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H.H. Dalai Lama |
Introduction of Buddhism and Tantric Meditation |
$6.49 $4.87 |
Tantric Buddhism is in general concerned with particular types of meditation and ritual that are seen as especially powerful and efficacious. The goals of these practices may be both worldly - alleviation of sickness, control of the weather - and soteriological. Tantric techniques are generally centered on the ritual evocation and worship of deities who are usually conceived of as awakened, enlightened. The key to this process is the use of mantras and methods of visualization; successful... |
Eva Judy Jansen |
Singing Bowls |
$17.99 $13.49 |
Singing bowls and ritual objects of Tibet have sound therapeutic value also besides used in meditation, healing and prayer. The author discusses the meeting between East and West, singing bowls, sacrificial dishes, how the bowls work, synchronization and inner massage, shamanism and brainwaves, and practical instruction for working with these sounds. It provides practical information about using them as well as showing you how to go about finding the bowl that is right for you. About the... |
W.Y. Evans-Wentz |
Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines |
$22.49 $16.87 |
The Seven Books of Wisdom of the Great Path, According to the Great Path, According to the Late Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English Rendering This book is a successful attempt to place on record not only a catena of carefuly made translations of texts which are still a subject of curiosity for Western scholars, but also a body of orally transmitted traditions and teachings realting to texts collected from Late Lama kazi Dawa-Samdup. Most attracting and interesting philosophy and religious text... |
Jutta Mattausch |
Tibetan Power Yoga |
$11.49 $8.62 |
The "Tibetan Power Yoga" is what the Tibetan Lama Tsering Norbu calls this set of motions that has given the people from the roof of the world physical vitality and mental power into ripe old age since time immemorial. Here is an absorbing story set in distant Tibet, yet could also take place within all of us anywhere in the world since it deals with the journey to the self. The "Tibetan Power Yoga" is A set of motions to give physical vitality and mental power.... |
David Kinsley |
Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas |
$25.99 $19.49 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
The mysteries of Tantra have engrossed countless meditators for centuries. Since the time of Buddha, these secrets have been passed down from accomplished master to disciple largely by word of mouth. Now drawing from his own experience and the works of Je Tsongkhapa and other great Tibetan Yogis, Geshe Kelsang clearly sets out all the stages of the four classes of Tantra, giving a full explanation of generation and completion stages. Tantra is revealed as the gateway to a blissful new world. ... |
Dalai Lama |
Healing Anger: The Power of Patience from a Buddhist Perspective |
$15.49 $11.62 |
In this book the Dalai Lama shows how through the practice of patience and tolerance we can overcome the obstacles of anger and hatred. He bases his discussion on A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life, the classic work on the activities of Bodhisattvas-those who aspire to attain full enlightenment in order to bengit all beings.
Relevant not only to Buddhists but to everyone seeking self-improvement, this outstanding teaching by the world's foremost Buddhist, based on the "Patience" chapter... |
Geshe Kelsang Gyasto |
The Meditation Handbook |
$18.99 $14.24 |
This introduction to Buddhist meditation provides background material on meditation - why we need to meditate; how to prepare for meditation; and how to enjoy a successful meditation session. It also teaches twenty-one easy-to-follow meditations, which together form the entire Buddhist path to enlightenment. Suitable for beginners and more advanced meditators alike. The book speaks about: What is meditation and how does it work; how to integrate meditation into our daily life; how to find... |
John Crook |
The Yogins of Ladakh: A Pilgrimage Among the Hermits of the Buddhist Himalayas |
$31.99 $23.99 |
When John Crook of Bristol University began research in the Zangskar valley of Ladakh in 1977 his prime intention was to investigate the social anthropology of the area through studies of village life. In 1986 Crook returned to Ladakh with Tibetologist James Low to enquire fully into the social organization, history, meditational practices and philosophy of the yogins who still lived and practiced in the remote parts of the area. This book is a record of the author’s adventurous journeys... |
