This easy-to -use guidebook provides exercise and visualization techniques that can be used to learn how to "cut the ties that bind" us to old ituations, old behavour patterns, old habits. when we learn to connect with the "High C" or the Real Self, we are able to let go of the past and allow ourselves a new and brighter future. Letting go of old habits can be fun! This workbook has been used by therapists, groups, and people who are working with the techniques outlined bby Phyllis Krystal in workshops she has given all over the world. Readers who have not experienced these workshops may have read her books: Cutting the Ties that Bind, cutting More Ties that Bind, and her recently published Taming Our Monkey Mind, which speaks to insight, detachment and gaining identity. About the Author: ------------------Phyllis Krystal is a psyshotherapist of the Jung and Erikson schools. She was born in England, lives in Los Angles, and travels extensively, teaching freedom to people in the United States,Europe, Australia, South America, and England. She frequently visits with Sathya Sai Baba in India.