‘The Green Sprout Journey’ is the story of a mother trying to stimulate environmental awareness in her two children. Satoko Chatterjee launched on this journey and pleasantly discovered that when she initiated ecological activities within the space of her home, her children came up with their own ideas on how one could go about doing them. Some were very rewarding, and some less so. All in all, the children received a great foundation to become ecologically conscious citizens, so vitally needed in our times. The book outlines in detail the various activities Satoko and her children immersed themselves in: composting and organic gardening; clay jewellery and other eco-crafts; book-making, soap making, homemade solar cooker, etc.; and occasional discovery trips in their locality. This is a useful resource book for anyone desiring to initiate meaningful ecological activities within the home, or at the school level. While it offers interesting ideas and information for parents and teachers who want to make environmental education an important part of the upbringing of children, the book can also be independently read and enjoyed.