In Ancient India education was religion and religion as education. However, we have very little idea till now about how our education system in Ancient India had emerged out of our religious scriptures, how it had changed in response to the changing conditions in our past society and how it had contributed to the development of a prosperous and glorious civilisation which has now become our proud heritage. Based on a critical study of our religious scriptures, Vedic, Buddhist and Jaina, as available in English, German and French translations, this book attempts to delineate these developments. Written largely for a non-specialist audience in India and abroad, this book will be useful not only for the students of history but also for those interested in our Ancient Indian history and culture. About the Author: DR. SURESH CHANDRA GHOSH was a Post-doctoral Fellow in History at Edinburgh University in 1968-70; Honorary Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Education, University of London in 1981; a Visiting Fellow at the Maison Des Science De L' Homme, Paris, in 1991-92; at the Institute of Advanced Study in Humanities in Edinburgh in 1992 and at the University of Western Ontario, London and the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education, Toronto, in 1993. He was Gast Professor at Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat, in Jena, Germany. He has already authored several research monographs and papers which are mostly published abroad.