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Vidya Bhagwan Dash |
Nadi Pariksa In Indo-Tibetan Medicine: The Ancient Science of Pulse Examination |
$16.49 $12.37 |
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The ancient science of Ayurveda has maintained that the various multiple levels of the radial pulse can be used to read and interpret the state of the different organs and systems of the human body. This system of pulse diagnosis can also be used to interpret the physical as well as the mental constitutions of an individual. Through this Nadi Pariksha, imbalances leading to various diseases can be detected in their early stages giving an Ayurvedic physician the opportunity and ability to... |
Pulak Kanti Kar |
Essentials of Panchakarma Therapy |
$175.49 $131.62 |
Comprehensive view of Panchkarma has been presented in this book with sequential illustrations. The pure connotation of Panchakarma has been magnified here in its applied form. The brief documentation will definitely enrich the out -come of Panchakarma in a qualiltative shape. The requisite therapy for the diagnosed disease in allopathic system is also tuned here with generalized therapeutic modules for the ready reference of the Ayurvedic practitioners. Few photographs of the patients before... |
P.V. Sharma |
Caraka Samhita (Text With English Translation) 4 Volume Set |
$206.49 $154.87 |
Set of 4 Volumes:The Caraka Samhita stands at the top of the ancient texts representing the School of Medicine in Ayurveda founded by the great Scholar-Sage Punarvasu Atreya. Its value is further enhanced by the fact that it is the only text available in complete form where as other contemporary Samhitas such as of Jatukarna, parasara etc. perished, that of Bhela is incomplete and that of Harita is dragged into controversy. Thus any scholar desirous to know about the fundamentals of Ayurveda... |
Lal Chand Vaidh |
Ashtanghridayam of Shrivagbhattavirachitam |
$28.99 $21.74 |
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash |
Vaghata and Candra-Nandana In Indo-Tibetan Medicine: Traditions, Concepts and Practice in Tibetan Medicine and Ayurveda |
$16.49 $12.37 |
Vagbhata, an eminent scholar and physician of Ayurveda whose works are popular even now amongst Ayurvedic physician of India and abroad, is unfortunately shrouded with controversies regarding his genealogy, time, habitation, religious faith and the works he composed. Because of temporal vecissitudes, the sectarian quarrel was at its apogee in the medieval period, and Vagbhata who was a follower of Shaivism was later converted to Buddhism. His Pre-Buddhist name was Asvaghosa and had composed... |
Pulak Kanti Kar |
Mechanism of Panchakarma and Its Module of Investigation |
$150.49 $112.87 |
Same drug act in different ways based on the route of administration. Different routes as nasal roeute, oral route, vaginal route, urethral route and rectal route are used for the administration of the drugs in Panchakarma. Action of drug is well described in the different compendium and the clinical efficacy of Panchakarma is well explained and practiced thoroughly, but the mechanism of the action of Ayurvedic drug is till unexplored in modern perspective. The mechanism of action of therapy as... |
Gita Krishnankutty |
A Life of Healing: A Biography of Vaidyaratnam P.S.Varier |
$24.99 $18.74 |
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Biography of Pi. Es. Våariyar, 1869-1944, Ayurvedic physician from Kerala, India, founder of Kåoòtòtaykkal åAryavaidyaâsåala, organization for manufacture, sale, and propagation of Ayurvedic medicines and treatment. |
Kumud S. Nagral |
Ayurveda for Modern Medical Practitioners |
$28.49 $21.37 |
The science of Ayurved is considered an Upanga (subpatt) of Atharva Veda when it was written in text form. But 600 B.C. was the beginning of most creative period of this Ancient Indian Medicine as stated by Dr. P. Kutumbiah. It was in this period that a galaxy of medical teachers and stalwarts like Atreya the physician and Sushrat the surgeon made it a leading science of healthcare in the world and sowed the seeds of scientific temper. Keen observations, discussions, experiments, documen-tation... |
Govt. of India |
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Part I - Volume 1 |
$62.99 $47.24 |
