Holy Quran is the embodiment of Divine Revelations, made from time to time, over a period, spanning over 23 years to the Holy Prophet, Muhammad (Pbuh) by the Almighty, through the agency of the archangel, Gabriel (Jibraeel). Originally encrypted in the Arabic language, it has been translated into almost every language of the world. Alive miracle in itself, it deals with every aspect of human life, here and hereafter.
The Holy Quran is not merely a religious book; rather, an encyclopedia of religious-socio-politico and scientific information. Nay, its eighty six thousand, four hundred and thirty words are, in fact, the secret codes that enshrine immense power and energy in their bosom. They are the key capable of unlocking any complex and intricate matter under the sun.
Present series of books is but a humble initiative, with an eye on providing the best, the latest, most authentic and comprehensive information on the eternal work of the Eternal. These books are believed to prove to be worthy of accolade and appreciation. This book is title: Family Life under Quran. It covers the following topics: Family and Marriage, Divorce in Islam, Parent's Status, Women's Status, Duties of Wife, Children's Position, Children's Care, Social Manners, and Moral Obligations.