The Seven Books of Wisdom of the Great Path, According to the Great Path, According to the Late Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English Rendering This book is a successful attempt to place on record not only a catena of carefuly made translations of texts which are still a subject of curiosity for Western scholars, but also a body of orally transmitted traditions and teachings realting to texts collected from Late Lama kazi Dawa-Samdup. Most attracting and interesting philosophy and religious text for Western thought described in principal 'Yogas' and meditation adopted by many Indian and Tibetan philosophers for attaining 'Right Knowledge' have been described in a lucid and subtle style. In these pages, amid useful photographs and reproductions of yoga paintings and manuscripts, readers will encounter some of the principal meditations used by Hindu and Tibetan gurus and philosophers throughout the ages in the attainment of Right Knowledge and Enlightenment. This highly popular companion volume to the Tibetan Book of the Dead is a collection of seven authentic Tibetan yoga texts that first appeared in English in 1935. Special commentaries precede each translated text, and a comprehensive introduction contrasts the tenets of Buddhism with European notions of religion, philosophy, and science. Evans-Wentz has also included a body of orally transmitted traditions and teachings that he received first-hand during his fifteen-plus years of study in the Orient. These seven distinct but intimately related texts will grant any reader a full and complete view of the spiritual teachings that still inform the life and culture of the East, and the new foreword by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. will update readers on this pioneering work. The seven principal text which belong to a date long way beyond the time to which the actual manuscriptsand blockprints can be referred by this book. The related studies of these 'seven' (Gampopa's Supreme Path, the Epitome of the Great Symbol, the Epitome of the Six Doctrines, the Transference of the Consciousness, the Method of Eradicationg the Lower self, the Fivefold Wisdom Attribute of the Long, and Essence of the Transcendental Wisdom) open a new horizon of study for scholars of related disciplines.