In this volume an attempt is made to unravel the technique of the Tantraloka and bring it within the range of comprehensibility. Scattered but obvious information about its contents is ingeniously pieced together; their organic treatment and guiding norms characterizing intellectual approach of the two master minds--Abhinavagupta and Jayaratha--are skilfully brought to the surface; the environ and personal details of the author of Tantraloka and its commentator are described to deepen familiarity with them.It is an original contribution to the study of Kashmir Saivism. The specialized reader and the student of Tantricism will find it of immense value. It will be a useful tool for researchers ad scholars in the present as well as in the future. About the Author:
NAVJIVAN RASTOGI has been on the teaching staff of Abhinavagupta Institute of Aesthetics and Saiva Philosophy in the University of Lucknow. His specialized field of study is Kashmir Saivism. He is also a member of the editorial board SUNY (State University of New York)