Below is a list of articles with the most recent ones listed first. |
Water-wise gardening tips by Biophile |
Topic: Green Gardening |
Because gardens are often so water-intensive, it is important to look at the principles of water-wise gardening. Water-wise gardens are also lower maintenance than normal gardens. |
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009 |
The Pharmacy Of Flowers by David Crow |
Topic: Green Gardening |
Aromatic plants and fragrant flowers are some of nature’s most beautiful creations. In the long history of planetary evolution, it was the appearance of flowers that initiated the rapid expansion of biodiversity that has created the world we now live in. Now, fragrances from flowers, leaves, ... |
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009 |
The People’s Pharmacy: Creating Grassroots Healthcare Syst by David Crow |
Topic: Green Gardening |
Building a grassroots movement to grow and utilize medicinal and nutritive plants in a collective manner requires commitment and resources originating from individuals, neighborhoods, and communities. In order for this movement to quickly gain momentum and have long-term success, it must be embraced... |
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009 |
The Learning Garden by David Crow |
Topic: Green Gardening |
This paper is divided into two parts. Part one describes the vision, philosophy, and resources needed to create grass-roots healthcare systems. The Learning Garden is an excellent example of such grass-roots healthcare, as we have successfully brought organic food and medicinal plants not only to th... |
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009 |
Starting a Vegetable Garden by Biophile |
Topic: Green Gardening |
Statistics published in recent editions of community newspapers make the mind balk at the incredible volumes of waste generated by Capetonians – enough, it was said, to cover four football pitches to a depth of one metre every single day. |
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009 |
Soil For Life by Biophile |
Topic: Green Gardening |
The astronauts who first circled the Earth in their spacecraft likened our planet to a blue pearl in space. The living world, or biosphere, forms a fragile film over the planet, separating the surface from the vacuum of space, and the living soil forms the foundation of the biosphere. |
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009 |
Medicines For The Earth: The Eco-Physiology of Plants by David Crow |
Topic: Green Gardening |
Plants are the foundation of civilization and culture. They created the biosphere of the earth’s surface, and they regulate its functions. Plants are the ultimate source of all health and prosperity; they feed us, give us clothing and shelter, provide fuel, fiber, and countless other necessiti... |
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009 |
Making Compost by Biophile |
Topic: Green Gardening |
Most gardeners have long understood the value of this rich, dark, earthy material in improving the soil and creating a healthy environment for plants. |
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009 |
Edible Landscaping by Biophile |
Topic: Green Gardening |
Edible landscaping offers an alternative to conventional residential landscapes that are designed solely for ornamental purposes. |
Published: Saturday 23 May, 2009 |