Readers of Indian philosophy and logic are well acquainted with the fact that Jaina logicians have shown their dialectic skills in prolonged debates with Hindu and Buddhist logicians in early and medieval India. In this book Pandit Kailashchandra Shastri, a profound scholar of Jaina philosophy, religious doctrines and logic has painstakingly collected material regarding Jaina logic and presented an authentic study of many of its important aspects. It is obvious that whereas Jaina philosophy gives exposition to subjects related to metaphysical knowledge, pramanashastra or epistemology is the basic discipline that has predominance in Jaina logic. Examining an object through instruments of knowledge forms the basic sphere of logic.
In the present volume the author has discussed in detail the nature of Jaina epistemology, its different types, subjects, outcome and system of premise and conclusion. In his long introduction, the author has surveyed the views of great Jaina authors like Aklanka, Kundakunda, Umaswami, Samanatabhadra, Siddhasena, Patrakesari, Vidyananda, Hemachandra and Yashobhadra regarding logic. Here is a new edition of the book for the benefit of students and scholars alike.
This book is in Sanskrit with Hindi Translation.