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso |
Introduction to Buddhism |
$12.99 $9.74 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
These and many other themes are illuminated in this compelling introduction to the life and teachings of Buddha. Beginning with the main events of Buddha's life story, Geshe Kelsang introduces the central principles behind the Buddhist way of life and what it means to be a Buddhist. Meditation is explained clearly and simply, while more complex subjects such as the paths to liberation and enlightenment are presented in an accessible and inspiring way. The book speaks about: Who was... |
Samten G. Karmay |
The Treasury of Good Sayings - A Tibetan History of Bon |
$18.99 $14.24 |
This volume is a partial translation of the Tibetan text, 'legsbshad-mdzod,' a history of the Bon religion. Bon is a pre-Buddhist system of belief in Tibet, which survived many persecutions, and still covered large parts of Tibet till occupation by Communist China in 1959. The book gives a full account of the ancient religion, its origins and developments, its struggles against the later imported Buddhism, and its fight for survival in spite of persecution and even abolition on two... |
Daniel Perdue (Tr.) |
Debate in Tibetan Buddhist Education |
$4.95 $3.71 |
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It is intended as introduction for those interested in Tibetan debate and, more generally, in Buddhist logic and epistemology. |
Janet Gyatso |
Apparitions of the Self: The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary |
$46.99 $35.24 |
Apparitions of the Self is a groundbreaking investigation into what is known in Tibet as "secret autobiography," an exceptional, rarely studied literary genre that presents a personal exploration of intimate religious experiences. In this volume, Janet Gyatso translates and studies the outstanding pair of secret autobiographies by the famed Tibetan Buddhist visionary, Jigme Lingpa (1730-1798), whose poetic and self-conscious writings are as much about the nature of his own identity,... |
Geshe Lhundup Sopa |
Lectures on Tibetan Religious Culture |
$25.49 $19.12 |
Authored by one of the foremost living Tibetan teachers of modern scholarship. Beautifully combines language learning with assimilation into the rich, wide world of Tibetan religious culture. Presented in a format of text book manual, the reader is gently guided in the progressive familiarization with the culture and civilisation of a great country.
An interesting book if you are already able to read basic texts. Each chapter starts with an interview with a Rinpoche, which is then followed by... |
Kelsang Gyatso |
Understanding the Mind |
$18.49 $13.87 |
An Explanation of the Nature and Functions of the Mind. An understanding of the mind and the ultimate nature of reality, lies at the heart of Buddhist view and practice. About the Author: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso is a fully accomplished meditation Master and internationally renowned teacher of Buddhism. He is the author of a series of highly acclaimed books that transmit perfectly the ancient wisdom of Buddhism to our modern world. He has also founded many Buddhist Centres throughout the... |
Johannes Bronkhorst |
The Two Traditions of Meditation in Ancient India |
$12.99 $9.74 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
This book elucidates the early Buddhist teachings and beliefs concerning meditation and its role to liberation. An analysis is offered also of the non-Buddhist (especially Jaina and early Hindu) practices and beliefs as they are described in the non-Buddhist literature of the time. Passages in the Buddhist canon which emphasize the distinctions between Buddhism and other religious currents are also taken into consideration. |
Pema Dorjee |
Stupa and Its Technology: A Tibeto-Buddhist Perspective |
$43.99 $32.99 |
Among all the religious monuments of the world, the stupa has the longest uninterrupted historical development. Though modelled after the Indian prototype, the stupa architecture was developed in all the countries where Buddhism had flourished. Over time, the structural shape of the stupa underwent significant modifications in India and the other Asian Buddhist countries.
The present study shows how Tibet became a treasure house of Buddhist culture and literature--highlighting important texts... |
H.H the Dalai Lama |
Cultivating a Daily Meditation |
$50.49 $37.87 |
During April 1985, and again in October 1986, His Holiness the Dalai Lama delivered a series of discourses on Buddhist view, meditation and action.
