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COMMUNITIES Let's See What We Have Here...
India has a lot to teach the world about community in a society and it is also home of Auroville, a global conscious community. In this catagory we feature global conscious eco-villages, communities and ancient ways of living in group harmony based on simple living and high thinking.
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 The One Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming  Masanobu Fukuoka The One Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming   $40.99  $30.74  Buy Now 
Masanobu Fukuoka is one of the most radical and influential agrarian thinkers of this century. 'One Straw' describes the events that led to the development of Fukuoka's concept of 'natural farming'. In this book, he emphasises the basic principles of non-cultivation and non-chemical farming by the incorporation and controlled use of weeds rather than their eradication. Using these methods Fukuoka produces greater crops than achieved by chemically-based and modern farming practices. Year by year... 
 Village Swaraj  M. K. Gandhi Village Swaraj   $4.95  $3.71   
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From the Preface by Shriman Narayana: The publication contains Gandhiji's views on different aspects of rural life including agriculture, village industry, animal husbandry, transport, basic education, health and hygiene. At a time when we are endeavouring to establish Panchayati Raj in India on the basis of wide decentralization of political and economic power, this book is bound to be of great value to a large number of official as well as non-official workers. The Community Development... 
 Creating a Transparent Democracy: A New Model  Shamar Rinpoche Creating a Transparent Democracy: A New Model   $6.49  $4.87  Buy Now 
It is generallybelieved that democracy, though not perfect, is yet the best form of government created by man.  However, with all its merits, democracy leaves scope for betterment.  The present book is an attempt to point out and remove the defects of democracy.  Political power and authority, to be effective, must be decentralised.  Decentralisation is necessary for social justice and people's participation in decision making. People must be provided political... 
 The Auroville Handbook  PRISMA, Auroville The Auroville Handbook   $28.49  $21.37  Buy Now 
A guide to the many varied activities that take place in Auroville, the international township. It provides information on the following aspects of Auroville: Spiritual basis Internal organisation Services and working groups Commercial units Guest houses and visitor facilities Afforestation and renewable energy activities Village development activities  International Centres abroad  Immediate neighbourhood (the villages and Pondicherry) A map of the... 
 Ideal India  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ideal India   $156.49  $117.37  Buy Now 
This book is a special presentation of the highest quality of the applications of Maharishi's Vedic Science to restore India as the Lighthouse of Peace on Earth. Maharishi describes how this Vedic transformation can easily be created through five main areas of governmental responsibility — education, health care, administration, defence and agriculture. A presentation of all Maharishi's Programmes in the fields of Vedic Education, Health Care, Administration, Defence, and... 
 The Way To Communal Harmony  M. K. Gandhi The Way To Communal Harmony   $6.49  $4.87   
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The Way to Communal Harmony is a compilation of Gandhi's reflections on certain problems which divide mankind. Though they deal immediately with India, their validity extends beyond the circumstances of our country. Everywhere in the world, individuals and groups are divided because of fear, suspicion and hatred. It depends on local conditions whether the division expresses itself along religious, economic, political, caste or colour lines. Whatever be the form, insecurity is perhaps the major... 
 Towards Universal Fraternity  Kireet Joshi Towards Universal Fraternity   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
This text by the renowned educationist and philosopher Kireet Joshi is a meaningful essay on the necessity of human unity, but it also highlights the mistakes to avoid on the path. Is human unity achievable, and if so, how? What should be the contribution of India to this effort? These are some of the central questions of this essay. 
 Sri Aurobindo on a New Social Order  Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo on a New Social Order   $4.95  $3.71   
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This book contains passages from Sri Aurobindo on a range of subjects of social relevance: democracy and the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity; capitalism, socialism, totalitarianism, anarchism; and the creation of a spiritual society. 
 Philosophy for a New Civilisation  Henryk Skolimowski Philosophy for a New Civilisation   $44.40  $33.30   
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This book is an invitation to another kind of philosophy - not abstract, dry and indifferent to life, but compassionate, holistic, caring and guiding life. Basically, it is a book about a philosophy which may change your life, if you take it seriously. We don't have to follow the dictates of the stupefying technological system. We are free people. The human race is not forlorn and doomed. We can make the world a fair place to live, for all of us. But we need to think deeper, with... 
