goal. The book contains is it the procedure of reciting it along with Kavacha, Argal, Kilaka, Vaidika and Tantrika Ratrisukta, Devyatharvashirsha, Navarna Vidhi, original text, Durgashtottaranamastotra, Sri Durgamanasa... |
B. K. Chaturvedi |
Shiv Purana |
$9.49 $7.12 |
Shiv Purana is a much sacred text for the Hindus, particularly to those who adhere to shiv’s faith and are called Shaivites.It is needless to emphasise that the Shiv Puran comprises the most authentic details about Lord Shiva. The whole treatise on ancient knowledge has been converted into small stories in this book for easy and logical comprehension and an attempt is made to give readers a brief glimpse into this Purana and inspire them to be more versed with this Purana, knowing more about... |
Ram Kumar Rai |
Shiva Svarodaya |
$18.99 $14.24 |
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This little book Sivasvarodya, herein presented for the first time, with an English Translation together with Roman version of the Sanskrit text, is an ancient Sanskrit Text of great importance and the only one extant which elucidates the Science of Predicting auspicious and inauspicious results based on the flow the breathing through one or the other nostril. It was initially revealed by Lord Siva to His Divine Consort Parvati with specific instructions to keep it a closely guarded secret,... |
Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati |
Who Created God? |
$28.99 $21.74 |
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This book is a rich tribute to the indigenous Shilpaic tradition of the land of India and a unique work on the science of form generation and form figuration. It deals with the process of subtle energy turning into gross energy and analyses how energy itself turns into matter in this universe. Even God, the Supreme Brahman exists in a definite form at subtle level which gets manifested into material form at the hands of the Shilpi. About the Author: Born in the year 1927, at... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Sure Ways to Self-Realization |
$37.99 $28.49 |
Sure Ways to Self-Realization is a practical and informative text on systems of meditation from cultures all over the world. To assist today's seekers to find a suitable path back to the source, the real self, and to find stability of mind in a rapidly changing world, Swami Satyananda Saraswati describes the path of meditation, the obstacles confronting the practitioner and the means to overcome them. Both theory and practical instructions for a vast range of age-old meditation practices are... |
Dr. M.H.K. Shastri |
Yantra Mahima |
$31.49 $23.62 |
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The book deals with yantra pooja, design of yantras, the mantras being used for worshiping the yantra, energising (praan prathishtha) the yantra and other usages of the yantras. This book is the first part of work on tantra, mantra and yantra. The contents of this book are purely based on old Sanskrit classics. A detailed method of worshiping the yantras is given in the book which would be beneficial for the readers. The book contains colored pictures of the most popular... |
Dr. R. L. Kashyap |
Shanti Mantras: from The Upanishads & Veda Samhita |
$13.49 $10.12 |
To have a happy and blissful life, we need many facilities or powers such as the power of will, fortitude, quietude etc. Like everything else, these powers have to be nourished. In some periods of our life we feel peaceful. Later we fell that the peace has left us. The problem is that we are systematically squandering the power of peace without replenishing it. Mantras in this book help us in establishing the plenitude in us. This collection contains a variety of mantras. We give the Sanskrit... |
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati |
Samkhya Darshan: Yogic Perspective on Theories of Realism |
$25.49 $19.12 |
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Samkhya is one of the earliest schools of Indian philosophy and most systems, including yoga, have been drawn from or influenced by it. Samkhya is a dualistic philosophy and postulates two eternal realities: Purusha, the witnessing consciousness, and Prakriti, the root cause of creation, composed of the three gunas.This text highlights the unique contribution of Samkhya philosophy in man's quest to understand his true nature. It discusses the practical theories of causation, manifestation,... |
Swami Lakshman Joo |
Kashmir Shaivism : The Secret Supreme |
$18.99 $14.24 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Swami Lakshman Jee is the last living Master of the oral tradition in Kashmir Shaivism. This exposition of the non-dual philosophy with practical applications is his first book in English. The tantric teachings are hidden in a language of allusion and symbols. Swamiji offers the skeleton key of the oral tradition that allows access to secrets. The intent is to preserve the tradition and to make it available. The emphasis is on practical realization of Truth through the experience of... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Karma Sannyasa |
$25.49 $19.12 |
How is it possible to live the life of a householder and yet maintain a balance between external and internal growth? In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna, there is no harm in action, the danger lies in attachment and dependence on the fruits of the actions performed. If you can understand this concept and implement it in your daily life, then you will gradually experience a higher quality of experience. This is essentially the concept of karma sannyasa; live life fully, participate in... |
Dr. R. L. Kashyap |
Agni In Rig Veda |
$18.99 $14.24 |