Vol I: Contents: Preface.Introduction.Monographs Ajagandha (Sd.) (Cleome gynandra Linn.)Ajamoda (Frt.) (Apium leptophyllum (Pers.) F.V.M. ex Benth.)Amalaki (Fr. Frt. Pulp) (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.)Amalaki (Drd. Frt.) (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.)Aragvadha (Frt. Pulp.) (Cassia fistula Linn.)Arka (Rt.) (Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br.)Arka (Lf.) (Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br.)Asana (Ht. Wd.) (Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.)Ashoka (St. Bk.) (Saraca asoca (Rosc.) DC.... |
Taradutt Pant |
Asthangahridaya |
$28.99 $21.74 |
Brahma Nand Tripathi |
Asthangahridaya |
$35.49 $26.62 |
Vaidya Ram Chander |
Dictionary of Ayurveda |
$38.99 $29.24 |
This concise dictionary provides clear and up-to-date definitions of the terms selected from the modern ayurvedic system medicine. This also provides meaning of the terms taken from the classical descriptive aspects of ayurveda and current developments in related areas of pharmacology, biochemistry and other allied branches. This dictionary will serve as a practical guide for ayurvedic students, vaidya, hakims, practitioners and all those who are interested in ayurveda. |
Dr. Amritpal Singh |
Dictionary of Dravyaguna in Ayurveda |
$20.49 $15.37 |
Keeping in mind the latest trends in Āyurveda., the study of Dravyaguna has become more important. Some medicinal plants have like Awagandhā, Brāhamï, Tulasï, Guggul, Kutkï, Kālmegha, Gokura and Śatāvarī have been targeted by modern science for application in modern science. Active constituents of the plants have been identified and highly purified extracts are being marketed.In this work, Dictionary of Dravyaguna, documentation has been made on... |
Govt. of India |
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoiea of India Part - I Volume 4 |
$43.99 $32.99 |
Vol IV: Contents: PrefaceIntroduction MonographsAppendix 1: a. Apparatus for tests and assaysAppendix 2:a. Testing of drugsb. Determination of quantitative data for vegetable drugsc. Limit testsAppendix 3: a. Physical tests and determinationsAppendix 4: a. Reagents and solutionsAppendix 5Appendix 6: a. Classical Ayurvedic referencesIndex.The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India is a legal document of standards for the quality of Ayurvedic drugs and substances included therein (under Drugs... |
Govt. of India |
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India - Part I Volume 5 |
$43.99 $32.99 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Vol V:The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India is a legal document of standards for the quality of Ayurvedic drugs and substances included therein (Under Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940). This fifth volume, consists of 92 monographs on single drugs of plant origin. Pharma-cognostical, chemical and Ayurvedic standards of the parts of the plants used in Ayurveda are described in detail in each monograph.Each monograph describes macroscopic, microscopic characters along with their chemical standards... |
Govt. of India |
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Part I - Volume 3 |
$25.49 $19.12 |
Vol III: Contents:PrefaceIntroductionMonographs :Adhaki (Rt.) (Cajanus cajan (Linn.) Millsp.)Agnimantha (Rt.) (Clerodendrum phlomidis Linn.)Ambasthaki (Rt.) (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn.)Amra (Sd.) (Mangifera indica Linn.)Amra (St. Bk.) (Mangifera indica Linn.)Amrata (St.) (Spondias pinnata (Linn. f.) Kurz.)Apamarga (Rt.) (Achyranthes aspera Linn.)Aralu (St. Bk.) (Ailanthus excelsa Roxb.)Arka (St. Bk.) (Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br.)Asana (St. Bk.) (Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.)Asthisamhrta... |
P.V. Sharma |
Caraka Samhita (Text With English Translation) 4 Volume Set |
$175.49 $131.62 |
Volume 1: 544p. Volume 2: 879p.Volume 3: 414p. Volume 4: 102p. The Caraka Samhita stands at the top of the ancient texts representing the School of Medicine in Ayurveda founded by the great Scholar-Sage Punarvasu Atreya. Its value is further enhanced by the fact that it is the only text available in complete form where as other contemporary Samhitas such as of Jatukarna, parasara etc. perished, that of Bhela is incomplete and that of Harita is dragged into controversy. Thus any scholar desirous... |