 Cashmere Kashir That Was  S. Sapru Cashmere Kashir That Was   $12.49  $9.37  Buy Now 
This book describes basically the life and times of the half-a-million people of this community living in peace and harmony with nature.  It also delves into the march of the people from medieval times into the modern age and the impact of transport and communication technologies that opened a window for information flow into the valley cocooned for so long due to the high mountains all around. India is a land of communities, and Kashmiri Pandits are one of them. Though they are the... 
 The Dalai Lama in Auroville  Claude Arpi The Dalai Lama in Auroville   $8.49  $6.37  Buy Now 
His Holiness the Dalai-Lama, spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetan people visited the International Township of Auroville on 23rd and 24th December 1993. This was the Dalai Lama’s second visit to Auroville. He first came some twenty years ago, in January 1973, after having met the Mother in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. In January 1993, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has consented to be the Patron of the Pavilion of Tibetan Culture in Auroville.For five days before the... 
 Auroville: A Dream Takes Shape  Alain G. Auroville: A Dream Takes Shape   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
This brochure highlights how the Mother envisioned Auroville from its inception, the achievements realised in thirty years, and the difficulties in implementing the guidelines she has given. It introduces all aspects of the functioning of this international township. With numerous photographs. 
 Sacred Groves in India  Kailash C. Malhotra Sacred Groves in India   $93.99  $70.49  Buy Now 
In India, as elsewhere in many parts of the world, a number of communities practise different forms of nature worship. One such significant tradition is that of providing protection to patches of forests dedicated to deities and/or ancestral spirits. These patches of forests are known as sacred groves. The tradition is very ancient and once was widespread in most parts of the world. The estimated number of sacred groves in India in about two lakhs. Groves are rich heritage of India, and play an... 
 Cultures and Cosmos  Baidyanath Saraswati Cultures and Cosmos   $39.95  $29.96  Buy Now 
The book is a pioneering attempt to explore the cosmic principle while integrating it with Anthropology and Sociology.  It will help the reader to discern a crucial dimension of human self and organization. The present volume, Cultures and Cosmos: The Cosmic Anthropological Principle is an endeavour to explore the numerous dimensions of the fundamental concepts in Cosmic Anthropology such as Nature, Sound, Space, Time, Mind, etc. This remarkable work reflects the importance of Cosmology... 
 Perspectives on Polavaram  Biksham gujja Perspectives on Polavaram   $44.49  $33.37  Buy Now 
Water resource is increasingly becoming scarce and polluted. Using less water to produce more crops is going to be the new way for Indian agriculture. The debate is not on whether to build the dams or not, but on whether to build projects that benefit people without imposing unacceptably high costs for proper rehabilitation of displaced people and degradation of our ecosystem. This book 'Perspectives on Polavaram,' is an extremely useful contribution to this debate on large irrigation... 
 Uniting Men - Jean Monnet  Christine Devin Uniting Men - Jean Monnet   $7.49  $5.62  Buy Now 
This monograph presents the life and accomplishments of a man little known in India, Jean Monnet. He is considered as "the founding father of Europe", but in reality Monnet has been much more than that. He has been an instrument at the service of a vision. That vision was a world that would not be divided by borders. From the first World War to the creation of Europe, his life was entirely dedicated to uniting men. 
 Auroville in a Nutshell: A Condensed Introduction for Guests and Visitors  PRISMA, Auroville Auroville in a Nutshell: A Condensed Introduction for Guests and Visitors   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
An alphabetical subject-wise information booklet on Auroville, with map and photographs.           
 Auroville: A Dream (Photographs)  Ireno Guerci Auroville: A Dream (Photographs)   $53.49  $40.12  Buy Now 
A collection of photographs evoking the dynamism, the unpredictability and above all, the spontaneous joy and camaraderie of the living laboratory of evolution that is Auroville.           
 The Spirit's Manifest Home:  Makarand Paranjape The Spirit's Manifest Home:   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
The New Delhi branch of Sri Aurobindo Ashram was founded over forty years back. This book attempts to tell the story of this unique spiritual centre, of its birth, growth, and development over the decades to its present position of influence and eminence.           