Agni is the most important God in the Vedic hymns. Agni is not a mere physical fire. He is the lord of Divine Will. Agni is a cosmic force with the qualities of light (or knowledge) and power in perfect harmony. He is the Divine Will who impels human beings to begin all the necessary activities. The first hymn of Rig Veda is addressed to Agni. This book contains the text, transliteration, translation and commentary of all the 315 mantras in the first 34 Suktas dedicated to Agni in the first... |
George Weston Briggs |
Gorakhnath and the Kanphata Yogis |
$30.99 $23.24 |
The cult of the Kanphata Yogis is a definite unit within Hinduism, and its study is essential for understanding this phase of the religious life of India. In analysing the different aspects of this cult the author has drawn upon various sources, such as the legends, folk-lore and the formulated texts of this sect. The book is divided into three sections. The first two sections comprising chapters 1-13 deal with the cult and history of this sect. The third section containing chapters 14-16 opens... |
C. Rajagopalachari |
Ramayana |
$12.99 $9.74 |
One of India's two greatest epics, The Ramayana pervades the country's moral and cultural consciousness. For generations it has served as a bedtime story for Indian children, while at the same time engaging the interest of philosophers and theologians. Now this magnificent translation makes the monumental work available to a new audience. An idealized heroic tale ending with the inevitable triumph of good over evil, The Ramayana is also an intensely personal story of family relationships, love... |
Dr Sampadananda Mishra |
Stotravali: A Book of Hymns, Prayers and Praises in Sanskrit |
$25.49 $19.12 |
Hymns and prayers to Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Ganesha, Rama, Krishna, Lakshmi, etc., in the original Sanskrit with English transliterations and translations. As mentioned in the introduction, "Several of these hymns have the 'Mantric' quality and even if we do not understand the words, the sound-rhythms themselves are capable of lifting us into another world." |
Kamala Subramaniam |
Srimad Bhagavatam |
$62.99 $47.24 |
This is a summarised version of the Mahapurana Srimad Bhagavatam written by Smt. Kamala Subramaniam. While summarising the Mahapurana, Smt. Subramaniam has omitted only the ornamentations and decorations, usual in all Sanskrit literature. She has uncompromisingly kept intact the solid hard core of the Mahapurana. Not only she has taken no liberty with the essentials of this sacred book, but in fact has brought them out more prominently in a language which is as simple as it is appealing. The... |
Swami Ramsukhdas |
Srimad Bhagavadgita: Sadhaka-Sanjivani (Hindi) |
$40.99 $30.74 |
This is an excellent commentary on Gita by Swamiji. Most revered Swami Ramsukhdasji has searched out many secret and valuable jewels of spiritual ideas from this unfathomable sea of Bhagavadgita and has very kindly given for the welfare of householders and the public at large studying which they may easily attain highest bliss. Revered Swamiji has written this commentary not for profounding any philosophical view-point or for show of his erudition but he has made this fine endeavour for the... |
Swami Ramsukhdas |
Srimad Bhagavadgita: Sadhaka-Sanjivani (2 Vols.) (English) |
$31.49 $23.62 |
This work in its English version has been an outstanding and much appreciated exposition of the divine and immortal work. This book is somewhat new, as in includes two additional and valuable appendices at the end of the commentary on the Gita. The first appendix entitled, "A bird's eye view of the Gita" is a summarized essence of the scripture, highlighting its core and offering a version for quick comprehension and ready reference. The second appendix, covers the traditional and... |
Swami Tapasyananda |
Sri Lalita Sahasranama |
$11.49 $8.62 |
Sri Lalita Sahasranama: With Sanskrit Text, Transliteration and English Translation The Introduction to this edition of Lalitasahasranama is taken from the now out-of-print translation of it by Prof. D. S. Sarma. In place of writing a new Introduction, we have adopted this, because it is a composition that cannot be excelled. It is an excellent, appreciative, but also critical, study of the Sahasranama as a piece of Stotra literature and as an exposition of the philosophy of the Mother cult.... |
Mahathera Ledi Sayadaw |
The Manuals of Dhamma |
$26.49 $19.87 |
Vipassana is the quintessence of teachings of the Buddha. The Venerable Ledi Sayadaw was an invaluable link in the chain of teachers that preserved Vipassana in its pristine purity in Myanmar. The writings of this great meditation master and Abhidhamma scholar are not easily available today. Therefore the Vipassana Research Institute has published The Manuals of Dhamma, which is a collection of English translations of the Venerable Sayadaw’s writings. The reader will find a great treasure... |
David Frawley |
Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses: Spiritual Secrets of Ayurveda |
$36.99 $27.74 |
Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses is an excellent book introducing the essence of Hindu Tantrism. the book discusses all the major concepts and offers valuable corrections for many existing misconceptions. It also introduces the reader to the core Tantric practices of meditation and mantra recitation, focusing on the Ten Wisdom Goddesses (dasa-mahavidya). This book presents the meditational and mantric side of Tantra, which is the more common side of Tantra practiced in India. It is... |
Elizabeth Anne Benard |
Chinnamasta: The Aweful Buddhist and Hindu Tantric Goddess |
$43.49 $32.62 |
This is the first monograph which examines the rare Buddhist and Hindu Tantric goddess, Chinnamasta, her rituals, her names and forms (namarupa) and their symbolism by comparing and contrasting her sadhanas (spiritual practices) in Hinduism and Buddhism. The entire Hindu "Chinnamastatantra" section from the Sakta Pramoda, the Buddhist "Chinnamunda Vajravarahisadhana" and the "Chinnamunda Vajravarahisadhana" and the "Trikayavajrayoginistuti" are translated... |