The New Encyclopaedia of Social Reforms was first published in 1908 under the chief editorship of William D.P. Bliss, an American clergyman and leading figure in the Christian socialist movement.
It contains a vast number of entries on virtually everything and everybody of interest in the liberal and radical thought of the day. Contributors range across the leftwing political spectrum from liberal democrats through Fabian socialist to early communists. They include H.H. Asquith, Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Edward Bellamy, Lord Cromer, Henry Rider Haggard, Prince Peter Kropotkin, Christabel Pankhurst, Upton Sinclair, Leo Tolstoy, Booker T. Washington and Sidney Webb.
Subjects include people and issues in political science, sociology, anarchism, trades unionism, women’s suffrage, land reform and all the major topics of social reform under debate at the time. Many of the arguments discussed here remain relevant even today, and much of the biographical detail is not to be found in any other reference work. - vital reference source for left-wing thought and thinkers of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries- information on radical movements form Abolitionism to Zionism- biographical detail on hundreds of progressive figures across the world- Includes economic and socials statistics from many countries- contributors include H.H. Asquith, Leo Tolstoy, Booker T. Washington and Sidney Webb- new introduction by Morgen Witzel.