 The Ideal of Human Unity  Sri Aurobindo The Ideal of Human Unity   $9.49  $7.12  Buy Now 
Sri Aurobindo discusses the possibility of the unification of the human race, the insufficiencies of the past efforts and the principles which are to be followed "in order that real human unity may be achieved". About the Author: Sri Aurobindo was an Indian/Hindu nationalist, scholar, poet, mystic, evolutionary philosopher, yogi and guru. After a short political career in which he became one of leaders of the early movement for the freedom of India from British rule, Sri Aurobindo turned to... 
 Words of the Mother - I: Sri Aurobindo, The Mother; The Ashram, Auroville; India, The World  The Mother Words of the Mother - I: Sri Aurobindo, The Mother; The Ashram, Auroville; India, The World   $13.49  $10.12  Buy Now 
This book consists primarily of brief written statements by the Mother about Sri Aurobindo, herself, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Auroville, India and nations other than India. Written over a period of nearly sixty years (1914-1973), the statements are compiled from her notes, messages and correspondences. The volume also includes several conversations. About the Author: Born in Paris in 1878, the Mother studied painting at an art studio and became an accomplished artist. Primarily interested in... 
 125th Birth Anniversary of the Mother (21st February 2003)  Sri Aurobindo Society, Maharashtra 125th Birth Anniversary of the Mother (21st February 2003)   $6.49  $4.87  Buy Now 
This souvenir volume is brought out on the occasion of the Mother's 125th birth anniversary. It quotes liberally from the Mother. The contents best illustrate the varied themes presented in the book: The Mother Sri Aurobindo The Four Powers of the Mother Sri Aurobindo Ashram Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education Sri Aurobindo Society Auroville The Words of the Mother. 
 The Spirit of Auroville  Huta The Spirit of Auroville   $17.99  $13.49  Buy Now 
The International Township called Auroville (The City of Dawn) was founded on 28 February 1968. The Mother said regarding this township "Auroville wants to be the first realisation of human unity based on the teaching of Sri Aurobindo, where men of all countries would be at home." This book contains Huta's conversations with the Mother on Auroville and Matrimandir, seen and corrected by the Mother. There are also letters and messages of the Mother on Auroville, as well as correspondence... 
 Life Beautiful  M. P. Pandit Life Beautiful   $4.95  $3.71  Buy Now 
Talks on: Higher Living Responsibility of the Spiritual Man The Mother in Daily Life The Mother in Collective Living, etc. About the Author: Sri M. P. Pandit served as the personal secretary to the Mother at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother became the entire focus of his life. He studied the classical scriptures and living spiritual traditions of India, following in the footsteps of Sri Aurobindo and Sri T.V. Kapaly Sastry. His writing career spanned six decades,... 
 Sri Aurobindo and the Advent of the Supermind  Gopal Bhattacharya Sri Aurobindo and the Advent of the Supermind   $7.99  $5.99  Buy Now 
In his role as a Secretary of the Sri Aurobindo Society, the author has travelled widely and addressed many different types of audiences, often introducing his listeners to Sri Aurobindo’s thought and integral yoga. This book is a collection of Bhattacharjee’s lectures and talks dealing with a range of topics: Sri Aurobindo’s vision of the future society Human unity Human evolution Integral education What it means to do the Mother’s work Sri Aurobindo’s role in... 
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01.The Auroville Handbook
02.Sri Aurobindo on a New Social Order
03.The Dalai Lama in Auroville
04.Auroville: A Dream Takes Shape
Spanda Karikas: The Divine Creative Pulsation
Human Values the Heart of Dynamic Parenting
Rakshasa`s Ring
Ananga Ranga
Psychological Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education
Indian Philosophy of Knowledge
Nartana-Nirnaya of Pandarika Vitthala Vol.I
Oxford English Dictionary(Comprehensive edition)
Plural Cultures and Monolithic Structures: Comprehending India
Metallic Art of India
Predicting Through Astro-Numerology
Surely the best and pin-point predictions! ..
5 of 5 Stars!

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Thanks a lot Jessie for help and patience in answering my questions!...


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