These discourses and the ensuing discussions were recorded and later edited to produce this informative account of the Buddhist teachings and how they may be applied in daily life
Two discourses in which His Holiness touches upon the essential points of the Dharma and provides a clear and simple method to cultivate a daily practice of meditation.... |
E.H. Johnston |
Buddhacarita or Acts of the Buddha |
$62.49 $46.87 |
The Buddhacarita is the most famous work of Asvaghosa, the well-known Buddhist poet-philosopher supposed to have been a contemporary of King Kaniska of the early 2nd century a.c. Of the twenty-eight cantos of the epic poem a little less than half is now available in the original, but complete translations in Chinese and Tibetan have been preserved. This edition consists of three parts. The first part contains the Sanskrit text and the second the translation of the first fourteen cantos,... |
Lobsang P. Lhalungpa |
The Life of Milarepa |
$16.49 $12.37 |
Now recognized as the standard translation of one of the most beloved stories of the Tibetan people, The Life of Milarepa is both a portrait of the greatest Tibetan Buddhist saint and folk hero and a profoundly detailed guidebook to the search for consciousness. This book is about the tale of Tibet's most beloved saint, Milarepa translated from a Tibetan source. It tells of how he embarked on the journey of revenge, and then realizing the grave mistake of taking many lives, seek the... |
Adrian Snodgrass |
Symbolism of the Stupa |
$112.99 $84.74 |
In his preface to The Symbolism of the Stupa Prof. Craig Reynolds writes "The stupa is a symbolic form that pullulates throghout South Southeast and East Asia. In its Indian manifestations it is an extreme case in terms of architectural function: it has no usablehas a basic simplicity. In this state of the art` studt Adrian Snodrass reads the stupa as a cultural artifact. The mounment concretizes metaphyswical principles and generates multivalent meanings in ways that can be articulated with... |
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso |
Guide to Dakini Land |
$31.95 $23.96 |
Guide to Dakini Land is the first complete explanation in English to the
Tantric practice of Vajrayogini, the female Buddha of wisdom. The book provides
detailed instructions on the eleven yogas of generation stage, which are special
methods for transforming all our daily activities into the spiritual path. It
also explains with perfect clarity the essential completion stage practices of
Vajrayogini. It includes all the sadhanas of Vajrayogini and advice on how to do
a Tantric... |
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso |
Joyful Path of Good Fortune |
$31.95 $23.96 |
A complete guide to all the stages of the Buddhist path to enlightenment,
Joyful Path of Good Fortune is ideally suited to the contemporary practitioner
of Mahayana Buddhism. Enriched with stories and illuminating analogies, it
presents the essential meaning of all Buddha's teachings in the order in which
they are to be practised, giving step-by-step guidance on all the meditations
leading to full enlightenment. By following the instructions given in this book
we can transform our... |
W.Y. Evans-Wentz |
The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation |
$17.99 $13.49 |
This book is the repository of paramount important teachings. Which have been transmitted to the people of the Occident from most illustrious Teachers of Tibet and India. For the first time in English. The chief purpose of the book is to show the way not only to intellectual understanding but to actual psychic realization of the Nirvanic goal proclaimed by Gautama, the Buddha. And in as much as no other treatise quite like this treatise has yet appeared in the Western World, it... |
Herbert Guenther |
Meditation Differently |
$46.99 $35.24 |
'Meditation Differently,' presents a translation of an important Tibetan work which contrasts and compares two central traditions of Buddhist meditative practice - the Mahamudra and the rDzogs-chen practice- particularly the sNyingthig version. This book offers not only a translation, but also a detailed and critical commentary based on original Tibetan sources. The commentary offers a
hermeneutical and phenomenological study of the key ideas in the understanding
of Being and of... |
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu |
Old Man Basking in the Sun: Longchenpa's Treasury of Natural Perfection |
$64.49 $48.37 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Dzogchen is the apotheosis of Tibetan Buddhism and Longchenpa is the pre-eminent master of Dzogchen, and one of Tibets's greatest mystical poets. His Treasury of Natural Perfection encompasses and epitomizes the radical precepts of Dzogchen. Transcending the Tibetan context, Longchenpa delivers a manual of mystical wisdom for all people at all times, and shows why the western world has turned to Tibet for its mystical inspiration during the last half century. This transmission of timeless... |